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Show 68 WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH 2. Elementary Educational Psychology. A study of the principles of psychology as applied to the learning process. Recommended for all students intending to teach in secondary schools. Required of all students intending to teach in the elementary grades. Three quarter hours. Spring. Benson 3. Applied Psychology. A study of psychology applied to motivation, law, crime, personality, business, advertising, salesmanship, public speaking, and mental health. Three quarter hours. Winter. Benson 5. Psychology for Nurses. A study of the principles of psychology as applied to the nursing profession. Four quarter hours. Spring. Benson 17. Elementary Statistics. A study of the computation, application, and interpretation of elementary statistics. Required of all students intending to teach. Two lectures and one laboratory period a week. Three quarter hours. Winter. Benson Sociology Walter Curtis Neville It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in Sociology complete Sociology 1, 2, and 8. 1. Elementary Principles of Sociology. A study of terminology, social processes, and social institutions. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Neville 2. Social Psychology. A study of human nature and behavior. This course has to do with the origin and development of the personality and treats principles of mental hygiene. Five quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Neville 4. Field Studies in Social Processes. The course is an introduction into community social problems. Local institutions such as poverty, crime, juvenile delinquency and mental deficiency will be studied. Field trips and surveys will be taken. Five quarter hours. Spring. Neville 5. Rural Sociology. A general study of village and farm life. Five quarter hours. Winter. Neville 8. The Family. A consideration of courtship, marriage, and family problems. (Not open to freshmen.) Three quarter hours. Spring. Neville Spanish Nancy Montgomery Barker It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in the Foreign Languages complete two years of one foreign language. 1. Elementary Spanish. A course designed to give extensive practice in reading, dictation, and conversation, and to develop the ability to under- WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH 69 stand Spanish without translation. Training in pronuncation based on phonetic principles. Five quarter hours. Autumn. (Not given 1938-1939.) Barker 2. Elementary Spanish. A course devoted to grammar, reading, and conversation. Five quarter hours. Winter. (Not given 1938-1939.) Barker 3. Intermediate Spanish. A course devoted to grammar review, dictation, conversation, and simple composition. Prerequisites: One unit of Spanish 2. Five quarter hours. Spring. (Not given 1938-1939.) Barker 4. Intermediate Spanish. A review of the essentials of Spanish gram mar; class and collateral reading, composition, and conversation. Pre requisite: Two units of Spanish or Spanish 3. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Barker 5. Advanced Spanish. A course devoted to class and collateral reading of novels, short stories, and dramas. Five quarter hours. Winter. Barker 6. Advanced Spanish. A review of grammar rules; consistent conversation drill based on reading, and extensive reading for the purpose of enabling students to read easily and fluently for pleasure without constant reference to dictionary. Five quarter hours. Spring. Barker Speech Thatcher Allred It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in Speech complete fifteen hours in Speech, including Speech 1 and 11. 1. Principles of Speech. A course concerned with the study of the fundamental elements of public speaking: speech appreciation, bodily action, voice, vocabulary, diction, organization, and delivery. Emphasis is given to the practice of speeches before the class and before other audiences whenever practicable. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Allred 2. Fundamental Speech Problems. A program of speech activity for each student is determined upon following consultation with the instructor. Three quarter hours. Spring. Allred 3. Forms of Public Address. A study concerned with the principal forms of Public Address: the speech to inform, the speech to entertain, the speech to impress, the speech to convince, and the speech to induce action. Pre requisite: English 1 or Speech 1. Three quarter hours. Winter. Allred 4. Speech for Foresters. This course deals with drill in fundamentals of speech. Particular attention is given to training and experience in effective speaking. Individual needs of the Forestry student are stressed. Three quarter hours. Winter. Allred |