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Show 16 STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. MAY AV—north from Southwell, bet Wash av and Harrisville canal. MICHIGAN AV—south from 25th to limits, west of Weber river. MIDDLEMISS—runs east from Taylor av, bet 20th and 21st. MOFFIT AV—from 22d to 23d, bet Washington and Adams avs MONROE AV—runs north and south, seventh east of Wall av. MONTANA AV—south from 25th through Lawndale. MOORE'S LANE—north from 856 12th. MORTON AV—north from Douglas, bet Jefferson and Adams avs. MORTON TERRACE—Adams av, southeast cor 26th. MOUND FORT—bet 11th, 12th, O S L track and Marriott. MOUNTAIN—east from Taylor av, bet 27th and 28th. MOUNTAIN VIEW—near Wasatch mountains, bet 36th and 42d. NEBRASKA AV—south from railroad tracks, east of Colorado av. NEWILL—east from Washington av, north of Howard. NINETEENTH—runs east and west, bet 20th and Ogden river. NINTH—runs east and west, bet 8th and 10th. NORTH—see 19th. NORTH BOULEVARD—runs east and west, north of Pine. NORTH COURT—west from Fisk av, bet 31st and South Court. NORTH OGDEN—five miles north of Ogden. NYE AV—south from 28th to 29th, first west of Wall av. OAK—east from Jackson av, bet 21st and 22d. OAK—east from Adams av, bet Birch and Glen. OAK—Ogden Heights addn. OAKLAND AV—south from 33d, bet Grant and Lincoln avs. OBSERVATORY—west from A av, bet Ellis and 25th. ODELL AV—north from 20th, first west of Wall av. OGDEN AV—south from 7th, from 29th to limits, bet Wash and Adams avs. OGDEN BOULEVARD—from 22d to 25th, bet Tyler and Polk avs. OHIO AV—south from 25th, bet Nebraska and Michigan avs. OLIVE—runs east and west, bet South Boulevard and Maple. ORCHARD AV—from 25th to 26th, bet Jefferson and Madison avs. PACIFIC AV—south from 21st to limits, bet Wall av and. Weber river. PARK—see 20th, Nob Hill. PARK AV—north from 3d, bet Washington and Grant avs. PARK AV—south from 27th, bet River and Pacific avs. PARK AV—from Ogden river south to 20th, bet Grant and Lincoln avs. PARRY AV—west from Washington av, bet 17th and 18th. PATTERSON AV—east and west from Wall av, bet 30th and 31st. PENNSYLVANIA AV—runs north and south, east of Indiana av. PIERCE AV—runs north and south, sixteenth east of Wall av. PINCOCK'S LANE—see 33d st. PINE—east from Washington av, bet Chestnut and Birch. PINE—runs east and west, bet North Boulevard and Spruce. STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. 17 PINGREE AV—from 28th to 33d, bet Wall and Lincoln avs. PITKIN AV—east from Ogden av, bet 15th and 16th. PLAIN CITY—nine miles northwest. PLEASANT VIEW—see View. POLK AV—runs north and south, thirteenth east of Wall av. POPLAR—east from Adams av, bet 39th and 40th. POPLAR AV—east from Wall av to Lincoln av, bet 26th and 27th. PORTER AV—south from 28th to 36th, bet Adams and Jefferson avs. PUEBLO AV—runs east and west, bet Denver and Manitou avs. QUAYLE AV—north from 29th, bet Park av and Weber river. QUINCY AV—runs north and south, eighth east of Wall av. RAINE TERRACE—2610-2620 Monroe av. READ AV—south from 22d to 23d, bet Grant and Lincoln avs. REED TERRACE—2339-2343 Adams av. REEVE AV—south from 21st to 22d, bet Wall av and C. P. trcick REMBRANDT AV—east from Jackson av, bet 29th and 30th. RIO GRANDE AV—east from Pacific av to Stephens av, bet 30th and Patterson av. RIVER AV—north from 27th, bet Park av and Weber River. RIVERDALE—on County Road, 2 miles southwest of city limits. RIVERSIDE AV—northeast from Wash av, bet 17th and 18th. RIVERSIDE AV—north from Spencer to Ogden river, bet Lincoln and Wall avs. ROBBINS—west from D av to O S L tracks, first north of 24th. ROBBINS AV—north from 22d, bet Polk and Taylor avs. ROBINSON AV—east from Ogden Boulevard, bet 24th and 25th. ROSCOE AV—north from 36th, bet Quincy and Jackson avs. . ROSE COURT—west from 2747 Adams av. ROYAL AV—south from 21st to 22d, bet Lincoln and Wall avs. RUSHTON—east from Quincy av, bet 20th and 21st. ST JOE AV—north from 7th, bet Denver and Washington avs. SAN JOSE—west from Nebraska av, bet 30th and Shoshone. SANTA FE—west from Nebraska av, bet Chicago and 30th. SECOND—runs east and west, bet 1st and 3d, Five Points. SECOND AV—University Place. SEVENTEENTH—runs east and west, bet 16th and 18th. SEVENTH—runs east and west, bet 6th and 8th. SHAW'S LANE—runs north and south, 12th west of Washington av. SHEPARD AV—runs east and west, bet 19th and 20th, Nob Hill. SHERBURNE AV—from 21st to 22d, bet Reeve av and C. P. SHERIDAN AV—from 26th to 29th, bet Van Buren and Harrison avs. SHERMAN AV—Otto Berger's addn. SHORTEN'S AV—from Wall av to Pacific av, bet 26th and 27th. SHOSHONE—east from Nebraska av, bet San Jose and Tooele. SILSIE AV—north from 32d, bet Madison and Fisk avs. SIXTEENTH—east from Washington av, first south of Can yon rd. |