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Show FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS IN THE ECCLES BUILDING STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES 230 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S Kouvalis John, lab O S L. Kouw Ida, mangier O S L, b rear 3279 Wash av. Kouw Marie G, mangier O S L, b rear 3279 Wash av. Kouw Wm, jan Wash School, r rear 3279 Wash av. Kouw Wm J, comp Woody Pig Co, r 2760 Jefferson av. Kraal Mattinus, hlpr O S L. Kraft, see Craft. Kramer, see also Cramer. Kramer Fred R, mtrmn O R T Co, r 322 33d. Kramer Herman, clnr O S L, r 3240 Stephens av. Kramer Rudolphina (wid Rudolph), r 2050 Ballantyne av. Kramer Wm A (Kramer & Son), b 322 33d. KRAMER & SON (Fred R and Wm A), Dealers in Fine Cigars and Tobaccos, News Dealers, Magazines, Pool Room in Connection. 366 25th. Kranendonk Anna, dom 831 22d. Kranendonk Gerret, r 219 W Patterson av. Kranendonk Jacob, car repr, r rear 2349 Quincy av. Kranendonk Jane, dom 685 25th. Kranendonk Nellie, dom 622 26th. Kraus Henry C, carp O S L, r 2884 Pingree av. Krauss Mabel B, b 210 23d. Krauss Peter C, eng, r 210 23d. Kreines David, r 219 23d. Kreines Jos, junk, 1912 Wash av, r 2018 same. Kreines Morris S, clk N Y Bargain Store, b 219 23d. Kreines Saml, grocer, 1640 Wash av, r same. Krey Paul F, emp O S L, r 2728 Williams av. Krey Robt H, bgmn Union Depot,, r 2734 Williams av. Krigbaum John W, driver, r 2017 Wash av. Kristofferson, see Christofferson. Kroebig Karl, mach O S L, rms Creston Hotel. Krout A H, lab, rms 283 24th. Kruger Wm F, emp J E Guernsey, rms 169 25th. Kruitbosch Anna, b Wilson la. Kruitbosch Christina, b Wilson la. Kruitbosch G John, farmer, r W 21st. Kruitbosch Jas, messr Spargo's Book Store, b 134 W 28th. Kruitbosch John, r 134 W 28th. Kruitbosch John H, lab, b Wilson la. Kruitbosch Jos, gdnr, Wilson la, r same. Kruitbosch Martin, jan High School, r 2434 Monroe av. Kruitmoes Derk, lab, r 3136 Euclid av. Kruitmoes Geo, b 3166 Grant av. Kruitmoes Mrs Hilda, r 3166 Grant av. Kruitmoes Jennie, ironer Troy Lndry, b 3166 Grant av. Kruitmoes Ollie, b 3166 Grant av. Krumperman Albert H, plmbr John Krumperman, r 2425 Monroe av. Krumperman Bartus, bartndr Grill Bar, r 2329 Quincy av. Krumperman Eliza M (wid Henry), r rear 755 24th. Krumperman Fred W, tmstr, r 865 Wheelwright av. Krumperman Mrs Henrika, rms 2252½ Wash av. Krumperman John F, plmbr, 2581 Grant av, r rear 755 24th. TAKE THE SALT LAKE ROUTE FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA NYLANDER BROS., TAILORS CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING 2381 HUDSON AVE., TEL. 342.J THREE GENERATIONS HAVE FURNISHED HOMES AT BOYLE’S The Good Home Furnishing Store Of Course We Will Charge It OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 231 Krumperman Jos, baker Hess Bky, rms 2252½ Wash av. Krumperman Josephine, student, b rear 755 24th. Krumperman Leona M, student, b rear 755 24th. Krumperman Leslie Y, plmbr John Krumperman, b rear 755 24th. Krumperman Martinus, lab, h 865 Wheelwright av. Krumperman Roy, student, b rear 755 24th. Kubler Fred W, mach O S L, rms 2567 Grant av. Kuchler Herman, wool grower, 653 21st. b same. Kuchler Theo, pres and mgr Utah Asbestol Co, r 2138 Jefferson av. Kuhlmann Fred, driver, b 3119 Jefferson av. Kuhlmann Louisa (wid Jasper G), r 3119 Jefferson av. Kuhlmann Lydia C, clk Last & Thomas, b 3119 Jefferson av. Kuhn Abraham, r 2404 Madison av. Kuhn Arthur, pres and mgr A Kuhn & Bro, r 536 24th. Kuhn A & Bro, Arthur Kuhn pres and mgr, Oscar Kuhn v-pres. Paul Kuhn sec-treas, clothing, 2365 Wash av. Kuhn Daisy T, b 2404 Madison av. Kuhn John, slsmn A Kuhn & Bro, b 2404 Madison av. Kuhn Nathan, trav agt A Kuhn & Bro, r 655 25th. Kuhn Oscar, v-pres A Kuhn & Bro, b 2404 Madison av. Kuhn Paul, sec-treas A Kuhn & Bro, b 2404 Madison av. Kuhn Theresa (wid Adam), b 2404 Madison av. Kunz Mrs Lottie H, moved to Logan, U. Kunzler Arnold J, student, b Harrisville. Kurosumi Iwai (Tamaki & Co), b 2240 Quincy av. Kurosumi Sanokichi (Tamaki & Co), r 2240 Quincy av. Kurosumi T, clk Tamaki & Co, b 2240 Quincy av. Kusche Hermann A, uplilstr O S L, r 226 24th. Kusseel Martha (wid Abram), r 2827 Monroe av. KUWAHARA REV K, Minister Japanese Buddhist Mission (of Og-den), r 236 24th, Tel 1292. Kuwitzky Jos, cigarmkr A E Close, rms 208½ 25th. Kyes, see also Keyes. Kyes Asel, r Harrisville. Kyes Mrs S F, pres and treas C J Herrick & Co, r Harrisville. Kyle, see also Keil. Kyle Anderson, barber and pool, 153-155 25th, rms 155 same. Kyle Mary A, tchr High School, b 469 24th. Kyle Robt E, moved to Salt Lake City. L Labbo Wm W, linemn, r 2757 Wash av. Labello Jas, lab O S L. La Boiteaux Andrew J, b 769 23d. Labor Organizations. (See pages 35-36). Lackness Rasmus A, clk M S T & T Co, rms 2341 Madison av. LAUD JOHN V, Agt American Exp Co, 2556 Washington av and Union Depot, r 4 Peery Apts, Tel 2351. La Freniere Adolph T (Amer Hairdressing Parlors), r 2478 Wash av La Freniere Irene (Amer Hairdressing Parlors), r 2478 Wash av. La Freniere Saml C, clk S P, r 836 26th. UTAH-IDAHO EMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATION SKILLED AND UNSKILLED LABOR FREE TO EMPLOYERS HOTEL RESTAURANT, FARM AND RANCH HELP 223 25th St. Rex Theatre Bldg. Tel. 1246 |