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Show PANTHER COAL SOLD BY ALL DEALERS It Always Satisfies Place Your Order Now Utah Coal Agency, Salt Lake City 474 ICE 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S iNS WE CAN FREEZE ANYTHING Brown's Ice Cream Co., Inc. The Only Exclusive Manufacturers of Pure Ice Cream "Not Just as Good But Better" Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Ice Cream, Sherbets and All Kinds of Frozen Dainties Factories at Ogden and Lagoon, Utah Office and Plant 2456 Lincoln Ave. Phones 315 and 316 ICE CREAM PARLORS. Orpheum Candy Co, 2522 Wash av. Wood A T, 2560 Wash av. Ziegenhirt Paul, 1874 Wash av. *ICE CREAM SUPPLIES. Brewer A L Dairy Supply Co, Brig-ham Hotel Bldg. ICE DEALERS. James Coal & Ice Co, 2230 Wall av. Jones M L Coal & Ice Co, 413 24th and 2270 Wall av. Ogden City Ice Co, 2379 Hudson av. ILLUMINATING OILS. Ogden Paint, Oil & Glass Co, 2440 Wash av. *INCURATORS. Royle Furn Co, 2333 Wash av. *INFORMATION RUREAUS. Mclntyre A R Drug Co, Wash av sw cor 24th. INSTALLMENT GOODS. Edwards John, 2831 Wash av. National Outfitting Co 2345 Wash av. Shaw Jas, 2831 Wash av. Wymer C E, 465 Rose ct. INSURANCE ADJUSTERS. Rocky Mtn Ins Agcy & Adj Co. 2370½ Wash av. INSURANCE AGENTS. Accident, Casualty and Liability. Rrummitt J J, under Utah Nat Rank. Forristall J M, 2438 Wash av. Goddard R H, 429 24th. Jamison-Madson Ins Agcy, 2-3 Peery-Hudson Bldg. Kelly & Herrick, 2500 Wash av. Newton-Rurnham Co, 2325 Hudson av. Peirce W N, 413 24th. Preferred Insurance Agency, 411 24th. Automobile. Rrummitt J J, under Utah Nat Rank. Forristall J M, 2438 Wash av. McGuire F A, 2434 Hudson av. Preferred Insurance Agency, 411 24th. Bonds. Rratz E F, 410 25th. Rrummitt J J, under Utah Nat Bank Forristall J M, 2438 Wash av. Jamison-Madson Ins Agcy, Peery-Hudson Bldg. Utah State Gazetteer-1914-15 Price $7. per Copy R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers Salt Lake City SUITS CLOTHING MENS FURNISHINGS OVERCOATS THE R. & O. Quality Shop 352 - 25TH PHONE 631 OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT FOR GOOD CONCRETE INS OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY—1914. INS 475 B. H. GODDARD GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT PEERY BUILDING, 429 24TH STREET None But First Class Companies Represented. Read Our List—It Speaks for Itself. Tel. 500-W. P. 0. Box No. 3. The Best is Always the Cheapest. Representing the Following Companies Assets Etna Insurance Co. (of Hartford) $ 22,481,250.34 Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States 525,345,619.00 Hartford Steam Boiler Insp. & Ins. Co. (of Hartford, Conn.) 5,412,495.55 Home Fire Insurance Co. (of Utah) 1,049,475.52 Home Insurance Co. (of N. Y.) 33,139,915.81 Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. (of England) 14,263,849.95 Niagara Fire Insurance Co. (of N. Y.) 6,916,921.81 North British & Mercantile Ins. Co. (of London, Eng.) 8,782,206.47 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co. (of Philadelphia, Pa.) 8,002,962.21 Queen Insurance Co. (of America) 9,980,013.15 Standard Accident Insurance Co. (of Detroit, Mich.) 4,457,338.01 Travelers' Insurance Co. (of Hartford, Conn.), (Acc. Dept.) 18,065,450.25 Kelly & Herrick, 2500 Wash av. Preferred Insurance Agency, 411 24th. Burglary. Brummitt J J, under Utah Nat Bank. Forristall J M, 2438 Wash av. Goddard B H, 429 24th. Kelly & Herrick, 2500 Wash av. Preferred Insurance Agency, 411 24th. Elevator. Brummitt J J, under Utah Nat Bank. Forristall J M, 2438 Wash av. Fire and Marine. Agee R G, 2438 Wash av. Auth Edwd, 2320 Wash av. Bratz E F, 410 25th. Brummitt J J, under Utah Nat Bank. Forristall J M, 2438 Wash av. Goddard B H, 429 24th. Goddard H H, 503 First Nat Bank Bldg. Hunter R P, 423 24th. Hussey-Woods Bealty Co, 2408 Wash av. Jamison-Madson Ins Agcy, 2-3 Peery-Hudson Bldg. Kelly & Herrick, 2500 Wash av. Knauss J H & Co, 201 Col Hudson Bldg. McGuire F A, 2434 Hudson av. Newton-Burnbam Co, 2325 Hudson av. Nye J C Agency Co, 516 First Nat Bank Bldg. Peirce W N, 413 24th. Preferred Insurance Agency, 411 24th. J. P. O’NEILL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTS, STREET PAVING, SEWERS AND WALKS 423 Twenty-Fifth Street Phone 621 32 OGDEN STOVE REPAIR & FEED HOUSE COAL, KINDLING, POULTRY SUPPLIES ETC., PROMPT DELIVERY TEL 1573 375 23rd ST. |