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Show n\m \t% hi ^1 gam f° CO 1— CM ra d_ aaaaJ cu CU ec H~ oH ■^ cu *-* cu OS T3 B o CO e CO ■o to 3 CU 3! -as ra i-l ^E CO co 5 CN 0) cn O-s o> o -= law 15 1 J— ™ CO * - a^ CO L- <a> TT eo 0) s "O OA tt).§ OS Thomas Grocery Co. ^oieTeVz; Cor. 24th and Grant Ave. Opp. Post Office Phone 2572 186 191E—R. L. POLK & CO'S Hailey Gretcheii, b 2130 Wash av. Hailey Jas R, bgemn Union Depot, r 1070 22d. Hains, see also Haynes. Hains Lavina (wid Benj), b 2975 Pingree av. Haitesma Berthus, cigar mkr, b Ralph Vander Heide. Halberg, see also Holberg. Halberg Fritz G, cond, r 856 Wash av. Halberg Otto A, formn M S T & T Co, r 2865 Adams av. Hale A P, messr, rms Hotel National. Hale Frank, lab, rms 220 25th. Hale Johnson T, live stock, r 1417 Wash av. Hales Chas H, elk R M S, r 1179 30th. Hales Geo L, elk O U R & D Co, r 1749 Riverside av. HALES HARRY, County Clerk, Court House, r 2615 Van Buren av, Tel 2285-W. Hales John A, cond, r 520 Chester. Hales Mary J (wid Geo W), r 2175 Lincoln av. Hales Matilda J (wid Orlando), b 2615 Van Buren av. Hales Myrta B, stenog F H Rolapp & Co, b 2175 Lincoln av. Hales Ren, elk Reed Hotel, rms same. Haley, see also Hailey. Haley F'red H, mach S P. Halis Mrs Anna, r 2651 Adams av. Hall Albeit, mach, r 241 Harrisville rd. Hall Amos S, farmer, r 358 Harrisville rd. Hall Arch J, elk Union Cigar Store, r 270 261b. Hall Chas A, elk R M S, r 217 22d. Hall C G, solr Prudential Ins Co, r 2538 Orchard av. Hall Edwd S, slsmn, r View. Hall Elisha, r 500 2d. Hall Florence L, student, b 3175 Porter av. Hall Frank P, mldr, r 1437 23d. Hall Geo H, r 3175 Porter av. Hall Harry, brkmn O S L, b 2783 Pacitic av. Hall Henry C (City Transfer), r 2783 Pacific av. Hall Henry C, student, b John Hall. Hall Howard, elk City Transfer, b 2783 Pacific av. Hall Jas A, r 2561 Orchard av. Hall John, carp, r N Ogden. Hall John T, farmer, r N Ogden. Hall Jos M, brkmn O S L, rms 2771 Wash av. Hall Jos P, cond, r 352 4th. Hall Jos W W, bgemn Union Depot, r 267 26th. Lester, garagemn W H Wright & Sons Co, r 541 24th. Martha A (wid Wm II), r 358 Harrisville rd. Hall Martha L (wid Ebenezer), r 152 21st. Hall Millie M, r 255 26th. Hall Ralph, driver, r 249 26th. Hall Roy B, elk, r 1970 Jackson av. Hall Thirza A, r 255 26th. Hall T Lenora, stenog Amal Sugar Co, b 270 26th. Hall Violet C, student, b 3175 Porter av. Hall Wm G, farmer, b John Hall. Hallen, see also Allan and Allen. J lla Ha Utah State Gazetteer-1914-15 $7.00 per Copy R. L. POLK & CO., Publishers, Salt Lake City B.H.GODDARD Xjjtfgt* 1NSNNNNCE — Tornado, Burglary, 429 24th Street Postal, Automobile Telephone 500-W OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 187 Hallen August, tailor Peter Anderson Tig Co, r 2049 Ballantyne av. Halliday Glen W, lab, b 3061 Porter av. Halliday Stephen E, cook White & McDonald, r 3061 Porter av. Halliday Stephen E jr, lab, r 2938 King's av. Halliday Wm C, lab, b 3061 Porter av. Hallstrom Carl I, hrnsmkr J G Read & Bros Co, r 542 29th. Hallstrom Leo L, elk, b 542 29th. Halsey Edwd D, b 350 25th. Halsey Geo W, moved to Malad, Ida. Halsey Mrs Tillie, furn rms 350 25th. Halsted Edson O, eng S P, r 628 22d. Halsted Eliz M, tchr Cent Jr High School, b 628 22d. Halverson Arthur (Halverson Bros), r 828 26th. Halverson Bros (C A, O W and Arthur), plmbrs 2350 Grant av. Halverson Chas A (Halverson Bros), r 2704 Madison av. Halverson Etta, prin Harrisville School, b 2764 Monroe av. HALVERSON GEORGE, Lawyer 614-615 Eccles Bldg, r 2619 Jefferson av, Tel 329. Halverson Halver, cook Utah Ind School. Halverson Mrs Halver, relief officer Utah Ind School. Halverson Howard W, hlpr Halverson Bros, b 2920 Wash av. Halverson Ingeborg (wid Simon), r 2764 Monroe av. Halverson Owen W (Halverson Bros), r 2345 Monroe av. Halverson Saml F, lab, r 2920 Wash av. Ham, see also Hamm. Ham Herbt N, painter, b 515 27th. Ham John N, painter, r 515 27th. Ham Robt, lather, rms 2419 Grant av. Hamada Fred, porter Falstaff Cafe, rms 371 24th. HAMADA KANAKICHI, Board and Rooms, Good Home Cooking, Prices Reasonable, 2460-2462 Wall av, Tel 135-W. Hamblen, see also Hamlyn. Hamblen Jennie E (wid Jas N), r Riverdale. Hamblen Robt N, farmer, r Riverdale. Harnbly Jas L, elk Harry Korb, r N Ogden. Hambly Lizzie (wid Cyrus A), rms W E Hambly. Hambly Wm E, carp, r N Ogden. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS CO (of Hamburg, Germany), J C Nye Agency Co Agts, 2482 Washington av. Hamer Enoch, eng U P, r 2953 Grant av. Hamer Hazelton G, elk Leroy Sessions, b 2961 Grant av. Hamer John A, carp, r 259 34th. Hamer Richd, student, b 2953 Grant av. Hamill Edna M, b 726 25th. Hamill Geo P, student, b 726 25th. Hamill Marguerite, b 726 25th. Hamill Robt A, b 726 25th. Hamilton Alma B, driver Wash Mkt, b 2325 Adams av. Hamilton Geo, tmstr John Farr Coal Co, r 229 26th. Hamilton Hattie, dom 432 27th. Hamilton Helen M, b 2325 Adams av. Hamilton John, elk Abraham Siner, rms 189 27th. Hamilton John R, mach S P. Closely connected with Tanners and Pullers ****-"-_ Dealer in HYDES,PELTS, TAL- eo ^ H* — o -<S ° - c CC < • • 3 H<* 0) 5 til f*> <D a O til o cn 0. M. RUNYON Telephone 781-W LOW, BEESWAX and FURS Always In the market at top market prices. Reference: Com'l National Bank Ogden, Utah 2263-69 Wall Avenue 14 |