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Show 28 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. Ogden Chamber of Commerce—Under Utah Nat Bank. W J Critchlow, Pres; F J Hendershot Jr, Sec. Ogden Fruit Growers' Association—Wall av nw cor 21st. C F Thinnes, Sec. Ogden Gun Club—2500 Washington av. Shooting grounds at Madison av cor 35th. . Target practice every Wednesday. G L Becker, Pres; G E Browning, V-Pres; A P Bigelow, Sec and Treas. Ogden Mfrs and Jobbers Assn—First Nat Bank Bldg. J S Daniels, Sec. Ogden Publicity Bureau (auxiliary of Weber Club)—5th floor Col Hudson Bldg. J David Larson Sec and Mgr. Owls' Club—2416 Washington av. Jos Oliver, Sec. Retail Merchants' Assn—First Nat Bank Bldg, J S Daniels, Sec. Sons of Herman—Meets in Union Labor Hall 2d and -5th Mon¬days. G A Muller, Pres; Wm Wagner, Sec. Union Cemetery Association—North Ogden. James Storey, Sec. United Spanish War Veterans, Dept of Utah—Headquarters Salt Lake. Annual Encampment in June. H C Granger, Dept Command¬er; J H Meyer, Dept Adjutant. United Spanish War Veterans, Harry A Young Camp No 2— Meets at Union Labor Hall, 2d Thursday. J B Downs Commander; E W Batchelor, J V Commander; L C Meek, Adjutant. United Spanish War Veterans, Ladies' Auxiliary—Meets at 129 27th 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Mrs J B Downs, Pres; Mrs Durika Shupe, S V; Mrs Jane Walters, J V; Mrs Janie Drew, Sec. Utah Assn of Credit Men—2040 Douglas av. Ethelbert Bingham, Agt. Utah Fruit Exchange—Under Utah Nat Bank. J M White, Mgr. Veteran Firemen's Assn—Meets first Tuesday at City Hall. Hy- rum Goodale, Pres; J W Browning, Sec. Weber Club—5th floor Col Hudson Bldg. Jos Scowcroft, Pres; C H Barton, V-Pres; I L Reynolds, Sec and Mgr; A V Mcintosh, Treas. Western Railway Weighing & Inspection Bureau—U P O S L and S P Freight Depots. T F Collins, Chief Inspector. Women's Christian Temperance Union—Meets alternate Wed¬nesdays at homes of members. Mrs W S Flewelling, Pres. Women's Missionary Society (in connection with First M E Church)—Meets 2d Wednesdays. Mrs Agnes Clancy, Pres; Mrs C E Johnson, Sec CLUBS AND SOCIETIES—COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. 29 Women's Missionary Society (in connection with First Presby¬terian Church)—Meets last Tuesdays at homes of members. Mrs J E Carver, Pres; Mrs Edith Gibson, Sec. P S C E (in connection with First Congregational Church) — Meets in church parlors Sundays at 6:30 p m. Blanche Williams, Pres. P S C E (in connection with First Presbyterian Church) — Senior Department, Sunday evenings, 6:30. Letha Zimmerman, Sec and Treas. Meets in church parlor. Young People's Union (in connection with First Baptist Church)—Meets at church every Sabbath evening, 7 o'clock. Marion Dunsmore, Pres. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Board of Education of Ogden City—303 Col Hudson Bldg. Hy- rum Pingree, Pres; W H Williams, V-Pres; John M Mills, Supt; Viola M Clancy, Clerk; W D Ellis, Treas; Bessie McCready, Sec. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Burch Creek—Adams av s w cor 40th. Central Junior High School—Adams av ne cor 25th. Dee—20th s w cor Farr's av. Farr West—Farr West. Five Points—Adams av n e cor 3d. Grant—2259 Grant av. Harrisville—Harrisville. Lorin Farr—22d s w cor Harrison av. Lewis—s s 28th bet Washington and Adams avs. Madison—2418-2434 Madison av. Marriott—12th 2 miles w of Washington av. Mound Fort—1200 Washington av. North Ogden—N Ogden. Ogden High—Monroe av s w cor 25th. Pingree Av—30th cor Pingree av. Plain City—Plain City. Quincy—Quincy av s e cor 26th. Riverdale—Riverdale. Slaterville—Slaterville. Taylor— W Weber. View—View. Warren—Warren. Washington—3279 Washington av. West Ogden—25th s w cor E av. West Warren—Warren. West Weber—West Weber. Wilson—Wilson's Lane. MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS, ETC. Central Business College—283 24th. International Correspondence Schools—base Utah Nat Bank New Colonial Dancing Academy—2446 Grant av. Royal Dancing Academy—2408 Washington av. |