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Show THE WESTERN FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS EVERYTHING IN FOUNDRY. MACHINE. BOILER AND STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK TELEPHONE 647 2257 LINCOLN AVE. OGDEN, UTAH 256 1915—R. L. POLK A CO'S Ii CO IO CM tiC UQ h3 t/>< is Lundberg Lynn, b 204 23d. Lundberg Mrs Martha, furn rms, 204 23d. Lundquist, see also Lindquist. Lundquist Carl A, emp Lemp Saloon, r 663 7th. Lundquist Henry G, elk R M S, r 527 7th. Lundquist Jos, lab, r 657 7th. Lundy Mrs Addie B, r 2246 Jackson av. Lundy Mrs Hilda, r 1114 24th. Lundy Lalla M, elk A R Mclntyre Drug Co, b 1114 24th. Lundy Thos, City Coal Oil Insp, rms 330 28th. Lung Sang (Quong Mee Lung Co), r 2465 Grant av. Lunn Chas C, farmer, rms Benj Bright. Lunn Josephine, rms Benj Bright. Lunt A Oscar, slsmn Geo A Lowe Co, r Nephi, U. Lunt Chas H, eng S P, r 427 29th. Lusk Grant (Manhattan Restaurant), rms 179 25th. Luty Martha J (wid Edwd S), r 662 22d. LYCEUM THEATRE, S B Stock Propr, Motion Pictures, Open 11 am to 11 pm, "5c Always 5c," 271 25th. Lyden Wm D (Hudson Chocolate Shop), r 528 24th. LYMAN BROS CO, Fred A Denny Mgr, Wholesale Millinery, K of P Bldg, 2353 Grant av, 2d Floor, Tel 706. (See adv at classified Milliners). Lynch John B, foremn S L & O Ry, r 3278 Grant av. LYNCH JOHN C, Mgr New Healy Hotel, 100 25th, r same, Tel Exch 2420. Lynch John T, cond, r 2525 Madison av. Lynch Michl, bgemn Union Depot, r 2848 Pingree av. Lynch Robt, brklyr, rms 2363 Adams av. Lynch Ross D, brkmn S P, rms 2626 Barlow av. Lyne, see Line. Lynham Eva E, elk Ward Bros, b 838 21st. Lynham Harry, lab, r 838 21st. Lynne Ward Meeting House, 31 Harrisville rd. Lynskey Nicholas, horseshr, r 2348 Jackson av. Lyon Frank S, firemn S P, r 603 2d. Lyon J Park, cond S P, r 256 Patterson av. Lyons Harry C, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 2017 Wall av. Lythgoe Clifford, b Jos Lythgoe. Lythgoe Edwd, hlpr S P, r W Ogden. Lythgoe E F, brkmn S P, rms 2376 y2 Wash av. Lythgoe Geo J, hlpr, r W Ogden. Lythgoe Jas L, hlpr S P, r W Ogden. Lythgoe Jos, insp, r W Ogden. Lythgoe Martha, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b Jos Lythgoe. Lythgoe Thos, hlpr, b Jos Lythgoe. Lytle, see Little. u CO Mc McAlpine, see MacAlpine. McBean Beulah, student, b 457 17th. Pill PPTIilLUQ WESTERN CREDIT ASSN. WVaLeLeUv I lUHv We Turn Your Accounts into Real Money. Ask Bonded for $5,000 to the State of Utah 2d Floor Col. Hudson Bldg the Bast Merchants about our Collection System m^mmmmmmm NO ADVANCE FEES "^mm Telephone 971. Credit Ratings WRIGHT'S STORE GENERAL DEPT STORE LINES Cor. Washington Ave, and 24th OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 257 McBean Wm H, chf disp S P, r 457 17th. McBeth, see Macbeth. McBratney Dorothy, student, b 2929 Lincoln av. McBratney Wm, brkmn S P, r 2929 Lincoln av. McBRIDE ALBERT A, Pres and Mgr McBride Drug Co, r 2503 Adams av, Tel 1533-W. McBride Chas L, hlpr S P. McBRIDE DRUG CO, A A McBride Pres and Mgr, J A Adams V-Pres and" Treas, Felix T Moore Sec, 2463 Washington av, Tels 38 and 230. McBride Delia, b Sophia McBride. McBride Elmo, b Sophia McBride. McBride Geo O, 2d hd gds, 2300 Wash av, r 2256 Moffit av. McBride Helen M, student, b 2026 Liberty av. McBride Horace, lab, b 870 Wheelwright av. McBride Leona, student, b 2256 Moffit av. McBride Luther C, mach, b 870 Wheelwright av. McBride Mrs Mary, elk W H Wright & Sons Co, rms 427 24th. McBride Reuben C, contr 807 20th, r same. McBride Sophia A (wid Stephen), r N Ogden. McBride Vera, b 2026 Liberty av. McBride Wells R, reporter Standard, r 2026 Liberty av. McCabe Bernard D, insp, r 2550 Wall av. McCabe M J, rms 2148 Lincoln av. McCaffery Jas A, cond U P, r 583 31st. McCain Arthur C, forester U S Forest Service, r 2555 Orchard av. McCamant John M (Burgess & McCamant), r 2338% Wash av. McCarlson Alice, maid 100 25th. McCarthy Chas, lab, rms 179 25th. McCarthy Danl, lab, rms 220 25th. McCARTY DENNIS, Propr St Louis Bar, 288 25th, Tel 682-W, r 177 28th, Tel 2162-M. McCarty Mary A (wid Nelson), r 2728 Grant av. McCarty C Wm, timekpr S P, b 2169 Lincoln av. McCarty Mary H (wid John), r 2169 Lincoln av. McChesney Addie (wid Robt B), r 422 W 17th. McChesney Lulu, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 2757 Wash g av. McChesney Ruth, student Smithsonian Bus Coll av. McClain, see McLean. McClelland Wm C, carp, r 2846 Hudson av. McCloskey Florence, elk S J Burt & Bros, b 364 3d. McCloskie C L, electn U P & L Co, r Riverdale. McCloud Allycarna, b 159 35th. McCloud Eliz J (wid Elisha), r 159 35th. McClure Archie M, wchmn, r 1065 22d. McClure Dolores, student, b 2647 Monroe av. McClure Geo E, cond S P, r 2647 Monroe av. McClure Kate M, b 2226 Moffit av. McClure Saml A, pkr U S Forest Service, b 2221 Van Buren av McClure Wm, foremn, r 2226 Moffit av. McClure Wm jr, storekpr, b 2226 Moffit av. 4> McCIurg Mrs Alveretta R, rms 2561 Brinker av. S 00 o 5 «, (A • 'Z 9 0 0 a. <5 CA b 2757 Wash 2 -n s m £. n to n tit \J tit > 1 s. Z 8" I,, o 5 > S - rn j_ 0) < s H m £- > CD m CO x < o o mm SALT LAKE ROUTE FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA |