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Show t *1 CP II WW Jm Jm^m-^ m aB asaV * ' aaasaV W ^—L* [ mm% Federal Land & Mortgage Co. S, % Owners of Washington Heights 486 THE EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE DISTRICT OF OGDEII 478 FUR 1915—R. L. POLK A CO'S Make Your Home More Livable You can afford the very best in the Home furnishing line by means of our special credit plan. Our credit prices are most reasonable and alike to all. If one wishes to pay cash we allow 10% discount; if you wish to take advantage of our "Easy Payment Plan" you are allowed twelve to fourteen months in which to pay. A small payment down and the balance in from twelve to fourteen payments with no interest is what we offer you. By this plan the person who through circumstances is not able to save enough money to buy for cash or who cannot go to the bank and get money is enabled to buy at just as low a price as the man with the cash. Better investigate this opportunity to own your own furniture. BOYLE FURNITURE CO. The House of Good Values. ♦FURNITURE PACKERS. Brown W A, 2472 Hudson av. Jogalong Transfer Co, 328 J/2 25th. Ogden Transfer A Storage Co, 2340 Grant av. ♦ FURNITURE VANS. Jogalong Transfer Co, 328J/2 25th. Ogden Transfer A Storage Co, 2340 Grant av. ♦FURS. (See also Hats, Caps and Furs). Wright W H A Sons Co* Wash av n w cor 24th. ♦FURS—RAW. Runyan O M, 2263 Wall av. ♦GALVANIZED IRON WORK. Newman Sheet Metal Wks, 281 24th. Newman A Jackson, 2460 Hudson av. GARDENERS. Butler H H, Butler's la nr W 12th. Dana C R, 200 17th. Henry Wah, 315 12th. Kruitbosch Jos, Wilson la. Larson Eric, 340 18th. Lee Lu, 15th cor Grant av. Mulder Wm, Pacific av nr 34th. Thomas S J, 317 18th. Tsukamoto N, 14th cor Wall av. GAS COMPANIES. Pintsch Compressing Co, 435 W 20th. Utah Light & Traction Co, 24 72 Wash av. GAS FIXTURES. Abraham G C, 2341 Lincoln av. GAZETTEER PUBLISHERS. Polk R L A Co, 613-616 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake City. Mathews-McCulloch Company, Inc. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & LOANS \rtmm%i&mmm2ti&* BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. PHONE 2777 GEN OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY—1915. GRO 479 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, (See also Dry Goods; also Groceries; also Hardware). Burton Merc Co, 2 312 Wash av. Clark I L & Sons Co, 23 62 Wash av. England Thos, Plain City. Garner H J, Plain City. Hawkes N & Son, Taylor. Howell Reese & Sons, 2475 Wash av. McElroy Geo, Plain City. Moore J L, 12 66 Wash av. Rasmussen O D, 2322 Wash av. Sawyer Bros, 1012 22d. Scowcroft John & Sons Co, 2 3d s e cor Wall av. Tai Sho Co, 2411 Grant av. Tamaki & Co, 2456 Wall av.. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. See Men's Furnishings. ♦GLASS DEALERS. Ogden Paint, Oil A Glass Co, 2440 Wash av. ♦GLASSWARE. Boyle Furn Co, 2333 Wash av. Rasmussen O D, 2322 Wash av. ♦GLOVES. Brown-Carlson-Treseder Co, 2421 Wash av. Buchmiller A Flowers, 2425 Wash av. Nye Fred M Co, 2409-2411 Wash av. R A O Quality Shop, 352 25th. Wright W H A Sons Co, Wash av n w cor 24 th. GRAIN—WHOLESALE. Inland Grain Co, 401-402 Col Hudson Bldg. Ogden Milling A Elev Co, 1430 Wash av. GRAIN—RETAIL. See Flour and Feed; also Hay and Grain. ♦GRAIN ELEVATORS. Ogden Milling A Elev Co, 1430 Wash av. GRANITE WORKERS. See Marble and Granite Workers. ♦GRATES AND MANTELS. Boyle Furn Co, 2333 Wash av. Eccles Lumber Co, 156-164 24th. Ogden Marble Co, 219 Col Hudson Bldg. GREENHOUSES. See Florists. GROCERS—WHOLESALE. Campbell J S Co, 2 364 Wall av. Inter-Mtn Whol Gro Co, 2460 Grant av. Ogden Whol Gro Co, 24th and Wall av. Scowcroft John & Sons Co, 2 3d s e cor Wall av. Tamaki & Co, 245 6 Wall av. GROCERS—RETAIL. Anderson P C, 1941 Wall av. Barnes G E, 227 21st. Barsotti Lorenzo, 156 2 5th. Bell Albert, 153 30th. Bingham Jos, 28 57 Grant av. Blair Charlotte, 2900 Pingree av. Boodrookos P N, 138 25th. Bowns L D, Slaterville. Boyle J A, 540 28th. Brown Hedvig, 2901 Childs av. Brown M L, 249 34th. Browning H E, 3161 Adams av. California Market, 126 25th. Campbell Myron, 2 638 Wash av. Carr J C, 2766 Jefferson av. Carver J S & Sons, 23 54 Wash av. Chase J W, 3645 Adams av. Chicago Market, 24th s w cor Lincoln av. Christensen A P, 3154 Pacific av. Cooley I M, 24 62 Monroe av. Coop Albert, 245 30th. Coy Eliz, Plain City. Cragun A H, View. Daniels J S, 2528 and 3100 Wash av. Douglas R H, 1136 22d. Ebeling & Corey, 2710 Lincoln av. Economy Gro Co, 2616 Wash av. Evans T B & Co, 2364 Wash av. Farley LeRoy, 224 6 Wash av. Farnlund Danl, 2168 Lincoln av. Farnsworth Winfield, 2172 Monroe av. Fisher C E, 2516 Monroe av. Folkman P M, Plain City. Foulger Fred & Sons, 740 24th. Garner Bros, 3 500 Utah av. Garner P A, 620 24th. Gavros Harry, 112 25th. Grant Eliza, 872 26th. Grant Market, 2475 Grant av. Greenband Jacob, 2223 Wash av. Hansen L A, Warren. riarris Gro Co, 3 38 25th. Harrison J J, 1132 24th. Hart W E, 1789 Wash av. Hartog C H, 1686 Wash av. Hestmark Laura, 477 22d. Hoff H K, 3205 Wash av. Hotaling A M, 2 58 5 Grant av. Howell Reese & Sons, 2475 Wash av. Hunt L E, 3028 Grant av. Jack W M, 2124 Wash av. Jackson Aaron, 23 5 5 Madison av. James & Chadwick, 2786 Wash av. Kardemes Thos, 584 24th. Kasius Andw, 74 3 23d. Kennedy Danl, 25 8 25th. Kornder P H, 320 24th. Kreines Saml, 1644 Wash av. Leavitt H W, 1200 Wash av. era CD s ft* gd ; -% = CD VOL CD Travel via OREGON SHORT LINE FOR ALL POINTS NORTHWEST |