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Show iliiifi; < II Federal Land & Mortgage Co. r£% Owners of Washington Heights THE EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE DISTRICT OF OCOEA 238 1915—R. L. POLK A CO'S Knight Orson M, farmer, r Plain City. Knight Saml, farmer, r Warren. Knight Sarah E (wid John), r 2262 Monroe av. Knight Stephen, farmer, r Plain City. Knight Villa, student, b 2419 Grant av. Knight Wm, farmer, r Plain City. Knight Wm A, jan, r 2228 Monroe av. Knight Wm L, b 2228 Monroe av. Knighton Eliza J (wid Geo), r 1145 Farr's av. Knighton Saml H, carp, r 1071 Cross. Knights of Pythias Building, 2353 Grant av. Knights of Pythias Hall, 2353 Grant av. Knisely Philip W, slsmn Geo A Lowe Co, r 2513 Adams av. Knocke Mrs Mary, elk W H Wright & Sons Co, b 3303 Wall av. Knotts Sulser A, carp, r 2364 Van Buren av. KNOWLDEN CHARLES A, Special Agt White Sewing Mach Co, r 2369 Jefferson av. Knowlden Leslie R, slsmn White Sew Mach Co, r 2053 Farr's av. Knowlden Wm J, slsmn White Sew Mach Co, rms rear 2337 Adams av. Knowles Eliz L, nurse, rms Reed Hotel. Knowles Jas E, clnr S P, r 354 Dan. Knudsen Elmer A, elk, r 181 Patterson av. Knudson Myrtle A, stenog Blackman & Griffin Co, b 468 17th. Knudson Nels, miller Riverdale Flour Mill, r 468 17th. Knudson Theo J, student, b 468 17th. Knutson Bessie, b 173 W 29th. Knutson Gilbert, b 173 W 29th. Knutson Henry, lab, r 173 W 29th. Knutson Mary, b 173 W 29th. Knutson Timothy, electn, b 173 W 29th. Kobayashi Kan, lab S P. Kobayashi Midori, moved to Pocatello, Ida. Kobayashi Saml, lab S P. Koch, see also Cook. Koch Christian, cranemn S P, b 470 Rose ct. Koch Henning, tmstr, rms 173 W 29th. Koch John B, mach, r 470 Rose ct. Koch Lewis B, asst U S Forest Service, b 470 Rose ct. Koch Michl, cooper Goddard P & P Co, r 268 W 20th. Koch Peter, mach, r 1436 23d. Kocotis Gustave, hlpr S P. Koeineles Demetrius, lab, rms 233 W 21st. Koepp Clara, tchr Mound Fort School, b 2368 Tyler av. Koepp Geo W, r 2368 Tyler av. Koepp Myrtle M, student, b 2368 Tyler av. Koerner Leslie G, slsmn, b 1364 25th. Kofoed Alfred A, farmer, r N Ogden. Kohler Ernest, carp C J Humphris, r 2321 Jackson av. Kohler Saml S, adv solr, rms Van Ness Hotel. Kohlhepp Minerva, tchr View School, b M W Hickman. Kohn, see also Coen and Cohen. Kohn A Leo (Kohn Liquor Co), r 2783 Wash av. Mathews-McCulloch Company, Inc. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & LOANS TroK^RSftS-M BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES. PHONE 2777 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 239 Kohn Geo J, with Kohn Liquor Co, rms The Virginia. Kohn Liquor Co (A Leo Kohn), 2348 Wash av. Kohn Phil A, asst frt and pass agt D & R G R R, r 878 23d. Kohn Sigmund ,with Kohn Liquor Co, r 2211 Jefferson av. Kokubo K, porter Reed Hotel. Kolas Geo, lab S P. Koldewyn Arend, elk Watson-Tanner Clo Co, r 929 Canyon rd. Koldewyn Derk, agt Metropolitan Life, r 33d n w cor Stephens av. Koldewyn Henry, jan Grant School, r 1879 Park av. KOLDEWYN HERMAN D, Asst Mgr L H Becraft, b rear 825 28th, Tel 993-J. KOLDEWYN WM A, Men's and Ladies' Tailoring, Cleaning and Pressing, 2478 Hudson av, r rear 825 28th, Tel 993-J. Koldewyn W Alex, elk S P, r 476 16th. Kolls Geo F, troublemn U P & L Co, r 350 Franklin av. Koning Coba, dom 2575 Eccles av. Koning John, feeder A T Hestmark, b 2332 Harrison av. Koning Jos, comp A L Scoville Press, r 2332 Harrison av. Kontos Gust, lab S P. Kontos Michl, lab S P. Koons Bismarck M, vulcanizer Browning A & S Co, r 2209 Grant av. Koons Chas F, r 960 21st. Koons Chas T, dep City Treas, r 876 21st. Kootsabas Nick, r rear 200 Tracy av. Korb Harry, billiards 326 25th, r 2733 Grant av. Korb Herman, student, b 2733 Grant av. Korb Isador, b 2733 Grant av. Korb Jacob, moved to Cincinnati, O. Korb Leo, elk Harry Korb, b 2733 Grant av. Korbo Jas, hlpr S P. Korgenski Ernest, hrnsmkr J G Read & Bros Co, rms 2749 Grant av. KORNDER P HERMAN, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, F'ruits and Candy, Cigars and Tobaccos, 320 24th, r 2213 Grant av. Korosumi T, elk Tamaki & Co, b 2240 Quincy av. Koster John, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Kotter Margt, elk Last & Thomas, b 2241 Adams av. Kouros Geo, coffee hse 142 25th, rms 127 25th. Kouw Ida, laund O S L, b rear 3279 Wash av. Kouw Jos, butcher Ogden P & P Co, rms 3073 Wall av. Kouw Martinus M, appr J G Read & Bros Co, b rear 3279 Wash av. Kouw Wm J, comp J O Woody Ptg Co, r 2760 Jefferson av. Kovis Peter (Amer Shoe S Parlor), rms 2627 Grant av. Kraaima Herman, car clnr, r 3240 Stephens av. Kraft, see Craft. Kramer, see also Cramer and Creamer. Kramer Fred G, elk N L Sims, rms Marion Hotel. Kramer Fred R, cigars and pool 366 25th, r 322 33d. Kramer Herman, clnr S P, r 3240 Stephens av. Kramer Rudolphina (wid Rudolph), r 2050 Ballantyne av. Kramer Wm A, elk F R Kramer, b 322 33d. i CO O »"aaj = CD I"* *co OJ act CD ho _J <D i» CD Travel via OREGON SHORT LINE FOR ALL POINTS NORTHWEST |