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Show 4\ III Hfa a»*B •■a™ ~ ^L« (fl Si Federal Land & Mortgage Co. Sir, a afk sf 111 I ■ ■ ■■ ■ I ■ Ttir ffTVaTtl HafOllfaT nr-Alfsa-a... Owners of Washington Heights THE EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE DISTRICT OF OGDEN 382 1915—R. L. POLK & CO'S SPARGO'S BOOK STORE, John N Spargo Pres, Margaret Spargo V-Pres and Treas, Fred Scriven Sec, Books, Stationery, Periodicals, School Supplies, etc, 2465 Washington av, Tel 454. Sparks Arthur, r 2765 River av. Sparks Arthur E, firemn S P, b 2765 River av. Sparks Cecil L, appr S P, b 437 16th. Sparks Fred, brkmn U P, b 2765 River av. Sparks Geo W, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 2765 River av. Sparks Lorenzo J, carp, r 437 16th. Sparks Pearl D, stenog Western Bottling Co, b 2765 River av. Spaulding Carl E, tmstr, b I E Spaulding. Spaulding Ira E, lab Utah Const Co, r Riverdale rd. Spaulding Lloyd E, b I E Spaulding. Spaun Alfred A, trav agt, r 428 28th. Spaun Vesta, b 428 28th. Spaun Geo O, elk S P, rms Broom Hotel. Spears, see Spiers. Speck Adam R, tmstr, r 2125 Wall av. Speck Geo, r 191 W 20th. Speck Wm H, driver, b 2125 Wall av. Speer Geo, tmstr, rms 220 25th. Spence Ada, rms 1927 Wall av. Spence Wm M, r 157 23d. Spencer Alphonsus L, slsmn Federal L & M Go, rms Reed Hotel. Spencer Danl, eng, r 261 30th. Spencer Mrs Effie, rms Reed Hotel. Spencer Ernest, b 261 30th. Spencer Glen, b 261 30th. Spencer Harry M, attdt Hot Spgs Hotel. Spencer Ira, b 261 30th. Spencer Mary B, tchr Dee School, b 459 Canyon rd. Spencer Saml, waiter, r 2620 Wall av. Spencer Thos G, live stock, r 457 Canyon rd. Spencer Violet, b 261 30th. Spicer Clarence, lab Utah Const Co, rms Fred Timmerman. Spicer J Frank, horse trainer, r 219 22d. ■ Spidel Mrs Delia, r 813 25th. Spidel Marguerite, student, b 813 25th. Spidel Perry, foremn O U R & D Co, r 200 W 28th. Spidel Phyllis, student, b 813 25th. Spidel Rose, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 813 25th. Spidel Wm H, student, b 813 25th. Spiers Edwin, live stock, r 962 Wash av. Spiers Florence E, student, b 2380 Madison av. Spiers John E, driver Ogden Whol Gro Co, rms 148% 25tn. Spiers John K, r 2380 Madison av. Spillman Edwd, troublemn Utah L & T Co, r 1743 Riverside av. Spilsbury Berkley, elk, r 2946 Lincoln av. Spofford Rolland A, lab, rms 246 W 31st. Spracher Howard, hostler Everett Livery Co, Spracher John, r Harrisville rd. Sprague Alvin A, r 2113 Grant av. r 2337 Adams av. Mathews-McCulloch Company, Inc. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & LUANS .SfSSlSlS" BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. PHONE 2777 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 383 Sprague Alvin I, b 2113 Grant av. Springer Ernest S, moved to Salt Lake City. Springer Fred C, carp, r 1012 Grant av. SPRINGFIELD F & M INS CO (of Springfield, Mass), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av. SPURGEON N L MILLINERY CO, Mrs Spurgeon O'Connolly Mgr, A Full Line of Up-to-Date Millinery, Exclusive Designs, 2372 Washington av, Tel 1866-W. Squire Annie, dom 607 25th. Squire Mary, dom 607 25th. Squires Ada J, tchr Grant School, b 214 22d. Squires Albert, elk Amal Sugar Go, b 636 27th. Squires David P, cond O S L, r 2881 Grant av. Squires Guy P, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 160 23d. Squires John F, wchmn U S Forest Service, r 636 27th. Squires Kate, b 636 27th. Squires Leo M, bkpr Utah School D and B. Squires Mrs Vivian D, r Utah School D and B. Stafford Martin F, pres and tre<as Stafford Millinery Co, r 2634 Grant av. Stafford Mrs Mary J, v-pres and sec Stafford Millinery Co, r 2634 Grant av. STAFFORD MILLINERY CO, M F Stafford Pres and Treas, Mrs M J Stafford V-Pres and Sec, 2455 Washington av, Tel 771-J. Stafford Morris W, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 437 24th. Stagg Jos, blrmkr S P, r 144 22d. Stagg Kate (wid Thos), b 227 28th. Stagg Thos, hostler S P, r 227 28th. Stagge Wm J F, repr S P, r 244 21st. Stahr Alice C, student, b 2667 Lincoln av. Stahr Glen C, hlpr S P, b 2667 Lincoln av. Stahr Harriet E, b 2667 Lincoln av. Stahr John, eng S P, r 2331 Adams av. Stahr Jos, foremn S P, r 2667 Lincoln av. Staker, see also Stoker. Staker Arnold H, farmer, b Taylor. Staker Chas, farmer, r Taylor. Staker Elmer L, butcher Ogden P & P Co, r 3291 Pingree av. Staker Geo H, lab, r W Weber. Staker Herbt A, r Riverdale. Staker John L, farmer, r Wilson la. Staker Leah, lab, b 624 W 24th. Staker Mrs Melissa, stenog Wasatch Orchard Co, b 624 W 24th Staker Orville C, lab, b 624 W 24th. Staker Rachel (wid John), rms John Martin. Staker Sherman G, r Taylor. Staker Wm E, farmer, r Taylor. Staker W Harold, brtndr D A Smyth, r 2268 Adams av. Staley Alma J, student, b J N Staley. Staley Anna, rms Thos Wright. Staley Clyde, student, b 1563 Robinson av. Staley Earl D, student, b J N Staley. Staley Edwd, tchr, b 1563 Robinson av. "0 Oq z = Q > Zfti u s o c/» CTQ CO " a> (0 CD Travel via OREGON SHORT LINE FOR ALL POINTS NORTHWEST ©O O B C/> <D |