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Show *%m Cal <• * a* fe* z« OS S>- 02 MarTiM gaaajl iz »-3 522 >.£ <2 >0£ ■ of. *-§ H S cs yj £ ■E SB THE WESTERN FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Everything in Foundry, Machine, " TELEPHONE 647 2257 LIN \\ OGDEN. UTAH 336 1915—R. L. POLK & CO'S cn Ragan Danl, slsmn, r 2323 Monroe av. Ragan Michl, brkmn S P, rms 2335 Monroe av. Ragan Patrick, lab, rms 413 W 21st. Ragan Ruth M, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 2323 Monroe av. Railway Mail Service, Wm F Bangasser chf elk, 302 Federal Bldg. Rain John A, rms Hudson Hotel. Raine Terrace, 2610-2620 Monroe av. Rainey Albt C, carp, b 3210 Jefferson av. Rainey Geo A, emp Becker B & M Go, r 3210 Jefferson av. Rakestraw Orrin L, opr Asso Press, r 2120 Harrison av. Rail Jos W, wchmn S P, r 2637 Van Buren av. Ramey Chas M, organizer, r 2104 Jefferson av. Ramey Clay S, porter Seppich & Buehler, rms 135 26th. Ramey Jas W, b J W Ramey. Ramey John W, farmer, r Wilson la. Rams Wm, rms 2128 Lincoln av. Ramsden Arthur, cond, r 502 Chester. Ramsden Eliz (wid Peter), r 1060 Capitol av,-. • :, Ramsden John, lab, r 339 Parry av. Ramsden John E, elk Browning Bros Go, r 532 30th. Ramsden Leila M, elk W H Wright & Sons Co, b 532 30th. Ramsden Ruth S, b 532 30th. Ramsperger Albt G, student, b 2531 Fillmore av. Ramsperger Augusta L (wid Gustave), r 2531 Fillmore av. Ramsperger Herman, student, b 2531 Fillmore av. RANCH THE, Baumeister Bros Proprs, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 365 24th, Tel 1887-W. Randall Auto Livery (O P Randall), 2483 Washav. Randall Bertha C, opr John Scowcroft &: Sons' Co, b G E Randall. Randall David E, treas and mgr N Ogden Canning Co, r N Ogden. Randall Earl A, student, b E J Randall., : Randall Ellen, student, b 318 2d. Randall Emma (wid Levi L), r 718 21st. Randall Enoch J, farmer, r N Ogden. Randall Ethel, student, b N Ogden. Randall E Laura, tchr, b 318 2d. Randall Geo E, farmer, r N Ogden. Randall Gilbert, b D E Randall. Randall Harvey P, pres and mgr Pioneer Coal & Lbr Co, r 300 2d. Randall Hazel L, b 718 21st. Randall Heber J, farmer, r N Ogden. Randall Jas E, pres N Ogden Canning Co, r N Ogden. Randall John A, v-pres Pioneer Coal & Lbr Co, r 318 2d. Randall Jos H, lino opr Standard, r 468 23d. Randall J Wm, bkpr Pioneer Coal & Lbr Go, b 318 2d. Randall Laura, tchr Lorin Farr School, b 318. 2d. Randall Lewis A, farmer, b E J Randall. Randall Luetta M, b E J Randall. WESTERN CREDIT ASSN. collections 2d No Advance Fees. We remit as soo« ■■■aBBBBBBBBBBBSBaaBSBBBSBBBBB^^ as money IS received Bonded for $5,000.00 to the State of Utah. Floor Col. Hudson Bldg. TEL. 971 WRIGHT'S STORE GENERAL DEPT STORE LINES Cor. Washington Ave. and 24th OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 337 Randall Nell, student, b 318 2d. Randall Olive M, student, b D E Randall. Randall Oscar P (Randall Auto Livery), rms 723 Adams av. Randall Reta M, b G E Randall. Randall Saml M, farmer, r N Ogden. Randall Sarah E, student, b E J Randall. Rands Geo H, opr Utah L & T Co, r 1037 12th. Rands Jos L, caller S P, r 170 Poplar av. Rands Wm C, hlpr O S L, rms 2128 Lincoln av. Raney, see Rainey and Ramey. Rankin Colin W, r 2127 Reeve av. Rankin Eliza M (wid Alex W), r 2877 Grant av. Rankin John E, whsnm W D Brown Co, b 2127 Reeve av. Rankin Jos P, mail contr 3135 Wash av, r same. Rankin Mary F (wid Ansel J), r 37th and Pacific av. Rankin Mary W, b 2127 Reeve av. Rankin Robt, timekpr, b 2127 Reeve av. Rankin Roy A, poultry breeder 37th and Pacific av, r same. Rankin Sarah T, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Go, r 2127 Reeve av. Ransome Wm H, slsmn, r 2255 Moffit av. Ranson Clarence, firemn U P, b 535 27th. Ranson Geo, lab Ogden P & P Co, r 533 27th. Ranson Geo jr, firemn U P, r 2319 Grant av. Ranson Ida M, stenog, b 145 W Patterson av. Ranson Matthew W, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 195 W 29th. Ranson Roy, b 145 W Patterson av. Ranson Wilson H, cond, r 145 W Patterson av. Ranson W Cleave, firemn U P, b 535 27th. , RAPID PACKAGE DELIVERY & MESSENGER SERVICE, Crockett & Cunningham Proprs, An Up-to-Date Messenger Service and Package Delivery, Under First Nat Bank, Tel 395. (See adv under classified Messenger Service). Rapp Chas W, chfr Fire Dept, r 349 31st. Rash Leona R, b G W Rash. Rasmussen Andw G, driver Hess Bakery, r 329 32d. Rasmussen Anna N, hskpr Reed Hotel, rms same. Rasmussen Chesta, b 725 24th. Rasmussen Clement C, mailmn Union Depot, rms 2409 Lincoln av. Rasmussen Mrs Emma, buyer W H Wright & Sons Co, r 294 21st. Rasmussen Henrietta (wid Wilhelm), b 827 : 26th. Rasmussen John, brkmn O S L, rms 2957 Lincoln av. Rasmussen Jorgen P, driver Blackman & Griffin Co, r 656 28th. Rasmussen Marie (wid Jas), b 294 21st. ; . Rasmussen Marie, nurse Utah School D and B, r same. RASMUSSEN OTTO D, Propr O D Rasmussen Dept Store, 2322- 2324 Washington av, Tel 791, r 1550 Robinson av, Tel 1875. RASMUSSEN O D DEPARTMENT STORE, O D Rasmussen Propr, Dry Goods, Cloaks, Suits, Shoes, Notions etc, 2322- 2324 Washington av, Tel 791. Rasmussen Robt E, blksmith S P, r 294 21st. mm SALT LAKE ROUTE — FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA CO to cm o to 2L ■ OO o CD 5 ® £ f nasi O 0 0 Q ro s m 3 Ovt cn 3-v o o» 52 3D m < S. co < S.Hra m m < s» n x i^-coP 1 |