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Show Corey Livery Co. L. NOBLE, Proprietor TELEPHONE 29 225 24TH STREET 82 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S Browning J M & M S Co, J M Browning pres, M S Browning v-pres, John Browning sec, investments, 2451 Hudson av. Browning J Wesley, died Oct 7, '13, aged 87. Browning Kenneth S, b 505 27th. Browning Mrs Louise G, r 361 20th. Browning Lulu, clk Ogden State Bank, b 2747 Adams av. BROWNING L DOW, Local Mgr Deseret Evening News, Basement Reed Hotel, r 667 26th, Tel 2331-J. Browning Margaret, student, b 2747 Adams av. Browning Marian, b 2723 Wash av. Browning Marriner, clk J M & M S Browning Go, r 2248 Jefferson av. Browning Martha (wid Isaac), r 2714 Grant av. BROWNING MATTHEW S, Pres First Nat Bank, Ogden Savings Bank, Burton Implement Co, Ogden Pressed Brick & Tile Co, Ogden Rapid Transit Co, etc, r 2700 Wash av, Tel 353. Browning Miles J, clk Browning Bros Co, b 473 27th. Browning Monida, b 505 27th. Browning Olive K, b 559 27th. Browning Oscar, clk I L Clark & Sons Co, b 3033 Lincoln av. Browning Ray W, clk A Kuhn & Bro, r 3564 Riverdale rd. Browning Ruby A, stenog Shupe-Williams, b 121 26th. Browning Therilla, b 203 W 29th. Browning Thos E, r 667 26th. BROWNING THOS S, Supt of Public Safety, City Hall, r 559 27th, Tel 1712. Browning Val A, b 505 27th. Browning Vera E, b 3033 Lincoln av. Browning Wallace S, student, b 2723 Wash av. Browning Wm I, tmstr, b 2714 Grant av. Browning Wm J, moved to Vernal, U. BROWNING WM W, Postmaster, 24th nw cor Grant av, r 2747 Adams av, Tel 1738. Browning W W & Co, L G Torgesen mgr, printers, 2461 Wash av. Bruce Clara, tchr Mound Fort School, b 2539 Adams av. Bruce John C, foreman O S L, r 3158 Porter av. Bruerton Alfred E, storekpr Utah L & Ry Co, r 1158 23d. Bruerton Ann (wid Geo W), b 1158 23d. Bruerton Geo W, tchr High School, r 21 N Wash av. Bruerton Winifred, instr Industrial School, r same. Bruestle Christian, mach O S L, r 256 23d. Bruestle Conrad, mach O S L, b 256 23d. Bruestle Fred, mach O S L, b 256 23d. Bruestle Mrs Louise M, b 461 27th. Bruestle Robt, mach O S L, b 256 23d. Bruggen, see TerBruggen. Brugger Arnold, chef Weber Club, rms 2436 Grant av. Brumbaugh Lee, waiter C S Potter, rms Helena Hotel. Brummell Herman, r 213 ½ 25th. BRUMMELL MRS KATE, Mgr The Helena, 213 ½ 25th, Tel 769. Brummitt Harold L, b 1438 25th. Brummitt Harry, swehmn S P, rms Windsor Hotel. Utah State Gazetteer-1914-15 Price $7. per Copy R. L. Polk & Co., Publishers Salt Lake City SUITS CLOTHING MENS FURNISHINGS OVERCOATS THE R. & O. Quality Shop 352 – 25th PHONE 631 BUCHMILLER & FLOWERS FINE FURNISHINGS CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 2461 WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 83 BRUMMITT JAMES J, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, Mining Opr Live Stock Dealer and Home Builder, Under Utah Nat Bank, Tel 59, r 1438 25th, Tel 1200-M (See back cover). J. J. BRUMMITT HOME BUILDER RESIDENT AGENT FOR Colonial Fire Underwriters (of Hartford, Conn.) assets $11,-000,000. London & Lancashire Fire Ins Co (of Liverpool) assets $27-000,000. Globe & Rutgers Fire Ins Co (of New York) assets $6,-331,707. Fire Association (of Phila) assets $10,000,000. New York Plate Glass Ins Co (of New York) assets $8,-000,000. Reliance Insurance Co (of Philadelphia) assets $1,635,-325. Yorkshire Ins Co (of York, Eng) assets $17,000,000. Boston Insurance Company (of Boston, Mass) assets $6,695,-638. The London & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Com-pany (of Canada) assets $26,-000,000. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Under Utah National Bank Telephone 59 Brummitt Wynn, student, b 1438 25th. Bruno Eugene, r rear 2228 Monroe av. Brussard Frans, jan Lewis School, r 2860 Madison av. Brussard Wm R, student, b 2860 Madison av. Bryan see also Brien and O'Brien. Bryan Roy E, r 12 Wilson la. Bryan Mrs R E, forelady Troy Lndry, r 12 Wilson la. Bryant Burroughs S, messr Amer Exp Co, r 227 23d. Bryant Chas, emp Ogden P & P Co, rms 329 ½ 24th. Bryant John, peddler, r 1757 Center av. Bryant Lewis W, cook, r 2767 Paciflc av. Bryden Alfred E, tmstr Jogalong T Co, r 2953 Wash av. Bryner Wm J, boilermkr O S L, r 358 21st. Bucher Mrs Ida M,moved to Denver, Colo. Bucher Wm J, firemn, r 214 22d. BUCHMILLER LeROY (Buchmiller & Flowers), r 2261 Jefferson av, Tel 1382-J. Buchmiller Michl, rms 548 25th. Closely connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West Telephone 781-W O. M. RUNYAN Dealer in HIDES, PELTS, TALLOW, BEESWAX and FURS Always in the market at top market prices. Reference: Com’l National Bank, Ogden, Utah 2263-69 Wall Avenue Pierce’s Pork and Beans – “YOU DON’T KNOW BEANS” TILL YOU’VE TASTE PIERCE’S Office and Factory, 29th Street and Pacific Ave. Tel 995 Day or Night, Always Right |