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Show ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. BUY OUR G. E. MAZDA LAMPS THEY STAND THE JOLTS AND VOLTS 425 24th Phone 88 174 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S Greiner Mrs Ollie, maid Marion Hotel, r 191 W 20th. Gren John, cabtmkr Ogden Furn & G Co, r 246 26th. Grevos Nicholas, hlpr O S L. Grey, see also Gray. Grey R E, lawyer, rms 2429 Monroe av. Greyless John P, swchmn, r 2322 Lincoln av. Grider Ray, brklyr, r 368 24th. Grier, see also Greer. Grier Robt E, tmstr, r 968 Wash av. Gries Jos M, r 441 27th. Grieve Christina M, emp Woody Ptg Co, rms 446 30th. Grieve Margaret A, b Plain City. Grieve Peter, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Plain City. Grieve Wm, farmer, r Plain City. Griffin Alfred 0, plstr, r 2003 Madison av. Griffin Beatrice D, student, b 2003 Madison av. G BIFFIN BENJAMIN J, Mgr Griffin Paint Co, 2310 Washington av, Tel 530, r 2063 Monroe av, Tel 2083-M. Griffin Bert, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Griffin C H, rms European Hotel. Griffin Herbert L, pres H L Griffin Co, r 2661 Adams av. Griffin Herman, student, b 2829 Grant av. Griffin H L Co, H L Griffin pres, M H Griffin v-pres, R M Griffin sec and treas, produce, 2364 Wall av. Griffin John L, barber F L Burgess, r 359 Parry av. Griffin John W (Ogden Barber Supply Co), propr Lone Star Barber shop, r 2629 Monroe av. Griffin Jos, barber Myron Fuller, r 359 Parry av. Griffin Kenneth S, b 462 23d. Griffin Lester G, student, b 449 Harrop av. Griffin Louis J, mgr, r 235 23d. Griffin Loyal M, clk Blackman & Griffin Co, b 462 23d. Griffin Lucille, student, b 462 23d. Griffin Marietta (wid Loyal), b 330 28th. Griffin Mary M (wid Alfred), r rear 2003 Madison av. Griffin Matilda H, v-pres H L Griffin Co, r 2661 Adams av. GRIFFIN PAINT CO, B J Griffin Mgr, Full Line of Paints, Oils, Glass. Wall Paper, etc, Painters' and Paperhangers' Supplies. 23th Washington av, Tel 530. Griffin Parley N, instr Industrial School, r 449 Harrop. Griffin Ralph, brkmn U P, r 2759 Wall av. Griffin Rolla M, sec and treas H L Griffin Co, r 2829 Grant av. Griffin Roy, live stock, 1426 25th, r same. Griffin Ruth D, emp Ward Co, b 2003 Madison av. Griffin Saml, clnr O S L. Griffin Seth J, sec Blackman & Griffin Co, r 462 23d. Griffin Susan (wid Henry), b 2629 Monroe av. Griffin Walter, glazier Griffin Paint Co, r W Weber. Griffith Arthur, eng S P, r 215 27th. Griffith Geo G, ice cream and tamale mfr, 1210 21st, r same. Griffith Ilga E, mlnr, b 1210 21st. Griffith Mildred M (wid Andrew), b Riverdale. Griffith Orla E, emp Geo A Lowe Co, r 1939 Wash av. TAKE THE SALT LAKE ROUTE FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA VOLKER LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 24th ST. PHONE 612 THREE GENERATIONS HAVE FURNISHED HOMES AT BOYLE’S The Good Home Furnishing Store Of Course We Will Charge It. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 175 Griffith Walter, trav agt, b Riverdale. Griggs Chas R, washer Troy Lndry, rms 2515 Lincoln av. Griggs Felix D, brkmn S P, r 2201 Lincoln av. Grill Bar (J E Davenport), 264 25th. Grill Cafe, C A Cooley mgr, 264 25th. Grill Geo F (Grill & Son), b 2970 Lincoln av. Grill Margaret, tchr Pingree School, b 2970 Lincoln av. Grill Phil (Grill & Son), r 2970 Lincoln av. Grill & Son (Phil and Geo F), meats, 2321 Wash av. Griswold Clayton B, teller Pingree Nat Bank, r 2616 Barlow av. Grix Arthur W, student, b 2549 Gramercy av. Grix Florence R, tchr, b 2549 Gramercy av. Grix Lamoni, r 2549 Gramercy av. Grix Mary B, tchr Quincy School, b 2549 Gramercy av. Grix Saml J, clk P O, r 2337 Jackson a v. Groberg Chas A, farmer, r Farr West. Groberg John, farmer, r Farr West. Groesbeck Hyrum jr, supt Utah L & Ry Co, r 956 23d. Grogan Wm, boilermkr O S L, b 238 23d. Grondsma Sybrand, mach O S L, r 207 33d. Groot, see also DeGroot. Groot Aaltje (wid Andrus), r 1910 Odell av. Groot Dirk, messr, b 1970 Odell av. Groot John, clk Kohn Liquor Co, r 1970 Odell av. Grose Emily, stenog, b 566 21st. Grose Jas A, student, b 566 21st. Grose Thos H, lab, r 303 31st. Grose Wm J, r 566 21st. Grossman Bros (Frank and Saml), clothing, 178 25th. Grossman Frank (Grossman Bros), r rear 2612 Lincoln av. Grossman Saml (Grossman Bros), rms Marion Hotel. Grote Edwd, emp Ind Meat Co, rms Creston Hotel. Grout Chas F, feed, 332 24th, r 2526 Monroe av. Grover Thos, student, b 2636 Grant av. Grover Neta, ironer Troy Lndry, b 359 30th. Grow Cecilia (wicl Cyrus L), clk W H Wright & Sons Co, r 2011 Wash av. Grow Chas I, prin Wilson School, r Wilson la. Grow Chas W, lab, b 657 22d. Grow Claude S, lab, b 657 22d. Grow Harold E, candy mkr, b 657 22d. Grow Isabelle, student, b rear 2138 Jefferson av. Grow John S, lab, v 657 22d. r .n T,n W> farmer, r rear 2138 Jefferson av. Grow J W, constable Huntsville. Grow Saml, tmstr Asael Farr C Co, r 657 22d. Gown Wm M, b 619 21st. Grown Geo W, washer People's Rest, rms Denver Ring House. Grub H W, auditor D & R G, rms Brigham Hotel. Grubbs Thos J, millwright, r rear 238 23d. Grue Mrs Eliz, r Plain City. Gruman C H, boilermkr, rms 2303 Lincoln av. Grundel Hendrick, jan Boyle Furn Co, r 3219 Pingree av. Grundel Peter, driver Hess Bkv, r 2881 Wash av. Lambert Paper Co. THE PAPER HOUSE Don’t Buy Your Wrapping Paper East when you can do better at home Wall Avenue and 24th St. Phone 151 SANGBERG & SARGENT, PLUMBERS TEL. 968 MODERN PLUMBING, HEATING AND VENTILATING. 369 23RD ST. |