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Show O E OR (il U Lb D ei MINED IN UTAH Black Hawk Coal SOLD BY ALL DEALERS UTAH COAL SALES AGENCY: SALT LAKE CITY 258 1915—R. L. POLK A CO'S Co, McColloni, see McCullam. McComie Mrs Clara, cashr P J McComie, r 515 Cross. McComie Edith K, elk, b 515 Cross. McComie Katherine (Mode School of Dressmaking), b 515 Cross. McComie Peter J (Max Coffee House), r 515 Cross. McConnell Laura (wid Robt E), r 661 27th. McConnell Wm D, pkr Ogden P & P Co, rms 2911 Pingree av. McConvill Matthew M, foremn Sidney Stevens Imp Co, r 906 12th. McCool Harry H, timekpr S P, r 139 W 27th. McCord Victor, moved to Salt Lake City. McCormick Eugenia, student, b 2570 Fowler av. McCormick Geo, lawyer, 302 Col Hudson Bldg, r 2570 Fowler av. McCormick Richd L, brkmn S P, r 2620% Monroe av. McCowan, see also Cowan and MacGowan. McCowan Jos, r 2538 Monroe av. McCready Bessie A, sec to supt Public Schools, b 476 23d. McCready F'rances E, stenog Geo A Lowe Co, b 476 23d. McCready John, dry gds, 161 25th, r 476 23d. McCready Mary M, elk John McCready, b 476 23d. McCreary Leroy E, blrmkr S P, r 160 22d. McCullam Wm H, dispn A R Mclntyre Drug Co, r 746 24th. McCulloch Alvin, student, b 547 24th. McCULLOCH J A, V-Pres and Mgr Mathews-McCulloch under First Nat Bank, r 547 24th, Tel 1497-M. McCullough Henry, lab O P B & T Co, r Harrisville rd. McCullough Jas, r Warren. McCune, see also McKeown. McCune Clarence S, slsmn Scoville Paper Co, b 2635 Madison av. McCune-Foulger Co (G W McCune, H B Foulger), shoes, 2461 Wash av. McCune Geo W (McCune-Foulger Co), r 549 26th. McCune Harry B, elk Utah Constn Co, r 2426 Monroe av. McCune Henry F, r 2635 Madison av. McCune Phyllis, student, b 2773 Grant av. McCune Ross H, with McCune-Foulger Co, r 2635 Madison av. McCUNE ROYAL A, Physician and Surgeon, 2479 Washington av, Tel 727, Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m, r 2773 Grant av, Tel 1206. McDaneld Emily E (wid Walter T), b 2840 Hudson av. McDaniel Fred A, student, b 2949 Porter av. McDaniel Mrs Helen A, r 2949 Porter av. McDaniels Jas A, swehmn O U R & D Co, rms 118 23d. McDaniels Jas H, blrmkr S P, r 1752 Pacific av. McDermott Lucy S (wid Owen), r rear 2337 Adams av. McDonald, see also McDaneld and MacDonald. McDonald Albt R (The Oak), r 2308 Grant av. McDonald Clinton D, pdlr, r 846 27th. McDonald Danl B, insp S P, r 123 Poplar av. McDonald Donald W, r 272 28th. McDonald Edwd L, slsmn, r 780 2d. Utah State Gazetteer-1914-15 $7.00 per Copy R. L. POLK & CO., Publishers, Salt Lake City BUCHMILLER & FLOWERS KNOX AND STETSON HATS Clothiers and Furnishers 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 259 s- McDonald Flora (wid Angus), r 2865 Pacific av. McDonald Frances L, stenog, b 2026 Quincy av. McDonald Harry, carp, r 2783 Grant av. McDonald Jas, firemn S P, r 3085 Pacific av. McDonald Jas, lab, r rear 2317 Adams av. McDonald Jessie, tchr Dee School, rms 528 24th. McDonald John, b 2648 Adams av. McDonald John, foremn Geo A Lowe Co, r 139 W 21st. McDonald John J, lab, b 2865 Pacific av. McDonald John M, carp S P, r 1024 Capitol av. McDonald John W, elk, r 820 27th. McDonald Nellie C (wid Chas L), grocer, 3276 Wall, r same. McDonald Rose R, elk McCune-Foulger Co, b 1445 24th. McDonald Ruth F, pkr Orpheum Candy Co, b 1024 Capitol av. McDonald Thos, foremn, r 1405 24th. McDonald Thos, ydmn John Farr Coal Co, r 2715 Grant av. McDonald Waldo F, b 2865 Pacific av. McDonald Walter (White & McDonald), rms 371 22d. McDonald Walter, elk F R Watkins, r 820 27th. McDonald Wm, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 2865 Pacific av. McDonough Timothy J, elk Buchmiller & Flowers, rms Marion Hotel. McElroy Danl, driver, b 1933 Wall av. McElroy Geo, gen mdse Plain City, r same. McElroy Geo jr, b Plain City. McElroy Robt, stoker U L & T Co, r 1933 Wall av. McElroy Wm, b Plain City. McElroy Zara, b Plain City. McElvaney Mrs Maude, rms 286 25th. McEntee Francis C, brkmn O S L, rms 1533 Wash av. McEntire, see also Mclntire and Mclntyre. McEntire Adrian W, elk, r 2980 Wash av. McEntire Athalia, waiter Utah School D and B, r Farr West. McEntire Eli A, farmer, b Farr West. McEntire Henry T, farmer, r F'arr West. McEntire Horace, farmer, b Farr West. McEntire Howard W, emp John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b J 1 McEntire. McEntire I Wells, elk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, r Harrisville rd. McEntire Jas A, hlpr, r rear 438 Wash av. McEntire John T, farmer, r Harrisville rd. McEntire Leland, student, b Farr West. McEntire Marshall A, carp, r Harrisville rd. McEntire Myron, student, rms 466 24th. McEntire Napoleon, farmer, r Farr West. McEntire Wm M, b J T McEntire. McFall Mrs Alida G. elk Nat Outftg Co, b 2258 Wash av. McFall Anne M, nurse Dee Hosp. McFarland Abram M, b Robt McFarland. McFarland Albert L, b A R McFarland. McFarland Albert R, farmer, r W Weber. McFarland Ambrose C, farmer, r W Weber. McFarland Annie (wid Hyrum), r 745 29th. 3 </? i- m CO roi; 4*. » i era to F1S0 SO t3c/> -Ea> "S3 "O 2 m afi ( I' 4 9 9 'Z 9 O 0 a. 0 (0 S£2 i £ £ 3 Lambert Paper Co. THE PAPER HOUSE Don't Buy Your Wrapping Paper East when you can do better at home Wall Ave. & 24th St. Phone 151 |