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Show THE WESTERN FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Everything in Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Structural Steel Work TELEPHONE 647 2257 LINCOLN AVE. OGDEN, UTAH 328 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S Rennea Henry, lab, r 980 23d. Renneberg Ghas G, rest, r 2744 Wash av. Ronnie Henry, lab, r 980 23d. Rennie Jas, r 2974 Wash av. Reno Ambrose, steward, r 2547 Orchard av. Reno Josie L, bkpr W H Wright & Sons Co, b 198 W 2d. Reno Leon R, clk Five Points Drug Go, r 198 W 2d. Reno Victor, fruit grower 198 W 2d, r same. Reno Victor G, farmer, r 152 W 2d. Renstrom Carl J, tailor Metropolitan Tailoring Go, r 570 7th. Renstrom Carol, stenog J S Campbell Co, b 835 26th. . Renstrom Mariam, student, b 2348 Jackson av. Renstrom Rudolph F, cement wkr, r 570 7th. Renstrom Ruth M, student, b 2348 Jackson av. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of L D S, 1501 Wash av. Resner Wm, baker Hess Bky, r 485 28th. RETAIL MERCHANTS ASSN, J S Daniels Ree Sec, 411 First Nat Bank Bldg. Revell Chas, bartndr Buffet Bar, r 976 22d. Revenberg Albert, farmer, r Wilson Wd. Revor, see also Reever. Revor Athleen, student, b 257 28th. Revor David G, cond, r 257 28th. Revor Howard E, slsmn Lyman Bros Go, b 257 28th. Rex Eva, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 749 28th. Rex Floyd, student, b 698 7th. REX HOTEL, Mrs Mary Linn Propr, Nicely Furnished Rooms by Day, Week or Month, Centrally Located, Prices Reasonable, 225 25th, Tel 1569. Rex John W, slsmn, r 698 7th. Rex Lottie B, student, b 698 7th. Rex Theatre, Geo Ah If mgr, 225 25th. REXALL REMEDIES, T H Carr Agt, 300 25th, Tels 238 and 239. Reynolds Dwight V, brkmn, r 134 28th. Reynolds Hyrum, b N Ogden. REYNOLDS IRA L, Sec and Mgr Weber Club. Col Hudson Rldg, Tel Exch 11, r 2533 Adams av, Tel 352-W. Reynolds John B, plmbr, rms 540 28th. Reynolds Jos W, farmer, b N Ogden. Reynolds Mormon M, jan North Ogden School, r N Ogden. Reynolds Nephi, lab, r 1745 Riverside av. Reynolds Orson, b N Ogden. Reynolds Robt, chf clk S P, r 1134 Capitol av. Reynolds Robt V R, moved to Washington, D C. Rhead, see also Read, Reed and Reid. Rhead Elmo, tmstr Amal Sugar Co, r Plain City. Rhead Guy L, tmstr Amal Sugar Co, r Plain City. Rhead Wm E, blksmith, r Plain City. Rhead Wm G, farmer, r Plain City. Rhees, see also Rees. Rhees Alice, student, b 2932 Childs av. Rhees Blanche, student, b View. KELLY & HERRICK Fire and Accident Insurance Real Estate and Loans 2500 WASHINGTON AVENUE TELEPHONE 76 P. A. ISAKSON GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mill Work, Store and Office Fixtures. Estimates Furnished Rear 247-251 22nd St. Tel. 1808-J WESTERN GRAIN & FEED CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN, SALT AND POULTRY SUPPLIES 120 20TH STREET TEL. 2259-W OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 329 Rhees Chauncey W, farmer, r View. Rhees C Herbt, farmer, r View. Rhees Eliza P (wid Chas H), r View. Rhees Elva, clk, b 2932 Childs av. Rhees Geo H, farmer, b View. Rhees Gilbert L, driver Continental Oil Co, r 2932 Childs av. Rhees Horace t, student, b View. Rhees Leland W, student, b View. Rhees Lorenzo, lab O S L, r 2932 Childs av. Rhees Lucille E, student, b View. Rhees Myrtle E, b View. Rhees Reuben T, farmer and justice, r View. Rhees Rufus, farmer, r View. Rhees Verna M, student, b View. Rheinbold Mrs Maggie, b 369 22d. Rheinbold Edw F, lab, b 822 26th. Rheinbold John, carp, r 822 26th. Rhine, see also Ryan. Rhine Jacob H, cond U P, r 2532 Fowler av. Rhinehart V L, brkmn S P, r 2627 Wash av. Rhivers, see also Rivers. Rhivers Mary E (wid Ellis W), r 2824 Wash av. Rhodes, see also Rohde. Rhodes Araminta L, laund, b 2923 Wash av. Rhodes Benj F, lab, r 2923 Wash av. Rhodes Chas E, lab, b 2923 Wash av. Rhodes Florence M, folder O S L, b 2923 Wash av. Rhodes John, rms 134 W 27th. Rhodes Mintie, folder O S L, b 2923 Wash av. Rhodes M Ellen, emp Goddard P & P Co, b 2232 Moffit av. Rhodes Verna A, folder O S L, b 2923 Wash av. Rhodes Wm L, plmbr, b 2923 Wash av. Riccio Michl, lab, r Warren. RICE ARTHUR M, Pres and Mgr MaRelle Cleaning & Dye Wks,Tailor, Suits Made to Order, Pressing, Cleaning and Repairing, Clothes Reflect Your Character and Clothes of Character are the Kind We Make, 426 25th, Tel 257. Rice Edwd J, clk, b 2775 Grant av. Rice Geo, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Rice Gus, lab, rms 186 W 28th. Rice Mabel, clk A T Wood, b 339 Patterson av. Rice Wm B, emp U S Forest Service, r 2583 Fowler av. Rice Alex, bell boy European Hotel, rms same. Rich Cleone, student, b 2475 Jefferson av. RICH EDWARD I, Physician and Surgeon, 203-204 First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 609, r 2475 Jefferson av, Tel 214. RICH EZRA C, Physician and Surgeon, 2650 Washington av, Tel 1-J, r 2652 same, Tel 1-W. Rich Frank, lab, r rear 2245 Wash av. Rich Gladys, b 2652 Wash av. Rich Henry, tmstr Amal Sugar Co, r Slaterville. Rich Junior, student, b 2475 Jefferson av. Rich Leila, student, b 2652 Wash av. Travel via OREGON SHORT LINE FOR ALL POINTS NORTHWEST ROY SHEEDY, CONTRACTOR STEEL CONSTRUCTION 3277 Lincoln Ave. Phone 939 Steel Bridges, Viaducts, Gas Holders, Pen Stocks, Steel Tanks, Boiler and Smoke Stack Builder |