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Show PANTHER COAL Place Your Order Now SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. Utah Coal Agency, Salt Lake City 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S Branting Frank P, brkmn S P, r 2756 Adams av. Branting P P, firemn S P, rms Helena Hotel. Brashear Chas R, clk Wilson Bros Go, b 148 W Patterson av. Brashear Holton, emp Ogden Furn & G Go, r rear 748 24th. Brashear Jas H, canner, b 148 W Patterson av. Brashear Wm, r 148 W Patterson av. BRATZ EMIL F, Insurance, Real Estate, Loans and Notary etc, 410 25th, Tel 1960, r 2640 Jefferson av, Tel 1555. (See adv). E. F. BRATZ RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE In Strong and Safe Companies Real Estate and Loans T Phone 1960 Braun, see also Brown. Braun Gustav A, soda water mfr, 542 Canyon rd, r same. Braun Pauline (wid August), b 542 Canyon rd. Bray Eugene D, bartndr, r 3032 Adams av. Breech Mrs Ada M, r 2728 Lincoln av. Breech Mary E, tchr Lewis School, b 2728 Lincoln av. Breedlove J L, brkmn O S L, rms Helena Hotel. Breem Lillian, ironer Troy Ldry, b 2130 Wash av. Breem Max, brewer Becker B & M Co, r 1933 Wall av. Breen Patrick F, carp, r 2321 Lincoln av. Breen Royal W, mming, r 432 21st. Bremer Charlotte, ironer Ogden Steam Lndry, b rear 464.22d. Bremer Fred J, lab, r rear 464 22d. Bremer Fred W, eng, r 3285 Wall av. Bremer Margaret, laund O S L, b 464 Warren's la. Brennan Jas, lab, rms 2233 ½ Wash av. Brennan Russell F, linemn Utah Power & L Co, r 446 31st. Brett David R, opr J G Read & Bros Co, b 1051 Capitol av. Brett Jas H, clk C W & M Co, r 1051 Capitol av. Brett John A, opr J G Read & Bros Co, b 1051 Capitol av. Brett Kate R, student, b 1051 Capitol av. Breuerton Winifred, instr Industrial School, r same. Breustle Christian, mach, b 256 23d. Breustle Conrad, mach, r 256 23d. Breustle Fred, mach, b 256 23d. Breustle Robt, mach, r 256 23d. h BREWER ALEXANDER L, Pres and Mgr A L Rrewer Dairy SuppW Co, V-Pres Burton Imp Co, r 2131 Jefferson av, Tel 81. Utah State Gazetteer-1914-15 Price $7. per Copy R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers Salt Lake City SUITS CLOTHING MENS FURNISHINGS OVERCOATS THE R. & O. Quality Shop 352 – 25th PHONE 631 OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT FOR GOOD CONCRETE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 75 BREWER A L DAIRY SUPPLY Co, A L Brewer Pres and Mgr, W F Rudiger Sec, Treas and Asst Mgr, Dairy and Creamery Supplies, 24th and Wall av, Brigham Hotel Bldg, Tel 338. Brewer Beatrice, b 2131 Jefferson av. Brewer Edith L, clk Last & Thomas, b 2772 Park av. Brewer Frank W, student, b 2131 Jefferson av. Brewer Herbt W, student, b 2131 Jefferson av. Brewer Leland, student, b 2131 Jefferson av. Brewster Fred, blksmith, r 211 Tracy av. Brewster Margaret, emp Ogden Steam Lndry, r 211 Tracy av. Brezing Phil, emp Weber Club, 2436 Grant av. BRICK SAMUEL L, Oculist and Aurist, 32-33-34 Lewis BIk, Tel 985-W, Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 p m, r 460 24th, Tel 251-W. Brickley Wm, clk R M S, r 931 21st. Bridenbecker Geo B, firemn S P, r 748 25th. Bridwell Chas P, installer M S T & T Co, r 486 30th. Brien, see also Bryan and O'Brien. Brien Mamie, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 1933 Wall av. Brien Max, lab, r 1933 Wall av. Brien Max jr, clk W U Tel Co, r 1933 Wall av. Briggs Alex, carp, r 1214 24th. Briggs Frank S, cond O S L, rms Union Depot Hotel. Briggs Hannah, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs Hattie, clk, b 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs Jas, lab, r 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs John H, r 336 2d. Briggs Jos, tmstr Amal Sugar Co, r Farr West. Briggs Pear E, clk F W Woolworth & Co, b 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs Wm, tmstr Amal Sugar Co, r 435 18th. BRIGHAM THE, Theo Gorie Propr, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Baths, Hot and Cold Water in All Rooms, Reduced Rates by Week or Month, The Only Fireproof Hotel in the City, Wall av . and 24th, Tel 2430. Bright Herbt N, clk, rms Arlington Hotel. Brighton Edith E, died Jan 26, '13, aged 59. Brighton Harry (Brighton & Empey), rms 209 25th. Brighton & Empey (Harry Brighton, Elfred Empey), barbers, 209 25th. Brimhall Mrs L A, ironer Ogden Steam Lndry, r 619 Maryland av. Brinck Abraham C', lab, r 2 Wilson la. Brindisi Roco, foremn, rms 129 23d. Brine Sidney J, painter O S L, r 3162 Hudson av. Brinton Frank A, prin Plain City School, r 401 Wash av. Brisbee Harry, clk F W Woolworth & Co, r 2339 Adams av. Briscoe Geo, emp Ogden P & P Co. Briscoe Jos O, carp, r 111-2 22d. Bristol Lena, maid Dee Hosp. Bristol Lewis T, clk, r 723 Adams av. BRISTOL RALPH E. Sec, Treas and Sales Mgr Ogden Portland Cement Co, 6-7 Utah Nat Bank Bldg, r 2480 VanBuren av, Tel 904. BRITISH AMERICAN ASSURANCE CO, J M Forestall Agt, 2438 Washington Av. J. P. O'NEILL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTORS, STREET PAVING, SEWERS AND WALKS 423 Twenty-Fifth Street Phone 621 OGDEN STOVE REPAIR & FEED HOUSE TEL. 1573 COAL, KINDLING, POULTRY SUPPLIES ETC., PROMPT DELIVERY 375 23rd ST. |