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Show 46 WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH 47 5. Intermediate Accounting. A continuation of Business 4. Five quarter hours. (May not be given 1939-1940). Hurst 6. Intermediate Accounting. A continuation of Business 5. Five quarter hours. (May not be given 1939-1940). Hurst 11. Commercial Law Contracts. A course in the nature and sources of law, the business man's relation to the law and the public, and the making of contracts. Five quarter hours. Winter. Hurst 12. Salesmanship. A practical treatment of salesmanship, with emphasis on the psychological aspect. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Hurst 13. Marketing. A detailed study of the principles and costs involved in the marketing of economic goods. Special consideration is given the marketing of agricultural products. Five quarter hours. Spring. Clark 16. Business Mathematics. A course which covers the fundamental principles of Mathematics, including the following: a review of Commercial Arithmetic, short-cut calculation methods, trade and cash dis counts, simple and compound interest, depreciation, logarithms, annuity tables, etc. It is especially designed to provide a mathematical back ground for majors in Business. Five quarter hours. Autumn, Winter. Clark 17. Business Letter Composition. A study is made of special types of correspondence, such as letters of application, adjustment, sale, and collection. The purpose of this course is to give thorough and systematic instruction and practice in writing and answering of those types of letters most frequently met with in the business and professional offices. The course is designed particularly for those who have completed a college course in English Composition. Students may be admitted, however, without the college composition course provided they are capable of handling the material outlined in the course. Five quarter hours. Autumn, Winter. Coleman 21. Credits and Collections. A course dealing with fundamental credit policies as applied to current conditions. The study includes: determining the soundness of credit risks, analysis of sources of information and credit reports, practices of bank and mercantile credit departments, deter mining the credit limit, legal liabilities of debtors and creditors, thorough analysis of all financial data, handling of insolvent accounts, and discussion of every-day problems which are of interest to bank and mercantile credit men. The latest methods of making collections, increasing profits through up-to-date credit and collection policies are considered. Five quarter hours. Spring. Markham Chemistry Ralph Saunders Gray It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in Chemistry complete Chemistry 4, 5, 6 (or 1, 2, 11), 7, 8, 9; Mathematics 4, 5, 6; and Physics 4, 5, 6. Only fifteen hours of general chemistry will be accepted toward graduation. 5. Economic Botany. A general course designed to give the student a knowledge of the botany of the more common plants used for food by man. Three lectures a week. Autumn. Miner 6. Spring Flora of the Wasatch. A study of the local spring flora, giving training in the identification and classification of the higher plants. Two lectures and two laboratory periods a week. Four quarter hours. Spring. Miner 7. Trees and Shrubs. A course devoted to the study of the native and introduced trees and shrubs of the state. Special attention is given to their identification based upon twig and leaf characters, and to their culture and economic importance. Three lectures and one laboratory period a week. Four quarter hours. Winter. Miner 8. Conservation of Natural Resources. A course devoted primarily to the study of the proper utilization and conservation of our native plants and plant resources. Two quarter hours. Winter. Miner 9. Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. A fundamental course dealing chiefly with the relationships, classification, and identification of the flowering plants of this region. Prerequisite: Botany 1 or 4. Two lectures and two laboratory periods a week. Four quarter hours. Spring. Miner Business Guy Harold Hurst Owen Morrell Clark Ira Joseph Markham Clarence Wilson Dorothy Coleman 1. Elementary Accounting. A study of fundamental principles of accounting procedure. The balance sheet method of approach is used. Accounts peculiar to single proprietorships are introduced together with opening, adjusting, and closing entries. Four quarter hours. Autumn. Hurst la. Accounting for Engineers. A study of the principles underlying accounting methods. Especially designed for engineers. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Hurst 2. Elementary Accounting. A continuation of Business 1 with emphasis upon partnership accounting and the division of profits. Four quarter hours. Winter. Hurst 3. Elementary Accounting. A continuation of Business 2 with emphasis upon corporation and manufacturing accounting. Four quarter hours. Spring. Hurst 4. Intermediate Accounting. A course in accounting theory and a consideration of practical problems dealing with individual proprietor ships, partnerships, and corporations. Prerequisite: Business 3. Five quarter hours. Spring. Hurst |