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Show Corey Livery Co L. NOBLE, Proprietor 225 24TH STREET TELEPHONE 29 130 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S Doran Thos C, phys, 410 25th, r 3279 Ogden av. Dorland Robt, asst supt, r 429 Herrick av. Dorrington Wm, emp O P B & T Co, r Harrisville. Doss Saml, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 2460 C av. Doty Chas B, cond S P, r rear 2347 Madison av. Doty Mildred, b rear 2347 Madison av. Douglas Antone F, farmer, r W Weber. Douglas Clara M, b W Weber. Douglas Clarence, student, b 538 25th. Douglas David G, clk Boyle Furn Co, rms Orpheum Blk. Douglas Essie, b 1136 22d. Douglas Geo, died Dec 20, '13, aged 37. DOUGLAS JAMES H, Treas and Mgr Boyle Furn Co, r 2632 Madison av, Tel 877. Douglas Jane (wid Wm), r W Weber. Douglas John, trav agt Boyle Furn Co, r 2640 Barlow av. Douglas J Orson, clk Boyle Furn Co, r 2632 Madison av. Douglas Lester K, opr J G Read & Bros Co, rms 230 23d. Douglas Myrtle, clk Last & Thomas, b 2640 Barlow av DOUGLAS RALPH H, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Bakery Pro¬ducts, Cured Meats and Notions, 1136 22d, r same, Tel 747-W. Douglas Richard, r 301 W 28th. Douglas Royal J, clk, b 1755 Wash av. Douglas Ruth, student, b 2632 Madison av. Douglas Vera, clk Last & Thomas, b 2640 Barlow av. Douglas Walter J, r rear 438 Wash av. Douglas Wealthy S, died Jan 24th, '13, aged 37. Douglas Wm, buyer John Scowcroft & Sons Co, r 538 25th. Douglas Grenna (wid Richd), r 301 W 28th. Douglas Richd, died Feb 16, '14, aged 87. Dout Leonard B, eng, r 177 27th. Dover Geo, brtndr L W Fair, r 2937 Pingree av. Dowaliby Jennie, r 249 26th. Dowell Pierce, in chge Salvation Army, r 257 25th. Dowley Morris W, formn O S L, r 3270 Ogden av. Dowling Ernest L, butcher, r rear 423 23d. Dowling Mary, died Jan 13. 14, aged 56. Downs Alfred, eng, r 3118 Grant av. Downs Aquilla H (Downs1 Coffee House), r 2747 Wash av. DOWNS' COFFEE HOUSE, A H Downs Propr, Leads Them AH, 310 25th, Tel 1800. Downs Jas B, clk S P, r 129 27th. Downs John J, mach O S L, r 2103 Lincoln av. Downs Mattie (wid Wm T), b 129 27th. Downs Rena C, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, b 2747 Wash av. Downs Saml E, repr L H Becraft, r 322 Dan. Downs Wm V, farmer, r 322 Dsn. Doxey Albert, messr O S L, r 2826 Pingree av. Doxey emp Troy Lndry, r 136 Doxey av. Doxey Clara, emp Utah Knit Co, b 2778 Wash av. Doxey David H, clk, r 3085 Pacific av. Doxey Ethel, tchr Pingree School, b 367 27th. Doxey Florence, student, b 3085 Pacific av. Utah State Gazetteer-1914-15 Price $7. per Copy R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers Salt Lake City SUITS CLOTHING MENS FURNISHINGS OVERCOATS THE R. & O. Quality Shop 352 – 25th PHONE 631 BUCHMILLER & FLOWERS NETTLETON SHOES CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 2461 WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 131 Doxey Irma H, b 367 27th. {Sxev John (Inter-Mtn Prod Co), r 2024 Farr's av. Kxey Leo, lab, b 239 27th. Doxey Mrs Luella, r 239 27th. Doxey Lawrence W, student, b 152 Doxey av. Doxey Mamie E, b 3085 Pacific av. Doxey Mary R (wid Thos), r 2778 Wash av. Doxey Moroni H, clk, r 367 27th. Doxey Nora, stenog, b 239 27th. Doxey Olive E, tchr Wash School, b 367 27th. Doxey Susie B, opr, b 2778 Wash av. Doxey T Earl, b 152 Doxey av. Doxey Thos, formn, r 152 Doxey av. Doxey Vera, student, b 152 Doxey av. Doxey Yerna A, student, b 3085 Pacific av. Doxey Willard R, student, b 367 27th. Doyle Mary (wid Danl J), r 2938 Wash av. Doyle Michl J, ctr Wash Mkt, r 454 34th. Doyle Wm, contr 3229 Ogden av, r same. Draayer John, farmer, r 3293 Stephens av. Draayer Jennie, drsmkr, b 3293 Stephens av. Drabble Mary E, mlnr, b 725 24th. Drabble Norman V, clk, r 237 20th. Drabble Virgie, student, b 664 30th. Drabble Wm H, carp, r 664 30th. Drake Dan N, farmer, r Wilson Wd. DRAKE D D, Saml F Lowrance Mgr, Salary and Chattel Loans, 2469 Washington av, Tel 2263-W. Drake Emery E, farmer, b D N Drake. Drake Francis J, vet surg 324 24th, rms same. Drake Geo, died Feb 5, '13, aged 86. Drake Ira M, farmer, b D N Drake. Drake Pearl, b D N Drake. Drake Rose L, b 1020 Farr's av. Drake Saml R, farmer, r 1020 Farr's av. Draney Aaron W, farmer, r Plain City. Draney Asa W, emp Utah L & Ry Co, r 128 Tracy av. Draney Edith M, student, b 2345 Grant av. Draney Geo W, farmer, r Plain City, uraney Levi H, farmer, r Plain City. Draney Ray, cook, r 2311 Lincoln av. Draney Parley P, clk Marion Hotel, r 506 13th. DRANEY WM H, Sec, Treas and Mgr Badger Coal & Lbr Co, r 582 21st. Draney Willard E, farmer, r Plain City. Dransfield Albert, lab O S L, b 2680 Jackson av. Draper Frank, lab, rms 431 25th. Draper Jesse H, weigher O S L, rms 337 22d. Drew Henry, pipeman Utah L & Ry Co, r 629 Canyon rd. Drew John, tmstr J G Slade, r 3d cor Monroe av. Driggs Benj W, died 0ct 1. '13> aged 76. DRIGGS FRANK M, Supt Utah School for the Deaf and Blind, r 20th ne cor Monroe av, Tel 108. Closely connected with Tanners and pullers both East and West Telephone 781-W O. M. RUNYAN Dealer in HIDES, PELTS, TAL-LOW, BEESWAX and FURS Always in the market at top market prices. Reference: Com’l National Bank, Ogden, Utah 2263-69 Wall Avenue Pierce’s Pork and Beans – “YOU DON’T KNOW BEANS” Telephone 995 Office and Factory, 29th Street and Pacific Ave. Till You’ve Tasted Pierce’s |