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Show II " J. M. FORRISTALL ^Effil'SK™/"- SURETY BONDS, FIRE, ACCIDENT, |NC||RANPI? LIABILITY AND BURGLARY .... in«UnHHWt 212 fSE s ' pao a£a*aaa2laY 352 2d PHONE 631 1915—R. L. POLK A CO'S Hunter E Lee, druggist T H Carr, r 548 26th. t Hunter Fred W, foremn Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. ' Hunter Geo A, farmer, r Taylor. Hunter Gus, driver M L Jones C & I Co, r 2161 Adams av. Hunter Helen (wid Robt), r 2161 Reeve av. Hunter Helen A, student, b 2248 Quincy av. Hunter Henry, b 183 W 12th. Hunter H B, decorator, rms Saville Hotel. Hunter Jas B, lab, r Taylor. Hunter Jas B jr, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Taylor. Hunter Jas F, farmer, r Taylor. Hunter Jean S, student, b 2248 Quincy av. Hunter John C, r 335 27th. Hunter John H, r W Weber. Hunter John W, farmer, r Riverdale. Hunter Jos H, hlpr Shupe-Williams, r 332 31st. Hunter Leonora, b W C Hunter. Hunter Lillian C, b Taylor. Hunter Dula R, r Kanesville. Hunter Maggie (wid Adam), r 146 27th. Hunter Marilla P, tchr High School, b 2248 Quincy av. Hunter Nettie, elk Last & Thomas, b 146 27th. HUNTER RALPH P, Real Estate, Mortgage Loans, Insurance and Investments, etc, 423 24th, Tel 1803-.I, r 2248 Quincy av,~Tel 808. Hunter Robt A, bkpr Utah L &T Co, b 332 31st. Hunter Robt C, firemn S P, b 146 27th. Hunter Robt L, r Kanesville. Hunter Samantha I, r Kanesville. Hunter Sarah E, b Taylor. Hunter Thos, student, b 146 27th. Hunter Vera C, b Taylor. Hunter Walter W, farmer, r Taylor. Hunter Wilford A, b 332 31st. Hunter WTillard C, farmer, b Alex Hunter. HUNTER WM C, County Comr, Court House, r Wilson la, Tel 51-N2. Hunting Robt, rms Oxford Hotel. Huntsman Ezra, blksmith S P, r 462 Canyon rd. Huntsman J Freeman, r 3482 Adams av. Hurd Scott N, lab O P B & T Co, r Farr West. Hurst, see also Hirst. Hurst Building, 2437-2445 Hudson av. Hurst Jas M, carp, r 2953 Ogden av. Hurst John T (Paine & Hurst), r 2535 Adams av. Hurst Leonard J, elk Last & Thomas, b 2953 Ogden av. Hurst Mary M, student, b 2535 Adams av. Hurst Oscar P, hlpr Utah Const Co, r 2778 Park av. Hurst Realty & Merc Co, E F Bratz sec, 410 25th. Hurst Velma, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 2953 Ogden av. Hurtt Leon C, ranger U S Forest Service, rms 2557 Adams av. Huseman Henry F, elk H W Huseman, b 37th and Riverdale rd. Huseman Henry W, meats 2584 Wash av, r 37th and Riverdale rd. JOGALONG TRANSFER 60. PIANOS, SAFES AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY DRAYAGE 3281/2 Twenty-Fifth Street Telephone 283 OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT ._- FOR GOOD CONCRETE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. Huss Alex, shoer Geo Huss, r 2158 Adams av. Huss Bernard T, elk C J Herrick & Co, r 179 30th. Huss Clifford, student, b 561 22d. Huss Ellen (wid Isadore), r 2064 Jefferson av. Huss Ernest C, emp Amer Linen Co, b 179 30th. HUSS GEORGE, Propr Central Carriage Works, 2343 Hudson av, Tel 517-W, r 561 22d, Tel 1116-J. Huss Linford, shoer Geo Huss, b 2620 Jefferson av. Huss Lorene B, b 179 30th. Huss Myrtle V, student, b 561 22d. HUSSEY CHARLES H, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Rentals, Notary Public, Improved and Unimproved Farms and Ranches, Good Quality of Dry Farm Lands, 2408 Washington av (Upstairs), Tel 393, r 2970 Adams av, Tel 200-M. (See back cover). C. H. HUSSEY Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. Rentals NOTARY PUBLIC 2408 Washington Avenue WHY SHOULD Phone 393 \- «B Hussey Warren L, student, b 2970 Adams av. Huston Kate (wid Wm B), r 2648 Adams av. Hutchens Ardis, student, b 124 27th. Hutchens Harold G, botlr Becker B & M Co, b 230 W 2d. Hutchens John A, sergt Police Dept, r 230 W 2d. Hutchens Jos A, bridge insp S P, r 124 27th. Hutchens Norman G, student, b 230 W 2d. Hutehings Eva M, b 3037 Lincoln av. Hutchings Isabelle M, b 3037 Lincoln av. Hutehings Laverne A, elk, b 3037 Lincoln av. Hutchings Mrs Mina H, moved to Salt Lake City. Hutchings Wm E, opr O U R & D Co, r 3037 Lincoln av. Hutchins Delwin, lab, r 657 20th. Hutchins Edith, b 856 22d. Hutchins Iva, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 603 20th. Hutchins John J, farmer, r Slaterville. Hutchinson Eliza, elk W H Wright & Sons Co, b 3158 Grant av. Hutchinson Jas, waiter, rms 155 25th. Hutchinson Richd H, elk Shoemart, b 529 35th. Hutchinson Mrs Ruth, b 437 26th. Hutchinson Wm B, carp, r 529 35th. Hutchison Bernard, student, b 2545 Fowler av. J. P. O'NEILL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WORRY? Our Daddy is Insured in the MUTUAL LIFE of N. Y. J. P. Corry Dist. Mgr. 215 Eccles Bldg Tel. 270 Dealers in Stone, Cement, Asphaltum 423 25th Street Telephone 621 |