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Show Corey Livery Co. L. NOBLE, Proprietor TELEPHONE 29 225 24TH STREET 114 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S Coy Chas, r Burch Creek. Coy Clarence, b Plain City. Coy Mrs Eliza, grocer Plain City, r same. Coy Francis, farmer, b Plain City. Coy Sarah, grocer Plain City, r same. Coy Walter J, farmer, r Plain City. Crab tree Harvey, repr O S L, r Plain City. Craft Georgia, tchr Mound Fort School, rms 464 24th. Craft Helen M, tchr Mound Fort School, rms 464 24th. Craft Quincy R, emp U S Forest Service, r 2555 Fowler av. Cragun Alvin, farmer, b View. Cragun Bessie, b View. CRAGUN BROS (Wiley G and Wilson E), Fruit Growers and Ship¬pers, Importers of Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates, elc, Car Loads a Specialty, 2244 Washington av, Tels 49 and 50.' Cragun Eva, student, b 2635 Madison av. Cragun Mrs Hilda L, r 255 33d. Cragun Lee, farmer, r View. Cragun Lee E, emp Cragun Bros, b 526 22d. Cragun Mary A (wid Wilford E), r 2635 Madison av. Cragun Mormon, farmer, r View. Cragun Pearl, tchr Weber Academy, b 2635 Madison av. Cragun Simeon S, slsmn Cragun Bros, r 263 28th. Cragun Violet G, tchr Marriott School, b 2635 Madison av. Cragun Wilbert S, farmer, r View. Cragun Wiley G (Cragun Bros), r 733 26th. Cragun Wilford, lab, r 2148 Lincoln av. Cragun Willard, died Jan 25, '14, aged 59. Cragun Wm, farmer, r View. Cragun Wilson E (Cragun Bros), r View. Craig Belle E, b 483 17th. Craig Chas M, clnr O S L. Craig Geo A, canner, r 539 23d. Craig John M, formn O S L, r 2443 Lincoln av. Craig Nellie C, sec S L V C Co, r 483 17th. Craig Ray, b 539 23d. Craig Wm jr, b 483 17th. Craig Wm W, pres and mgr S L V C Co, r 483 17th. Cramer, see also Creamer and Kramer. Cramer Bertha, died Sept 20, '13, aged 55. Cramer Carl, emp Blackman & Griffin Co, b 2138 Jefferson av. Cramer E J, swchmn O S L, rms Creston Hotel. Cramer Frank J, eng, r 2352 Jackson av. Cramer Margaret A, student, b 2352 Jackson av. Crandall A Beulah, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 336 18th. Crandall Chester, clk, rms 2639 Jefferson av. Crandall Harold L, appr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 3112 Euclid av. Crandall Jay G, painter, r 1446 Wash av. Crandall Lawrence, pkr Geo A Lowe Co, b 3112 Euclid av. Crandall Leo H, b 3112 Euclid av. Crandall Rose E (wid Wm H), r 3112 Euclid av. Crandall W Ray, emp Seibold & Burgi, r 336 18th. Utah State Gazetteer-1914-15 Price $7. per Copy R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers Salt Lake City SUITS CLOTHING MENS FURNISHINGS OVERCOATS THE R. & O. Quality Shop 352 – 25th PHONE 631 BUCHMILLER & FLOWERS MILLER AND STETSON HATS CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 2461 WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 115 Crane Arthur E, farmer, b Farr West. Crane Arthur J, farmer, r Farr West. Crane Frank E, mach, r 2156 Reeve av. Crane Ida E, b Farr West. Crane John, waiter Kennedy C H Co, rms 449 26th. Crane Walter W, r 115 W 2d. Craner Nellie M, nurse 569 22d, r same. Crangle D C, bgemn Union Depot, r 2639 Jefferson av. Crase Alfred J, cond S P, r 604 W 24th. Crase Clarence E, brkmn S P, r 3222 Grant av. Crase Frank A, lab, r 684 22d. Crase Mabel I, stenog Halverson & Pratt, b 604 W 24th. Crase Walter J, student, b 604 W 24th. Craven Herman J, civ eng, r 2530 Jefferson av. Craven Ina E, prin Pingree School, rms 473 25th. Craven Walter S, civ eng, r 1544 Robinson av. Crawford Ghas G, swehmn, r rear 715 7th. Crawford Clyde H, collr W H Wright & Sons Co, b 2676 Lafayette av. Crawford Jos L, tmstr Harris Gro Co, r 2017 Wash av. Crawford Wm L, buyer W H Wright & Sons Co, r 2676 Lafayette av. Crawford's Orchestra, W L Crawford mgr, 2676 Lafayette av. Crawshaw Ellon (wid Ephraim), b 864 24th. Crawshaw Ephraim, buyer W H Wright & Sons Co, r 846 24th. Crawshaw Isabella (wid Henry), r 2325 Quincy av. CIUWSHAW LUKE, Photographer, "A Picture That Looks Like You," 219 25th, Upstairs, r 2349 Quincy av, Tel 1460-W. CRAWSHAW LUKE H, Physician and Surgeon, 2301 Washington av, Tel 929-W, Hours 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, r 2349 Quincy av, Tel 1460-W. Craynor Wm E, moved to Morgan, U. Creahan Patrick C, tinr O S L, r 143 W 27th. Creamer, see also Cramer and Kramer. Creamer Danl A, cond S P, r 453 13th. Creamer Floyd, student, b 453 13th. Creamer Gladys C, student, b 453 13th. Creeman Walter, moved to Salt Lake City. Creighton John E jr, bartndr, r 1246 Oak. Crematory The, 29th nr Park av. Crescent Real Estate Co, A E Preston mgr, L W Preston sec and treas, 411 24th. CRESTON HOTEL, Carl E Peterson Propr, Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water in Every Room, Sample Rooms in Connection, Rates 50c, 75c, $1.00, With Bath $1.50, 286 25th, Tel Exch 1176. Crezee Benj Painter, r rear 2254 Madison av. Crezee Therry, painter, r 2263 Quincy av. Criddle Viola A, student, b 1282 25th. Criddle Vivian V, student, b 2775 Grant av. Crim Emma L, b 2779 Wash av. Crim Wm, mining, r 2779 Wash av. Crippen T L, insp, rms Brigham Hotel, Crismon see Chrisman. Crispi Clogero, lab O S L. Cristorl Peter, lab, b 2346 Lincoln av. Closely connected with Tanners and pullers both East and West Telephone 781-W O. M. RUNYAN Dealer in HIDES, PELTS, TAL-LOW, BEESWAX and FURS Always in the market at top market prices. Reference: Com’l National Bank, Ogden, Utah 2263-69 Wall Avenue Pierce’s Pork and Beans – “YOU DON”T KNOW BEANS” TILL YOU’VE TASTED PIERCE’S Office and Factory, 29th Street and Pacific Ave. Tel. 995 Day or Night, Always Right |