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Show Mantels, Grates & Tile m 156-164 24th St. Tel. 128 120 1915—R. L. POLK A CO'S Cragun C W, rms 2203 Wash av. Cragun Eva, elk, b 2635 Madison av. Cragun Mrs Hilda L, r 255 33d. Cragun Hyrum J, farmer, r View. Cragun Mrs Kate, boarding 2139 Lincoln av. Cragun Laura (wid Willard U), r View. Cragun Lee, driver Cragun Bros, r 550 22d. Cragun Mary A (wid Wilford), r View. Cragun Mormon, farmer, r View. Cragun Wiley G (Cragun Bros), r 733 26th. Cragun Wilford, r 2139 Lincoln av. Cragun Willard S, farmer, r View. Cragun Wilson (Cragun Bros), r View. Cragun Wilson H, trav agt Cragun Bros, r 371 28th. Craig Belle E, sec-treas S L V C Co, b 483 17th. Craig. Enoch O, lab S P. Craig Mrs Frances E, furn rms 539 23d. Craig Geo A, canner, r 539 23d. Craig John M, foremn S P, r 695 23d. Craig Wm G, foremn, b 483 17th. Craig Wm W, pres and mgr S L V C Co, r 483 17th. Cramer, see also Creamer and Kramer. Cramer Carl C, lab Blackman & Griffin Co, b 359 Brown. Cramer Frank J, moved to Salt Lake City. Crandall A Beulah, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co. b 336 18th. Crandall Harold, student, b 3112 Euclid av. Crandall Jay G, elk C II Bird, r 367 22d. Crandall Lawrence, pkr Geo A Lowe Co, b 3112 Euclid av. Crandall Leo H, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co. b 3112 Euclid av. Crandall Rose E (wid Win H), r 3112 Euclid av. Crandall W Ray, sgemkr Ogden City Meat Mkt, b 336 18th. Crane Arthur E, farmer, b A J Crane. r Farr West. foremn, whol plmbrs supplies, 20th Crane Arthur J, farmer, Crane Co, T J Thomas and Wall av. Crane Frank E, mach, r 2559 Lincoln av. Crane Ida E, b A J Crane. Crane John, rms 437 Herrick av. Crane Walter W, farmer, r 115 W 2d. Crane Willis, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 1701 V2 Wash av. Cranendonk, see Kranendonk. Craner Frank E, horseman, r 569 22d. Craner Nellie M, nurse 569 22d, r same. Crangle D Chester, bgemn Union Depot, Crasapis Angelo, r 244 W 22'd. Crase Alfred J, cond S P, r 604 W 24th. Crase Clarence E, brkmn S P, r 3222 Grant av. Crase Frank A, lab, r 2013 Liberty av. Crase Walter J, student, b 604 W 24th. Craven Hermon J, civ eng, r 2530 Jefferson av. Craven Ina E, tchr Pingree School, rms 473 25th. Craven John W, boilerinkr Western Fdy & M Co, r rison av. r 2639 Jefferson av. 2600 Har- circulars n I DAI HP PA MAILING addressed If. L rULR & UU. LISTS OF ALL KINDS WRITE SALT LAKE CITY IT'S CLEAN PORE FOOD SODA Western Bottling Co., Mfrs. 2327 GRANT AVENUE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. Laven June L, student, b 2600 Harrison av. Graven Magnolia, student, b 2600 Harrison av graven Walter S, field eng City Eng r 1544 Robinson ^ i-^vfmd Chas G, swehmn, r rear 715 7th. jgwford Clyde H, colli- W H Wright & Sons Co, b OraJfo.fayjeoseia,Venip Ogden Egg Co, r 2017 Wash av. Prawfod Wm, student, b 2676 Lafayette av Sgwford Win L, buyer W H Wright & Sons Co, i CrawWforchestra, W L Crawford mgr 2676 Lafayette av. § w £ ®Sti£i3£# H^ f^s Co, r 846 24,h gavvshaw is^belle (wid Henry), r 2325 Quincy-av 2676 ^Picture That Looks 2349 Quincy av, Tel CRAWSHAW LUKE, Photographer, Like You." 219 25th, Upstairs, CRAWSHAW LUKE H, Physician and Surgeon, 2301 Washing m. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 av. m ton av, Tel 314, Hours 10 a in to 12 ,, in. r 2349 Quincy av, Tel 1*«0-W. Creahan Patrick C, pipeftr S P, r 143 W 2<lh. Creamer, see also Cramer and Kramer. Creamer Danl A, cond S P, r 453 13th Creamer E J, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 2758 Lincoln Creamer Gladys C, b 453 13th. Creditors Liquidation Co, Geo Halverson pres, A E Piatt_sec- treas, W Hal Farr mgr, A J Mitchell asst mgr, 206 Col Hudson Bldg. Creighbaum Chas, farmer, rms Marion Hotel. Crematory The, 29th nr Park av. CRESTON HOTEL, Carl E Peterson Propr, Steam Heat, Hot ana Cold Water in Every Room, Sample Rooms in Connection Rates 50c, 751-. $1.00; Willi Bath $1.50. 286 2;>th. I .'1 Exch 1176. Crezee Benj, painter, r 479 30th. Crezee Therry, painter, r 2263 Quincy av. Criddle Vivian V, student, rms 2560 Jefferson av. Crim Wm, rms 2779 Wash av. Crismon, see Chrisman. Critchley Hazel F, elk Downs' Coffee Hse, b Critchlow Benj A, elk John Scowcroft & Adams av. Gritchlow Benj C, r 3370 Wash av. Critchlow Benj P, slsmn, r 3350 Wash av. Critchlow Carl, student, b 352 29th. Critchlow Geo P. elk Reed Hotel, h 3350 Wash av. Critchlow Helen, b 3350 Wash av. Critchlow Jos, r 207 31st. Critchlow Lettie C, emp Ogden Steam Lndry, b 207 31st. Critchlow Marcus L, bkpr Blackman & Griffin Co, b 352 29th. Cri ch ow Marynetta, b 449 26th. Lritchlow Victor D, student, b 352 29th. :'■' ch ow Viola, student, b 3350 Wash av. ■ritcnlow Wm C, tmstr U L & T Co, r 449 26th. IllSALT LAKE ROUTE -FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA rs « — SO CO m , (A (0 o t 160 Patterson av. Sons Co. b 2 3 09 </» o ■< »0 <2_ to o to ISS CO en co o> CO ro CO 0 0 a. 0 |