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Show CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Congregational Church)—Mrs W G Dalrymple, Pres. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First M E Church) —Meets last Thursday 2:30 p m. Mrs Geo Craig, Pres; Mrs Ernest Schonin, Sec. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)—Meets Thursdays at homes of members. Mrs O A Moyer, Pres; Mrs W V Rockefeller, Sec. Ladies' Mission Circle (in connection with First Baptist Church)—Meets 2d Wednesdays at homes of members. Mrs Clara Gebhart, Pres; Mrs Maude Zimmerman, Sec. Ladies' Missionary Board (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)—Meets 4th Tuesday at 2:30 p m in church parlors. Mrs J E Carver, Pres; Mrs W V Rockefeller, Sec. Martha Society—Meets alternate Mondays 3 p m at homes of members. Mrs Jos Scowcroft, Sec. Maids and Matrons Club—top floor Utah Nat Bank Bldg. Mina Taylor, Sec. Master Plumbers Assn—8 Coml Nat Bank Bldg. A J Atkin, Sec. Mountain View Cemetery Assn—201 Col Hudson Bldg. J H Knauss, Sec. Ogden Baseball and Athletic Association—Angus Kennedy, Sec. Ogden Caledonian Club—3191 Grant av. Meets 2d Friday 8 p m at Union Labor Hall. G W Bain, Sec. Ogden Chamber of Commerce—Under Utah Nat Bank. W J Critchlow, Pres; F J Hendershot Jr, Sec. Ogden Golf and Country Club—40th and Wash av. Ogden Gun Club—2500 Washington av. Shooting Grounds at Madison av cor 35th. Target practice every Wednesday. G L Becker, Pres; G E Browning, V-Pres; A P Bige- low, Sec and Treas. Ogden Publicity Bureau (auxiliary of Weber Club)—5th floor Col Hudson Bldg. J David Larson, Sec and Mgr. Owls' Club—2416 Washington av. Jos Crompton, Sec. Retail Merchants' Assn—First Nat Bank Bldg. J F Mattson, Sec. Sons of Herman—Meets in Union Labor Hall 2d and 4th Mondays. Henry Lotz, Pres; Wm Wagner, Sec. Union Cemetery Association—North Ogden. James Storey, Sec. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES—COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. 81 United Spanish War Veterans, Dept of Utah—Headquarters Salt Lake. Annual encampment in June. J B Downs, Dept Commander; L C Meek, Dept Adjutant. United Spanish War Veterans, Harry A Young Camp No 9 Meets at Union Labor Hall, 2d Thursday. E W Batchelor, Commander; Louis Miller, J V Commander; J B Downs, Adj. United Spanish War Veterans, Ladies' Auxiliary—Meets at 129 27th 2d and 4th Tuesdays. Constance Hansen, Pres; Amy Drew, S V; Mrs J B Downs, Sec. Utah Assn of Credit Men—2040 Douglas av. Mrs Mary llubbs, Clk. Veteran Firemen's Assn—Meets first Tuesday at City Hall. H H Shurtliff, Pres; J W Browning, Sec. Weber Club—5th floor Col Hudson Bldg. W H Wattis, Pres: I W Gentsch, V-Pres; I L Reynolds, Sec and Mgr; A P Bigelow, Treas. Western Railway Weighing & Inspection Bureau—U P, 11 s I, and S P freight Depots. T F Collins, Chief Inspector. Women's Christian Temperance Union—Local Unions meet 1st and 3d Wednesdays 2:30 p m. City Federation meets 2d Wednesdays 2:30 p in. Mrs W S Flewelling, Pres; Mrs V Way. Sec, 568 17th. Women's Missionary Society (in connection with First M 10 Church)—Meets 2d Wednesdays. Mrs Agnes Clancy, Pres; Mrs J J Malone, Sec. Women's Missionary Society (in connection with First l'i esbyterian Church)—Meets last Tuesdays at homes of members. Mrs J E Carver, Pres; Mrs S C Scribner, Sec. Y P S C E (in connection with First Congregational Church)—Meets in church parlors Sundays at 6:30 p m. Blanche Williams, Pres. Y P S C E (in connection with First Presbyterian Church) —Senior Department, Sunday evenings 6:30. Florence Zimmerman, Sec and Treas. Meets in church parlor. Young People's Union (in connection with First Baptist Church)—Meets at church every Sabbath evening 7 o'clock Ruth Johnson, Pres. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Board of Education of Ogden City—303 Col Hudson Bldg. Hyrum Pingree, Pres; W H Williams, V-Pres; John M Mills, supt; Viola M Clancy, Clerk; W D Ellis, Treas; Bessie Mc- Cready, Sec. |