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Show ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. BUY OUR G. E. MAZDA LAMPS THEY STAND THE JOLTS AND VOLTS 425 24th Phone 88 478 INS 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S INS INSURANCE COS—FIRE—Contd. Globe Underwriters Agency (of New York), J J Brummitt Agt, under Utah Nat Bank. Hanover Fire Ins Co (of New York), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 411 24th. Home Fire Ins Co (of Utah), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Home Ins Co (of New York), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Insurance Co of North America (of Phila), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Insurance Co of the State of Pa (of Phila), E F Bratz Agt, 410 25th. Liverpool & London & Globe Ins Co (of England), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. London Assurance Corporation (of London, Eng), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 411 24th. London & Lancashire Fire Ins Co (of Liverpool), J J Brummitt Agt, under Utah Nat Bank. Manchester Assurance Co (of Eng¬land), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Milwaukee Mechanics Ins Co (of Milwaukee), E F Bratz Agt, 410 25th. National Fire Ins Co (of Hartford), W N Peirce Agt, 413 24th. National Union Fire Ins Co (of Pitts¬burg), E F Bratz Agt, 410 25th. New York Underwriters Agency, J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. New Zealand Ins Co (of New Zea¬land), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Netherlands Fire Ins Co (of The Hague, Holland), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Newark Fire Ins Co (of Newark, N J), J M Forristall Agt), 2438 Wash av. Niagara Fire Tns Co (of New York), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. North British & Merc Ins Co (of London), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Northwestern Nat Ins Co (of Mil¬waukee), E F Bratz Agt, 410 25th. Norwich Union Fire Ins Society (of England), J M Forristall agt 2438 Wash av. Orient Ins Co (of Hartford), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Pennsylvania Fire Ins Co (of Phila) B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Philadelphia Underwriters (of Phil¬adelphia), Newton-Burnham Co Agts, 2325 Hudson av. Phoenix Ins Co (of Hartford), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Phoenix Ins Co (of Hartford, Conn), Newton-Burnham Co Agts, 2325 Hudson av. Queen Ins Co of America (of New York), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24 th. Reliance Ins Co (of Phila), J J Brummitt Agt, under Utah Nat Bank. Rochester German Fire Ins Co (of Rochester, N Y), 411 24th. Royal Exch Assurance Co (of Lon¬don) , Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. St Paul Fire & Marine Ins Co (of St Paul), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Scottish Union & Nat Fire Ins Co of Edinburgh), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Security Ins Co (of New Haven), E F Bratz Agt, 410 25th. Springfield F & M Ins Co (of Spring¬field, Mass), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Sun Ins Office (of London), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Svea Fire Ins Co (of Gothenburg, Sweden), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 411 24th. Union Assurance Society (of Lon¬don), W N Peirce Agt, 413 24th. United States Underwriters Fire Ins Co (of New York), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 411 24th. Westchester Fire Ins Co (of New York), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. TAKE THE SALT LAKE ROUTE FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA VOLKER LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 24th ST. PHONE 612 THREE GENERATIONS HAVE FURNISHED HOMES AT BOYLE’S The Good Home Furnishing Store Of Course We Will Charge It INS OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY—1914. INT 479 Williamsburgh City Fire Ins Co (of Brooklyn), E F Bratz Agt, 410 25th. Yorkshire Ins Co (of York, England), J J Brummitt Agt, under Utah Nat Bank. Guaranty. United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co (of Baltimore), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Health. Fidelity & Casualty Co (of New York), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Fidelity & Deposit Co (of Maryland), Preferred Ins Co Agts, 411 24th. Maryland Casualty Co (of Balti¬more), J M Forristall Agt, 1438 Wash av. Preferred Accident & Health Co (of New York), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 411 24th. Life. Beneficial Life Ins Co, 44 Lewis Blk. Columbian Nat Life Ins Co, 2562 Wash av. Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U S, B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U S, Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 401 First Nat Bank Bldg. Mutual Life Ins Co, under Utah Nat Bank. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co (of Milwaukee), Jas A Carlson Dist Mgr, 2232 Adams av. Prudential Ins Co, 5 Utah Nat Bank Bldg. nidgley Protective Assn (of Wor¬cester, N Y), J J Brummitt Agt, under Utah Nat Bank. Western States Life Ins Co, 317 Col Hudson Bldg. INT Plate Glass. Fidelity & Deposit Co (of Maryland), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 411 24th. Guardian Casualty & Guaranty Co (of Salt Lake City), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 411 24th. Lloyd's Plate Glass Ins Co (of New York), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. London & Lancashire Guaranty Co (of England), J J Brummitt Agt, under Utah Nat Bank. Maryland Casualty Co (of Balti¬more), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Metropolitan Casualty Ins Co (of New York), W N Peirce Agt, 413 24th. New York Plate Glass Ins Co (of New York), J J Brummitt Agt, under Utah Nat Bank. Steam Boiler. Hartford Steam Boiler Insp & Ins Co (of Hartford), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Surety. American Surety Co (of New York), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Guardian Casualty & Guaranty Co (of Salt Lake City), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 411 24th. United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co (of Baltimore), J M Forri¬stall Agt, 2438 Wash av. Underwriters. New York Underwriters Agency (of New York), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. INTELLIGENCE OFFICES. See Employment Agencies. Lambert Paper Co. THE PAPER HOUSE We carry the Largest Line of Stationary in the West Oldest and most reliable Paper House in the State Wall Avenue and 24th St. Phone 151 SANDBERG & SARGENT, PLUMBERS TEL. 968 MODERN PLUMBING, HEATING AND VENTILATING. 369 23RD ST. |