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Show TSE R&0 a^BBBB^ TH 352-25 PHONE 631 Thomas C. Foley Co. "SLafiSSf* 941 il Wool, A.,„ DL 1A1 DISTRIBUTORS FOR 2410 Wash. Ave. Phone 303 hXSKEZ.'S* 108 1915—R. L. POLK A CO'S Chrislofferson J Raymond, bkpr Ogden P & P Co. b 2 I 52 Adams av. Christofferson Lillian, b 2152 Adams av. Christofferspn Saela, elk W II Wright it Suns Co, rms Adams av cor 12th. CbrislolVerson Win R, bkpr Ogden P & P Co, r 2 152 Adams av. Chuchi Jos, farmer, r Warren. Chugg Mrs Hannah, r Farr West. Chugg Jos J, farmer, r Farr West. Chugg Mabel E, h .1 J Chugg. Chugg Moroni, farmer, r Farr West. Chugg Myrtle X, smstrs, b J J Chugg. Chugg Orley J, pkr Boyle Furn Co. r 2254 Adams av. Chugg Ray R, repr O S L, r rear 2165 Adams av. Chugg Victor, r Farr West. Church of Jesus Christ of L D S, tabernacle Wash av cor 22d, slake offices 817 Eccles Bldg and 429 24th. Church of The Good Shepherd (Epis), 24th ne cor Grant av. Church Winfred J, hlpr U I, & T Co, r 1350 Glenwood av. Churstrom, see Cherrstrom. Ciaelli Sam 1. caster Archt Dec Go, r Sail Lake City. CITIZENS FIRE INS CO (of St Louis), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 4 1 I 24th. City Attorney (Vanentine Gideon), 312 First Nat Bank Bldg. CITY CAFE, Theo Geffas Propr, Private Booths for Ladles, Regular Dinner 25c, I 1 a in In 8 p in, Short Orders All Hours, Open All Night, 124 25th, Tel 2341-J. City Cemetery, Jefferson av and 2()lb. City Commissioners. (See p 21). City Courts, crim div Hudson av bel 25lh and 26lh, civ div 5 City Hall. City Crematory, 29th nr Park av. CITY DIRECTORY OFFICE AND LIBRARY (R L Polk & Co), with Carnegie Free Library, Washington av nr 26th. City Estray Pound, e s Wash av nr Ogden River Bridge. CITY FLORAL CO, George Sharratt Mgr, Office 413 24th, Tel 1603. CITY HALL, Washington av sw cor 25th. Cily Hall Square, bet 25th and 26th, ({rant and Wash avs. City Jail, Hudson av bet 25th and 26th. City Lunch Room (Jos Chance), 214% 25th. City Officers, City Hall. (See p 20). City Pest House. 4 1st or Lincoln av. Cily Physician (W E Whalen), 812 Eccles Bldg. CITY REPAIR SHOP, Lloyd Burrup Propr, 2468 Lincoln av, Tel I897-.I. (See adv at classified Bicycle Repairers). City Transfer (H C Hall), drayage and coal 233 25th. City Water Works Department, F J llendersbol jr chf bkpr, City Hall. Clancy Agnes M (wid Thos W), r 2923 Childs av. Clancy Chas, rms 2231 Wash av. Clancy John H, carrier P O, b 2923 Childs av. Clancy Thos W, elk, b 2923 Childs av. Clancy Viola M, elk Bd of Education, b 2923 Childs av. If CI I Y 9 jrn P I 01/ Fire and Accident Insurance IxLLLI 06 nLlinlulV Real Estate and Loans 2500 WASHINGTON AVENUE TELEPHONE 76 LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET PHONE 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 109 I 2d. Washington p m, r 2771 Clapier David, farmer, r rear Clapier Elsie, b rear 144 2d. Clapier Josephine, b rear 144 Clapp ^as V, ceiiientwkr, r 2759 Wall av. Clare Josephine (wid David S), r 3065 Lincoln av. Clark Mrs Alice, r 175 24th. Clark Alonzo, farmer, r \\ ilson la. Clark Akin, mis 286 25th. Clark Amasa R, appr U L & T Co, r 1973 Wall av. Clark Caroline (wid Bennett), r Warren. Clark Chester A, farmer, b 503 Lincoln av. Clark Claude R, electn Central Elec S Co, r 453 34th. Clark Clyde, b 2752 Wash av. Clark Darrel <>, student, b 2375 Madison av. Clark Edwd C, farmer, r Taylor. Clark Eleanore L, stenog Geo A Lowe Co, b 428 20th. Clark Eli/, (wid Clarence W), r 429 Herrick av. Clark Ernest M, moved to Oakland, Cal. Clark Ezra T (Crown Painless Dentists), rms Marion Hotel. Clark Florence, b 503 Lincoln av. CLARK FRED G, Physician and Surgeon, 2479 av. Tel 401, Hours 10:30 to 12 in and 2 to S Washington av, Tel 1635. Clark Fred 11, bgemn Union Depot, r 266 23d. Clark Geo W, farmer, r S Weber. Clark Gordon L, farmer, b Alonzo Clark. '•lark Hannah L (wid Jos), r 2752 Wash av. Clark Harold, student, b 2771 Wash av. Clark Hizel, lab Amal Sugar Co, rms W D Wilson. CLARK ISAAC G, Pres and Mgr I L Clark & Sons Co 2356-2360 Washington av. Tel 2 12-J, r 672 24th, Tel 1109-W. CLARK I L & SONS CO, Isaac G Clark Pres and Mgr, Wm C Clark V-Pres and Treas, J B Foulger Sec, Shoes and Clothing 2356-2362 Washington av, Tel 212-J. Clark Jas, emp Grant Lusk, rms 259 25th. Clark Jas M, farmer, r Riverdale rd. Clark John, barber H (i White, rms 2563 Grant av. Clark John, farmer, r Warren. Clark John, lab, rms 259 25th. dark John J, expmn, r 2743 Quincy av. ■ ark John M. farmer, r Riverdale rd. U ark Jos A, farmer, r N Ogden. uark Jos B, mach, r Riverdale rd. «ia«»Jos F- lab> r Warren. i-LARK JUNE W, Drugs, Agt Nyal's Remedies, 274 25th, Tel ol, r 2609 Grant av, Tel 2386-W. r\lll «eo J' clk> b 428 20th. mark Margt I (wid Seymour L), elk W II Wright & Sons Co, n b 2653 Jefferson av. art wgt }' (wid John -f)- r 428 20th. Uark Mary, b 339 30th. : I1 ,k Mary C. b 503 Lincoln av. -dark Parley P. lab, b John Clark. H*rk Romania L (wid Isaac L), r X m ■ 50 z BBB1 c Z3EL H G* X — amaaai H •*"> o m c 0) CD 1 0) > H m 0) s 3« z o a ■ GO on $ *-» X IS) HO w Sr ■T mm SC ■ " r~ mpi s> _Z e 1=31 <D xrn IO mH OO > 2375 Madison av. en I- C Nye Agency Co. n»Sss,t GENERAL INSURANCE-SURETY BONDS |