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Show fj j > < 5 THE WESTERN FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Everything in Foundry, Machine. Boiler and Structural Steel Work TELEPHONE 647 2257 LINCOLN AVE. OGDEN, UTAH 352 1915—R. L. POLK & CO'S O U H1 ui Rolapp Howard, student, b 2514 Madison av. Rolapp Walter H, student, b 2522 Madison av. Rollow Alvin J (Grant Barber Shop), r 2237 Adams av. Rollow Chas, r 1656 Wash av. Roman Danl B, farmer, r Riverdale. Roman Roy, farmer, b D B Roman. Roman Stephen S, b 3654 Ogden av. Roman Victor, farmer, r Riverdale. Roman Wm H, plstr, r 3654 Ogden av. Romijn Cornelius, blksmith S P, r 2864 Madison av. Romijn Marie, laund, b 2864 Madison av. Romney Geo, v-pres Oregon Lbr Co, r Salt Lake City. Romney M Alonzo, tehr High School, rms 529 25th. Romrell Christina (wid Jos F), r 197 Harrisville rd. Romrell Hyrum J, mailmn Union Depot, r 253 4th. Romrell Jos F, lab O P B & T Co, r 197 Harrisville rd. Romrell Patience (wid Geo), b 253 4th. Romse Wm, driver Troy Lndry, r 1936 Polk av. Rond Albertus, painter, r 3276 Stephens av. Rond Carl C, driver, r 713 29th. Rond Dina, b 3276 Stephens av. Rond Jos A, b 3276 Stephens av. Rookhuyzen, see Van Rookhuyzen. Root Dwight H, mgr Utah Bill Posting Go, r 2366 Grant av. Root John, brickmkr, r cor 40th and Madison av. Rose Andw, farmer, r View. Rose Ashman, farmer, r View. Rose August E, farmer, r Slaterville. Rose A Elmer, farmer, r Warren. Rose C Leonard, prsmn J O Woody Ptg Co, r 641 26th. Rose Dottie R, wrapper W H Wright & Sons Co, b 225 23d.. Rose Edith, b 145 Tracy av. Rose Edith L, rms N Ogden. Rose Elmer G, farmer, r Warren. Rose Eva M, elk Ward Co, b 641 26th. ROSE FRANK A, Mgr Lambert Paper Co, Wall av and 24th, Tel 151, r 551 27th, Tel 617-W. Rose Geo, rms 2203 Wash av. Rose Geo E, r 849 30th. Rose Geo G, lab, r 849 30th. Rose Herbt M, farmer, r View. Rose John J, tmstr, b J L Hart. Rose J Edwd, roofer Lambert Paper Go, r 439 30th. Rose Floyd, student, b Ashman Rose. Rose Mamie, stenog Inland Grain Go, b 225 23d. Rose Mary A (wid Wm A), r 641 26th. Rose Millie, laund, rms 163 W 30th. Rose Pearl, b A E Rose. Rose Perry L, lab, rms Mrs A M Iverson. Rose Robt A, carp, b 641 26th. Rose Rozella (wid Albert), r 225 23d. Rose Saml, hlpr S P. Rosen Hyne (Denver Tailors), r 135 25th. Rosenberg Morris, shoemkr 254 25th, r same. WESTERN CREDIT ASSN. We Turn Your Accounts into Real Money, Ash the Best Merchants about our CoKiction System aaaaaaasaaaaaaami NO ADVANCE FEES mmmmmmmmmmmm Telephone 971. Credit Ratings COLLECTIONS Bonded for $5,000 to the State of Utah 2d Floor Col. Hudson Bldg WRIGHT'S STORE GENERAL DEP'T STORE LINES Cor. Washington Ave. and 24th OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1915. 353 ROSENBLUTH HARRY, Sec and Treas R & O Quality Shop, r 2665 Grant av, Tel 2386-J. Rosenkilde J F, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Eden. Rosenthal David (Golden Eagle), r 2803 Grant av. Rosevear Jas, rms 2244 Adams av. Rosevear John H, hlpr S P, r 3356 Woodland av. Rosevear Richd A, carp, r 3223 Grant av. Rosevear Stanley, hlpr Halverson Bros, r 1024 Utah pi. Rosevear Wm J, blksmith O P B & T Go, r Harrisville rd. Rosevear Wm S, carp, r rear 2128 Jefferson av. Roshon Karl K, bartndr Healy Hotel Bar, r 178 Patterson av. Roshon Max, mailmn Union Depot, b 178 Patterson av. Ross Aaron G, baker Hess Bakery, r 3432 Wash av. Ross Aaron Y, mailmn, r 2683 Wall av. Ross Belle S, tchr Utah School D and B, b 2506 Madison av. Ross Ghas J, real est, rms 2506 Madison av. Ross Egbert P, brtndr, r 278 22d. Ross Ferrie J, grocer 286 22d, r same. Ross Geo W, b 3432 Wash av. Ross John, hlpr S P. Ross John J, driver Ward Co, rms Cottage Hotel. Ross Mollie, rms 467 4th. Ross Ray A, slsmn, r 2953 Wash av. Ross Saml, live stock 276 22d, r same. Ross Walter S, washer Nelson & Fell, r 3518 Jefferson av. Rostan John A, real est 416 24th, r 1737 Wash av. Roswell Harry, cond O S L, rms 230 26th. Roth John, lab S P, r 1791 Center av. Roth Mae, student, b 1791 Center av. Roud Jos, swehmn O U R & D Go, rms 3276 Stephens av. Roudebush Benj F, hlpr S P, r 2220 Madison av. Roudebush Ellsworth E, plmbr, b 2220 Madison av. Roudebush Mrs Etta, drsmkr S J Burt & Bros, r 565 24th. Roudebush Geo H, eng S P, r 2173 Adams av. Roudebush Wm F, eng S P, r 2220 Madison av. Rouen Timothy G, tel opr, r 446 27th. Roughcore Mrs Ellen, b 348 9th. Rounds Mrs Frances E, propr Hudson Hotel, 2470 Hudson av. Rounds Frank R, propr Mecca Buffet, lobby Eccles Bldg, r 2470 Hudson av. Rounds Grant A, bkpr Western Heating & V Co, rms 2470 Hudson av. Rouse, see also Rowse. Rouse Bessie E, stenog John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 2060 Polk av. Rouse Saml J, driver, r 2060 Polk av. Rouse Violet M, elk, b 2060 Polk av. Row-Lyo Classification Signal & Case Co, J P Lyon pres, 215 First Nat Bank Bldg. Rowbotham Eliz E, opr M S T & T Go, b 148 28th. Rowbotham Miriam, florist, b 148 28th. Rowbotham Richd, apiarist 148 28th, r same. Rowbottom Annie L (wid Wm H), r 2152 Adams av. Rowe, see also Rawe. Rowe Mrs Catherine, moved to Los Angeles, Cal. (to IO l-a CO ft) cn e m ■ 00 2 -n 3 m i. m f I g. 2 | o I w o > = r- S ft] (to f (to CO to to cn cn ? O O X m ■< r < Fl 31 -< O o Mm SALT LAKE ROUTE z FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA |