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Show J. M. FORRISTALL 2438 Washington Ave. Telephone 425 SURETY BONDS, FIRE, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY AND BURGLARY INSURANCE 288 1914—R. L. POLK & CO'S O'Connor Jas J, formn O S L, r 2147 Grant av. O'Connor Jos, firemn U P, r 261 27th. O'Connor Martin J, clk Geo W Lowe Co, r 2044 Monroe av. O'Connor Teresa, cashr M S T & T Co, b 2147 Grant av. Odd Fellows Hall, 2320 Wash av. Odell Mrs Mary A, moved to Butte, Mont. Odermatt Chas A, tkt agt Pullman Co, r 135 James ct. ODERMATT HENRY M, Plastering Contractor, All Work Guaran¬teed, Office and Residence 684 22d, Tel 1393. (See adv). HENRY ODERMATT PLASTERING CONTRACTOR All Work Guaranteed Office and Res. 684 22nd St. Tel. 1393-R Odermatt P L, brkmn U P, r 2758 Lincoln av. Odney Mrs Effie, bkpr Singer S M Co, r 439 Herrick av. Odney Oscar T, mgr Singer S M Co, r 439 Herrick av. O'Donnell H J, mach, b 2346 Lincoln av. O'Donnell Jas, lab, rms 196 W 28th. O'Donnell Mattie W (wid Raymond T), b 664 28th. O'Donnell Raymond T, died Oct 5, '13, aged 30. Offerman Wm R, plmbr A W Meek, r 2933 Wash av. Oftedal Amelia (wid Hans), r 2051 Farr's av. Ogawa Frank, boarding, 263 24th, r same. OGDEN BARBER SUPPLY CO (J W Griffin), Barber Supplies, All Kinds, Lone Star Barber Shop, Strictly Modern with Baths, 318 25th, Tel 1949-W. Ogden Baseball & Athletic Assn, Angus Kennedy sec, 2454 Wash av. OGDEN BEE & HONEY CO (Geo D Mitchell), Wholesale Dealers in Bees, Beeswax and Honey, 339 4th, Tel 390-W. Ogden Bench Canal & Water Co, A D Chambers sec, First, Nat Bank. Ogden Billiard Hall (R S Wotherspoon), 425 25th. OGDEN BOOK & CURIO STORE (E W Townsend), Indian Curios, Souvenirs, Periodicals, Books and Stationery, Office Supplies, Post Cards and Cigars, 320 25th, Tel 1801-W. Ogden Bottling Works (J H Emmett, Angel Coroles), 2668 Lincoln av Ogden Caledonian Club. Geo W Bain sec, Union Labor Hall. Ogden Carriage Co ( J W McLaughlin, P J Frank), carriage painters, 1701 Wash av. OGDEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, W J Critchlow Pres, under Utah Nat Bank. Ogden City Cemetery, bet 19th and 20th, Madison and Adams avs. OGDEN CTTY DIRECTORY, R L Polk & Co Publishers, Office and Library with Carnegie Free Library, Washington av n w cor 26th, General Offices 613-616 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake buy, Wasatch 39. OGDEN CTY ICE CO, Samuel Thomas Propr, 2379 Hudson av, Tel 485. COLLECTIONS WESTERN CREDIT ASSN. We Turn Your Accounts into Real Money. Ask the Best Merchants About Our Collection Systems NO ADVANCE FEES ECCLES BUILDING TELEPHONE 971 CREDIT RATINGS A. R. McINTYRE DRUG CO. EASTMAN KODAKS WASHINGTON AT 24TH ST. B. H. GODDARD Fire, Life, Accident and Health, Plate Glass, Tornado, Burglary INSURANCE 429 Twenty-Fourth St. Telephone 500-W OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1914. 289 OGDEN COMMISSION CO, G A Barry Mgr, Wholesale Fruits, Pro¬duce and Commission, 2236-2238 Washington av, Tel 280. OGDEN EGG CO, Hyrum Hokanson Mgr, Wholesale Eggs, Egg Case Timber and Fillers, 333 20th, Tel 501. OGDEN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO, L A Herdti Mgr, Electrical Sup¬plies, House Wiring, Repairing, etc, 2448 Washington av, Tel 693. (See adv). Ogden Electric Supply Co., Inc. Telephone 693 2448 Washington Ave. Wholesale and Retail Contracting Electricians. Wiring and Repairing Chandeliers, Shades, Fans, Motors and Electric Appliances. AUTO SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES LET US DO YOUR WORK L. A. HERDTI, Mgr. OGDEN, UTAH OGDEN EVENING STANDARD, see Evening Standard. OGDEN EXAMINER PUBLISHING CO, INC, M S Browning Pres, J U Eldredge Jr Sec and Gen Mgr, Otto P Meckes Treas, Pub¬lishers The Ogden Examiner, 2439 Hudson av, Tels 287 and 309. (See back fly leaf). OGDEN EXAMINER THE (Morning Daily), Ogden Examiner Pub¬lishers The Ogden Examiner, 2439 Hudson av, Tels 287 and 309. Managing Editor, 2439 Hudson av, Tels 287 and 309. (See back flyleaf). Ogden Fair Grounds, 17th nr Wall av. OGDEN FEED CO (W T Astill, J H Shafer), Wholesale and Retail Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain, Seeds, Poultry Supplies and Stock, Coal, etc, 2262 Washington av, Tel 509. Ogden Feed Yard (Parley C Holmes), rear 354 23d. Ogden Floral Co (A P and W F Altman), 770 Canyon rd. Ogden Fossil Oil & Land Co, G J Kelly sec, base Reed Hotel Bldg. Ogden Fruit Growers Assn, C F Thinnes sec, Wall av cor 21st. OGDEN FURNITURE & CARPET CO, Job Pingree Pres, Adam Pat¬terson V-Pres, Heber Scowcroft Sec and Treas, Hyrum Pingree Mgr, 2430 Washington av, Tel 170. Ogden Gun Club, A P Bigelow sec, 2500 Wash av. Ogden High School, Monroe av s w cor 25th. Ogden Hot Springs Sanitarium Co, W W Wilson mgr, Utah Hot Springs. Ogden House (Albert Swingewood), 179 25th. Ogden Junk House (Jos Kreines), 1900 Wash av. Ogden Shore Oil & Asphalt Co, A B Corey pres, R D Roberts sec, 2560 Wash av. OGDEN LIVERY FEED & SALE STABLES, J F Everett & Co Proprs, 2219 Washington av, Tel 876. (See left side lines) Travel via OREGON SHORT LINE For all points northwest FOR ALL POINTS NORTHWEST J. F. EVERETT & CO. PROPRS. OGDEN LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES 2219 Washington Ave. Tel. 876 Funeral, Party and Wedding Calls. Up-to-date Rigs |