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Show 18 STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. SIXTH—runs east and west, bet 5th and 7th. SLATERVILLE—northwest of Marriott. SMITH—a continuation of Jefferson av, south of 39th, Lin- wood pi. SOUTH BOULEVARD—runs east and west, bet Cherry and Olive. SOUTH COURT—west from Fisk av, bet 32d and North Court. SOUTHWELL—east from Washington av, Academy Heights. SPENCER—east from Tyler av, bet 35th and 36th. SPENCER—west from Lincoln av, bet 20th and 21st. SPRING—a continuation of Adams av, south of 39th, Lin- wood Place. SPRUCE—Linwood Place. SPRUCE—runs east and west, bet Pine and Ash, Ogden Heights. Heights. SPRUNT—east from Taylor av, bet 21st and 22d, Nob Hill. STEELE AV—south from 19th, bet Jackson and Van Buren avs. STEPHENS AV—south from 31st, west of Wall av. STEVENS AV—south from 24th to 25th, bet Wash and Adams avs. STILWELL TERRACE—28th northwest cor Grant av. STUART'S LANE—from 21st to 22d, bet Wash and Adams avs. SULLIVAN—east from Jefferson av, bet 30th and 31st, thence southeast beyond Harrison av. SUMMIT—west from Nebraska av, bet Wasatch and city limits. SWAN—east from Ogden' Boulevard, bet 22d and 23d, Nob Hill. TANNER COURT—south from 847 22d. TAYLOR AV—runs north and south, fourteenth east of Wall av. TAYLOR WARD—a farming district in West Weber. TENNESSEE AV—south from Howard to city limits, west of Indiana av. TENTH—runs east and west, bet 9th and 11th. THIRD—runs east and west, bet 2d and 4th. THIRD AV—University Place. THIRTEENTH—runs east and west, bet 12th and 14th. THIRTIETH—runs east and west, bet 29th and 31st. THIRTY-FIRST—runs east and west, bet 30th and 32d. THIRTY-SECOND—runs east and west, bet 31st and 33d. THIRTY-THIRD—runs east and west, bet 32d and 34th. THIRTY-FOURTH—runs east and west, bet 33d and 35th. THIRTY-FIFTH—runs east and west, bet 34th and 36th. THIRTY-SIXTH—runs east and west, bet 35th and 37th. THIRTY-SEVENTH—runs east and west, bet 36th and 38th. THIRTY-EIGHTH—runs east and west, bet 37th and 39th. THIRTY-NINTH—runs east and west, bet 38th and 40th. THOMAS LANE—west from Grant av, south of 24th. THOMPSON AV—Thompson & Dieter's addn. TOOELE—west from Nebraska av, bet Shoshone and Wasatch. TRACY AV—north from 140 W 22d to center of block, thence west to Pacific av. TREMONT—west from Nebraska av, bet Howard and Euclid. TWELFTH—runs east and west, bet 11th and 13th. STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. 19 TWENTIETH—runs east and west, bet 19th and 21st. TWENTY-FIRST—runs east and west, bet 20th and 22d. TWENTY-SECOND—runs east and west, bet 21st and 23d. TWENTY-THIRD—runs east and west, bet 22d and 24th. TWENTY-FOURTH—runs east and west, bet 23d and 25th. TWENTY-FIFTH—runs east and west, bet 24th and 26th. TWENTY-SIXTH—runs east and west, bet 25th and 27th. TWENTY-SEVENTH—runs east and west, bet 26th and 28th. TWENTY-EIGHTH—runs east and west, bet 27th and 29th. TWENTY-NINTH—runs east and west, bet 28th and 30th. TYLER AV—runs north and south, twelfth east of Wall av. UNION AV—south from 227 W 31st. UTAH AV—from County Road to 40th, bet Wash and Grant avs. UTAH PLACE—east from Jackson av, bet 30th and 31st. VAN BUREN AV—runs north and south, tenth east of Wall av. VIEW—six miles west of city, bet N Ogden and Utah Hot Spgs. VOLKER AV—north from 28th, bet Madison and Monroe avs. WALL AV—runs north and south, third west of Wash av, dividing line bet streets running east and west. WALNUT—west from Washington av, bet 2d and 3d. WARREN'S LANE—from Adams av to Stuart's Lane, bet 21st and 22d. WARREN'S ROW—west from 2155 Adams av to Stuart's Lane. WASATCH—west from Nebraska av, bet Tooele and Summit. WASHINGTON AV—from north to south limits, 3d east of Wall av. WASHINGTON AV—east boundary of Lawndale addn. WASHINGTON AV—Maguire's sub-division. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS—Wash av, from 40th to 71st. WEBER AV—from Harrison av to Taylor av, bet 27th and 28th. WEBER AV—from 38th to 39th, east of Grant av, Lake View addn. WEST BOULEVARD—west of Adams av, Ogden Heights. WEST COURT—from 23d to 24th, bet Adams and Jefferson avs. WHEELER AV—west from Jackson av, bet 37th and 38th. WHEELWRIGHT AV—west from Quincy av, bet 24th and 25th. WHITE'S TERRACE—rear 143 23d. WILLIAMS AV—from 27th to 28th, bet Monroe & Quincy avs. WILSON AV—south from 435 3d. WILSON'S LANE—from west end 24th, northwest to Marriott. WOODLAND AV—south from 33d, bet Lincoln and Grant avs. WYOMING AV—south from 35th to 42d, bet Jefferson and Madison avs. Don't Lend Your Directory |