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Show J. M. FORRISTALL SURETY BONDS, FIRE, LIABILITY AND BURGLARY 2438 WASHINGTON AVE TELEPHONE 425 ACCIDENT, INSURANCE 180 1915—R. L. POLK A CO'S Greenwell Clifton, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 3317 Wash av. Greenwell Clyde T (Geo H Greenwell & Son), b 231 22d. GREENWELL CONFECTIONERY, L E Greenwell Pres, Edward Greenwell V-Pres, E E Greenwell Sec-Treas, Best of Confections, Lunches and Box Candies, 356 25th, Tel 1188-W. Greenwell Darrell J, reptr, b 1641 Wash av. Greenwell Earl E, dentist 2479 Wash av, r 563 23d. Greenwell Edwd E, v-pres Greenwell Confy, b 563 23d. Greenwell Eliz (wid Ambrose C), b 560 24th. Greenwell Ellen, b 180 W 31st. Greenwell Ellsworth, elk Greenwell Confy, b 563 23d. Greenwell Elmer W, butcher Ogden P & P Co, b 207 W Patterson av. Greenwell Fannie E (wid Chas H), r 563 23d. Greenwell Frank D, insp S P, rms 2428 Monroe av. Greenwell Fred F, mason, r 3525 Wash av. Greenwell Geo E (Geo H Greenwell & Sons), r 3559 Ogden av. Greenwell Geo H (Geo H Greenwell & Sons), r 231 22d. GREENWELL GEO H & SONS (Geo H, Geo E and Clyde T), Contractors of Brick, Stone, Cement and Concrete, Personal Attention to All Jobs, 231 22d, Tel 564. Greenwell Geo W, oiler S P, r 218 26th. Greenwell Harry W, b 231 22d. Greenwell Homer L, checker Union Depot, r rear 2428 Monroe av. Greenwell Jas, meat ctr Emil Keller jr, r 2234 Monroe av. Greenwell Jas W jr, brklyr, r 3517 Wash av. Greenwell John, brtndr Exch Bar, r 1641 Wash av. Greenwell John H, brklyr, r 3627 Ogden av. Greenwell John P, brklyr, b 3627 Ogden av. Greenwell Jos, butcher Ogden P & P Co, r 207 W Patterson av. Greenwell Juanita, b 207 W Patterson. Greenwell J Wm, dairymn, r 2075 Tyler av. Greenwell Kimball F, collr White Sewing Mach Co, b 2422 Monroe av. Greenwell Lawrence E, pres Greenwell Confy, b 563 23d. Greenwell Loretta, student, b 231 22d. Greenwell Mrs Lottie E, b 176 33d. Greenwell Louis B, brkmn S P, r 2072 Douglas av. Greenwell Lucy, b Saml Greenwell. Greenwell Mrs Margt A, b 569 23d. Greenwell Pearl D, student, b 3525 Greenwell Robt T, elk J F Mattson, b Greenwell Rollo T, b 231 22d. Greenwell Rose M, emp Ogden Steam Lndry, b 3517 Wash av. Greenwell Salena, supvr M S T & T Co, b 214 22d. Greenwell Saml, farmer, r W Weber. Greenwell Thos, hlpr O U R & D Co, r 180 W 31st. Greenwell Wm, barnmn Utah School D and B. GREENWELL W T, Circulation Manager Ogden Examiner, r 569 23d, Tel 1921-W. Greenwood Chester, jan Peery Apts, r same. Greer, see also Grier. Wash av. 569 23d. JOGALONG TRANSFER CO. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE—MOVING VANS. 328/2 Twenty-Fifth Street Telephone 283 OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT FOR GOOD CONCRETE — OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 181 Greer Jas A, elk J W Clark, r 23 Stephens Apts. Gregg Maude, tchr Mound Fort School, b 528 24th. Gregory Arthur H, hlpr S P, r 2325 Lincoln av. Gregory Neal C, elk Ogden Whol Drug Co, rms 2064 Douglas av Gregory Sanford N, mach Browning A & S Co, r 2926 Childs av. Greiner John J (Bismark Hotel & Cafe), r 128 25th. Greiner J Wesley, messr, r 3064 Grant av. Greiner Ollie, maid Marion Hotel, rms 2206 Lincoln av. Grevas Jas, lab S P. Grevas John S, lab S P. Grevas Nicholas, hlpr S P. ("rrev S6e Grciy Grey'less John P, swehman O U R & D Co, r 2334 Wall av. Grier, see also Greer. Grier Jos M, r 441 27th. Grier Robt E, tmstr, r 2237 Grant av. Grieve Margt A, b Plain City. Grieve Peter, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Plain City. Grieve Wm, farmer, r Plain City. Griffin Alfred O, plstr, r 2003 Madison av. M--mm, .. GRIFFIN BENJAMIN J, Mgr Griffin Paint Co, 2310 Washington av, Tel 530, r 2342 Madison av, Tel 328-R. Griffin G H, rms Hotel National. Griffin Herbt L, pres H L Griffin Co, r 2661 Adams av. Griffin Herman, student, b 2829 Grant av. Griffin H L Co The, H L Griffin pres, M H Griffin v-pres, R Griffin sec and treas, produce, 2362 Wall av. Griffin John, lab, r 2167 Wall av. Griffin John L, barber Burgess & McCamant, r 359 Parry av. Griffin John W (Ogden Barber Supply Co), r 2629 Monroe av. Griffin Jos, barber, r 359 Parry av. Griffin Kenneth S, cashr Blackman & Griffin Co, b 462 23d. Griffin LeGrand, farmer, r Taylor. Griffin Lester G, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 513 4th. Griffin Louis J, steward Falstaff Cafe, r 235 23d. Griffin Lucille, student, b 462 23d, Griffin Marietta (wid Loyal), r 330 28th. Griffin Mary M (wid Alfred), r rear 2003 Madison av. Griffin Matilda H, v-pres H L Griffin Co, r 2661 Adams av. Griffin Orson J, signal repr, b 2003 Madison av. GRIFFIN PAINT CO, B J Griffin Mgr, Full Line of Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper etc, Painters and Paperhangers Supplies, 2310 Washington av, Tel 530. Griffin Parley N, tchr Utah Ind School, r 513 4th. Griffin Ralph F, brkmn U P, b 850 27th. Griffin Richd J, b 235 23d. Griffin Rolla M, sec and treas H L Griffin Co, r 2829 Grant av. Griffin Roy, live stock, r 1426 25th. Griffin Ruth D, choc dipper, b 2003 Madison av. Griffin Seth J, sec Blackman & Griffin Co, r 462 23d. Griffin Susan (wid Henry), b 2629 Monroe av. Griffin Tenny, b Taylor. Griffin Walter, painter, r Taylor. Griffith Arthur, eng S P, rms 2703 Grant av. Griffith Geo G, r 778 21st. J. P. O'NEILL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WHY SHOULD WORRY? Our Daddy is Insured in the MUTUAL LIFE of N. Y. I. P. Corry Dist. Mgr. 215 Eccles Bids Tel. 270 Dealers in Stone, Cement, Asphaltum wS^ |