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Show See OGDEN TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. About Packing and Shipping of Goods Cut Rate 244 1914—R, L. POLK & CO'S Long Chas H, eng SP,r 259 30th. Long Edwd, cement wkr, r 3655 Ogden av. Long Elijah H, mach, b 2177 Lincoln av. Long Jacob, r 2758 Lincoln av. Long John, insp O S L, r 142 W Patterson av. Long John A, foremn O S L, r 427 28th. Long John V, waiter, rms 2758 Lincoln av. Long Levi, eng S P, r 3158 Grant av. Long Marguerite, b 2336 Madison av. Long Robt W, stoker Utah L & Ry Co, r 2713 Pacific av. Long Susie, maid Dee Hosp. Long Wm B, carp, 354 23d, r same. Long Wm G, student, b 2336 Madison av. Long Wm P, formn, r 2336 Madison av. Longmire Edwd H, mach O S L, r 3473 Colorado av. Loomis Gardner 0, sign writer, r 542 29th. Loomis Louis, painter, rms 2925 Adams av. Loos Wm H, clk Utah Constn Co, rms Arlington Hotel. Loper Mary (wid John F), r 526 2d. Loper Robt F, firemn O S L, r 2837 Childs av. Lorance, see also Lawrence and Lowrance. Lorance Harry, driver J S Carver & Sons, b 541 22d. Lorance Lloyd E, moved to Salt Lake City. Lorin Farr School, 22d s w cor Harrison av. Lortz Wm C, foremn B P Newman, r 456 22d. Losch Mrs Margaret, laund, r Quincy av nr 29th. Losee Ludlow H, driver Wilcox Grocery Co, b 201 33d. Lothrop Mrs Nina, b 22d and Taylor av. Lotz Henry, formn Becker B & M Co, r 1960 Lincoln av. Loughlin, see also McLaughlin. Loughlin Jas W, asst eng Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson. Loughlin Verna 0, student, b J W Loughlin. Loughran Daniel E, brkmn, r 2719 Lincoln av. Loughran John C, insp O S L. Loughran Jos, r 2758 Lincoln av. Loughran Jos, student, b 2758 Lincoln av. Loughton Alfred H, hlpr O S L, r 2779 Grant av. Loustan Peter, farmer, r 856 12th. Louther, see Lowther. Love Wm J, r 2516 Van Buren av. Lovin Scott, pipeftr O S L, r 328 33d. Low Addie M, stenog, b 2648 Wall av. Low Elmer W, student, b 2652 Wash av. Low Mrs Marie, drsmkr, 566 22d, r same. Low Scott T, student, b 2652 Wash av. Low Wm J, mgr Nat Coffee House, r rear 2839 Lincoln av. LOWE MRS ANNA M, Pres Geo A Lowe Co, r Salt Lake City. Lowe Frank, news dealer, 114 25th, r 2641 Wall av. LOWE GEO A CO, Mrs Anna M Lowe Pres, J W Abbott V-Pres, George Gray Sec. J R Cooper Treas, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Wholesale and Retail, 2326-2328 Washington av, Tel Exch 7. (See front cover). JOGALONG TRANSFER COMPANY Express and Baggage Moving Vans 238 ½ Twenty-Fifth Street Telephone 283 NEWTON-BURNHAM CO. GEN’L CONTRACTORS REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, LOANS, INSURANCE 2325 HUDSON AVE. TEL. 139 Thos. S. Feeney DINING ROOM FOR LADIES Geo. C. Foley FALSTAFF CAFE 2415 Washington Ave. "A Little Better than Good Enough" Ogden, Utah OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 245 Lowe Jos D, mtrmn O R T Go, r 1795 Center av. Lowe Larna, emp Troy Lndry, r rear 2766 Jefferson ay. Lowe Mrs Lillie E, r rear 2766 Jefferson av. Lowe Marion G, tmstr Jogalong T Co, b rear 2766 Jefferson av. Lowe Nannie M (wid Wm), r 884 23d. Lowe Raymond G, clk, b rear 2766 Jefferson av. Lowe Zadok A, r W Weber. Lowenstein, see Loewenstein. Lowery Mrs Ella, maid Oxford Hotel, r 147 Shorten's av. Lowery Isaac, waiter, r 147 Shorten's av. Lowrance, see also Lawrence and Lorance. LOWRANCE SAMUEL F, Mgr D D Drake, Salary Loans, 2469 Wash¬ington av, Tel 2263-W, r 2263 Van Buren av. Lowther Geo H, groundmn Utah L & Ry Go, r 1965 Grant av. Lowther Jane (wid Geo), b 1965 Grant av. Lowther Jas S, iron wkr, r 1743 Riverside av. Lowther Robt, lab, r 2745 Lincoln av. Lozo Isabel, r 134 W 28th. Lubeck Mrs Annie, r 433 12th. Lubeck Ernest A, emp U S Forest Service, b 433 12th. Lubeck Harold L, student, b 433 12th. Lubfin Harry S, clk RMS, rms 2526 Adams av. Lucas Edgar, with Lucas Livery Co, r 3609 Utah av. Lucas Edwin, slsmn, r 2133 Grant av. Lucas Evan J, hlpr O S L, rms 2525 Lincoln av. Lucas Florence I, tchr Lewis School, b 1144 24th. LUCAS GEORGE, Propr Superior Horseradish & Pickle Co, r 351 Franklin av, Tel 427-J. Lucas Geo, eng U P, r 2526 Lincoln av. Lucas Geo, with Lucas Livery Co, b 3519 Ogden av. LUCAS LIVERY CO, Wm Lucas Mgr, 239 25th, Tel 2252-AV, and 2565 Ogden av. (See adv.) LUCAS LIVERY COMPANY WM. LUCAS, Manager Livery, Feed and Sales Stable BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS 239 25th St. Ogden, Utah Lucas Matilda (wid John G), r 1144 24th. Lucas Paul, boilermkr O S L. LUCAS WM, Mgr Lucas Livery Co, r 3519 Ogden av, Tel 1439-W. Luce Jos D, eng, r 549 22d. Luckey Webster W, tel opr, r 2353 Monroe av. CIRCULARS ADDRESSED WRITE R. L. Polk & CO. SALT LAKE CITY MAILING LISTS OF ALL KINDS DR. V. S. RAYMOND, NATUROPATHY Turkish Baths, Massage, Electric Light, Steam and Sweat Baths. Scientific Breathing and Fasting Cure given at my NATURE CURE SANITARIUM 366 32ND ST., TEL. 2345 |