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Show aTasasaaaiaVaaal 0 Oi 4)0 to ui avQ. fl» C ? ©O KING COAL UTAH COIL SUES A6ENCY. SALT LAKE CITY MAKES MORE HEAT LASTS LONGER SOLD BY ALL DEALERS 402 1915—R. L. POLK & CO'S Tesch Christian J J, r 284 34th. Tesch Peter G, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 2720 Madison av. Teunissen Geo J, lab, b 3219 Pingree av. Teunissen Jacoba (wid Anton R), r 3219 Pingree av. Teuscher John G (Inter-Mtn Produce Co), r 2056 Douglas av. Thacker Wm H, elk R M S, r 1066 25th. Thackeray Gwenyth M, student, b 2359 Van Buren av. Thackeray Zina, tchr, rms 2331 Adams av. Thackwell Fred W, min eng, r 3678 Wash av. Thatcher Chas C, r 2769 Grant av. Thatcher Clyde C, cond, b 368 21st. THATCHER EDGAR B, Dentist, 224 Eccles Bldg, Tel 354, Hours 9 to 12 a m, 1:30 to 5 p m, r 1972 Washington av, Tel 2629-J. Thatcher Gilbert, bishop L D S Church, r Plain City. Thatcher Myrtle L, b 2769 Grant av. Thatcher M Lillian, mus tchr 2769 Grant av, b same. Thatcher Ruth H, nurse, b 2769 Grant av. Thayer Chas H, brkmn D & R G, r 2737 Williams av. Thedell Lillie (wid Emil C), r 548 1st. Thenn Emil, electn S P, b 2023 Riverside av. - Thenn Frank J, b 2023 Riverside av. Thenn Geo M, botlr Becker B & M Co, b 2023 Riverside av. Thenn Gustav J, botlr, r 2023 Riverside av. Thenn Martha L, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 2023 Riverside av. Theobald Geo C, b 349 26th. Theobald John, bgemn Union Depot, r 349 26th. Theobald Louise, opr M S T & T Go, b 349 26th. Theurer Ada, mgr Keister Ladies Tig Coll, rms 2843 Wash av. Theurer Martha, tchr Keister Ladies Tig Coll, rms 2843 Wash av. Theurer Pearl, tchr Keister Ladies Tig Coll, rms 2843 Wash av. Thiel Mrs Emma B, stenog Browning A & S Co, b 2945 Pingree av. Thiel Geo H, mach S P, r 2247 Adams av. Thinnes Cornelius F, farmer, r View. Thinnes Cornelius F jr, farmer, b 327 28th. Thinnes Eva M, b 327 28th. Thinnes Genevieve E, elk Last & Thomas, b 327 28th. Thinnes Geo, eng U P, r 327 28th. Thinnes Peter, farmer, r View. Thinnes Urban R, prsmn S P, b 327 28th. Thinnes Zeno, student, b Peter Thinnes. Third Ward Educational Institute (L D S), 2164 Grant av. Third Ward Meeting House, 22d ne cor Grant av. Thomas Albt A, brkmn S P, r rear 1929 Wash av. Thomas Alfd W, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 2737 Pacific av. Thomas Alvin E, slsmn Beitman Bros, r 2128 Adams av. Thomas Mrs Anna, jan Eccles Bldg. Thomas Benj F, mgr Industrial Pub Co, r 2240 Jefferson av. Thomas Benj T, chf elk O U R & D Co, r 2524 Lincoln av. Thomas Chester H, b 2736 Wash av. Thomas Claiborne W, quarryman, r 670 22d. Utah State Gazetteer-1914-15 $7.00 per Copy R. L. POLK & CO., Publishers, Salt Lake City BUCHMILLER & FLOWERS FINE FURNISHINGS Clothiers and Furnishers 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 403 Thomas Clarence H, foremn, r 164 22d. Thomas Danl, farmer, r Warren. Thomas Denzel C, b 670 22d. Thomas Earl J, farmer, b Farr West. Thomas Ellen H, mus tchr 2736 Wash av, r same. Thomas Elvin D, farmer, r Plain City. Thomas Emery J, farmer, b Farr West. Thomas Emily E (wid Benj), r 2871 Park av. - Thomas Ethel, tchr Pingree School, b 114 28th. Thomas Florence, asst F C Osgood, b 2849 Nye av. Thomas Florence J, stenog Amal Sugar Co, b 317 18th. Thomas Frances M, farmer, r Plain City. Thomas Fred W, blrmkr, r 2246 Madison av. Thomas Gladys, nurse Dee Hosp. THOMAS GROCERY CO, N J Thomas Mgr, Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Flour and Feed, 24th sw cor Grant av, Tel 2572. (See left top lines). Thomas G Earl, bkpr Utah Nat Bank, b 1312 Wash av. Thomas H H jr, moved to Salt Lake City. Thomas Ida, r 368 24th. Thomas Inez M, tchr Mound Fort School, b 317 18th. Thomas Jacob, farmer, r Farr West. Thomas Jas, foremn D & R G, r 2247 Lincoln av. Thomas Jas, jan Sac Ht Acad, b 940 25th. Thomas Jas B, cook, r 2235 Wash av. Thomas Jas E, elk Geo A Lowe Co, r 452 22d. Thomas Jas M, r 2736 Wash av. Thomas Jas M, farmer, r Plain City. Thomas Jas M jr, foremn Utah Ind School. Thomas Jennie V, b 317 18th. Thomas John, lab, r 167 27th. Thomas John, lab, rms 179 25th. Thomas John, slsmn Grand Union Tea Co, r 1229 25th. Thomas John, trucker Am Exp Co, r 211 27th. Thomas John E, slsmn John Scowcroft & Sons Co, r 632 27th. Thomas John F, prsmn Examiner, r 2330 Adams av. Thomas John M, student, b 2240 Jefferson av. . Thomas Jos H (Last & Thomas), v-pres Ogden Whol Drug Co, r 2549 Madison av. Thomas Leland D, elk Thomas Gro Go, b 2455 Monroe av. Thomas Leslie, r 258 22d. Thomas Lillian H, stenog J M Forristall, b 518 27th. THOMAS' LOAN OFFICE (Seth E Thomas), Rates Reasonable, Unredeemed Pledges for Sale at Right Prices, nw cor 25th and Grant av, Tel 670-W. Thomas Lucy, maid Poplar Heights. Thomas Luella M, student, rms 2479 Wash av. Thomas Marjory, b 2549 Madison av. Thomas Marvel I, b 670 22d. Thamas Mary (wid Paul), smstrs W H Wright & Sons Co, r 2849 Nye av. Thomas Mary D, student, b 2549 Madison av. Thomas Mary S (wid Thos S), r 2746 Wall av. Thomas Minnie, rms Oxford Hotel. lamlWt Panor fn PAPER 0F ALL KINDS Lamoen raper uo. PBINTEBS, SBPPins_ ,„ k CO pJU o SB cn .S" m ha) 3pi £ 7 faaaal •«+ o HP cn 3 m cn e 5 5T m 3- ■ tv ■ a tO A> •^ a O k&cn THE PAPER HOUSE PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, ETC. Wall Ave. & 24th St Phone 151 |