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Show Chesterfield! CLOTHES 86 1915—R. L. POLK & CO'S CO CM a. . m o Q£ Ul U <o o S ol X co ro z e ■ 111 o CO o IdU CD OS W. A. BROWN Transfer and Express WE MOVE EVERYTHING MOVABLE. Special Padded, Low Truck for Piano Moving No Scratches, No Breaks. We Stand Behind All Damages. Quick Service WE ARE AS FAR AS YOUR PHONE. 2472 HUDSON AVE. TEL. 181. 2848 WASHINGTON AVE. TEL. 2142-J J BROWN'S ICE CREAM CO (INC), J E Brown Pres and Treas Frank W Hotaling V-Pres, W W Davis Sec. The Only Exclusive Mfrs of Pure Ice Cream, Wholesale and Retail,1 2456 Lincoln av, Tels 315 and 316. (See adv at classified Ice Cream Mfrs). BROWN'S IRON & BRASS WORKS, A W Brown Propr, Brass Flounders, Mfrs of Fencing, Wire Work, Bank and Counter- Railings, Vault and Jail Doors, Fire Escapes elc. 136 21st.| Browne Chas W, miner, r 840 22d. Browne Jay O, elk, r 539 23d. Browne Mabel C, student, b 840 22d. Browne Walter J, electn Elec Ser Co, b 840 22d. Browning Archibald, moved to Salt Lake City. Browning Ardel A, tchr Five Points School, b 2747 Adams avl BROWNING AUTO & SUPPLY CO, J E Browning jr Mgr, Automobiles, Motorcycles and Supplies. 2450 Grant av,j Tel 2281. BROWNING BROS CO, J M Browning Pres, M S Browning V-Pres, G E Browning Sec and Treas, T S and J E Browning Directors, Guns, Sporting Goods, Bicycles, Barbers Supplies, Talking Machines etc, 2451 Hudson av, Tel 45. Browning Carrie, tchr Ogden Cons of Music, b 505 27th. Browning Charilla, b 203 W 29th. Browning Claramay, b 667 26th. Browning Clarence, brtndr L B Best, b 2714 Grant av. Browning David E, lab S P, r 3262 Stephens av. Browning Dorothea E, b 2700 Wash av. Browning Edwd, rms 2203 Wash av. Browning Effie, b 3262 Stephens av. Browning EInora, student, b 667 26th. Browning Eugene JE, student, b 2700 Wash av. Browning Eva R, student, b 667 26th. Browning Florence, student, b 121 26th. Browning Florence M, b 559 27th. Browning Foster, tmstr, b 203 W 29th. Browning Francis, blrmkr S P. Browning Frank M, student, b 473 27th. Browning Franklin M, motrmn, r 3128 Adams av. Browning F Earl, b 2714 Grant av. Dee-Petty Co., "TOB." OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915 Brow Brow Wash av. r ,-ning F Wallace, student, b 2723 Wash av. ■wning Geo, student, b 559 27tn. k Geo E, sec-treas Browning Bros Go, r 2723 gHSi Hannah E (wid Oscar N), grocer 3161 Adams av BrowSHarold L, student, b 2723 Wash av. Browning Irma E, moved to Salt Lake. Browning Jesse L, elk, b 2714 Grant av. Browning John, r 2720 Adams av ooden BROWNING JOHN M, Pres Browning Bros Co, V-Pres Ogden Stale Bank, r 505 27th, Tel 1812 Browning John W, bartndr, r 121 26th. Browning Jonathan, tmstr. r 203 W 29th Browning Jonathan I'., dir Browning Bros Co, r 473 27th. BROWNING JONATHAN E JR, Mgr Browning Auto & Supply Co, r 3180 Washington av, Tel 1358 Browning Jonathan S, with Browning A & S Co, r o59 tnn. Browning Jos, lab, b 3262 Stephens av. Browning Justus A. brkmn I) & It G, r 3033 Lincoln av. Browning J Abbott, tmstr, r 203 W 2?th. „a« Browning .1 M & M S Co, J M Browning pres, M S Browning v-pres. John Browning sec. investments 2451 Hudson av. Browning Kenneth S, b 505 27th. Browning Lloyd, -indent, b 2714 Grant av. Browning Mrs Louise C, r 361 20th. Browning Lulu, bkpr W W Browning & Co, b 2747 Adams av. BROWNING L DOW men! Un wning Margt, student. I> 2ii7 Adams av. wning Marian, b 272.1 Wash av. Browning Marjorie, student, b 2747 Adams av. Browning Marriner, with Browning Bros Co, r 2575 Eccles av. Browning Martha wid Isaac A . r 2714 Grant av. BROWNING MATTHEW S, Pres First Nat Bank, Ogden Examiner Pub Co and Ogden, Logan <& Idaho Ry Co, r 2700 \\ ashington av, Tel 353. Browning Miles J, student, b 173 27th. Browning Monida, b 505 27lh. Browning Oetta A, b 559 27th. Browning olive K, b 559 27th. Browning Oscar J, -indent, b 3033 Lincoln av. Browning Raymond W. trav slsmn A Kuhn & Bros, r Riverdale rd. Browning Ruby A. stenog Shupe-Williams, b 121 26th. Browning Thoj E, r 667 26th. Browning Thos S. dir Browning Bros Co, r 559 27th Browning Val A, b 505 27th. Browning Vera E, b 3033 Lincoln av. Browning Wm I. b 27 1 i Granl av. BROWNING WM W, Postmaster, 24th n w cor Grant 27 11 Adam- av. Tel 1738. owning W W & Co, L G Torgesen mgr, ptrs and bkbndrs 2461 Wash av. id 3 HKI» I n _. m « 5c& DO)'* 1 § O *• ST 1 ■ 13 O pi a Tp OW, Local Mgr Deseret Evening News, base- lotel, r 667 26th, Tel 2331-J. H O z in p>" Cji o z p O "O oS 3-» n w pi-i 3564 av, r 2454 GRANT AVENUE TELEPHONE 506 Travel via OREGON SHORT LINE FOR ALL POINTS NORTHWEST in c 1 Z ! 0 |