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Show 38 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)—Meets third Thursdays at homes of members. Mrs A D Barker, Pres; Mrs R B Lewis, Sec. Ladies' Mission Circle (in connection with First Baptist Church) —Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at homes of mem¬bers. Mrs Clayton Coolidge, Pres; Mrs A R Craft, Sec. Ladies' Missionary Board (in connection with First Presby¬terian Church) Meets 4th Tuesday at 2:30 p m in church parlors. Mrs J E Carver, Pres; Mrs T Bradley, Sec. Master Painters' Assn—Meets Wednesdays at 2370 Washing¬ton av. I Sander, Pres; G A Muller, Sec. Mountain View Cemetery Association—409 Eccles Bldg. J H Knauss, Sec. Ogden Caledonian Club—Meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays in Union Labor Hall. Wm Purdie, Chief; John Wilson, Sec. Ogden Dental Club—2465 Washington av. D N White, Sec. Ogden Fruit Growers' Association—Wall av n w cor 21st. C A Hickenlooper, Pres; J E Wright, Sec; John Farr, Treas; J M White, Mgr. Ogden Gun Club—2414 Washington av. Shooting grounds at Madison av cor 35th. Target practice every Wednesday. G L Becker, Pres; A L Brewer, Vive-Pres; A P Bigelow, Sec and Treas. Ogden Social Club—Reed Hotel. August Trorlicht, Sec. Retail Merchants' Assn—369 24th. J H Bishop, Pres; J S Daniels, V-Pres; Marinus Van DeGraaf, Sec. and Mgr. Sons of Herman—Meets in Union Labor Hall 1st and 3d Thurs¬days. Henry Lotz, Pres; Wm Wagner, Sec. Tolstoi Circle—Meets alternate Tuesdays at homes of mem¬bers. Mrs Nathan Kuhn, Pres; Mrs T W Clancy, Sec. Union Cemetery Association—North Ogden. James Storey, Sec. United Boys' Brigade of America, Co A, First Utah Regiment —Meets Saturdays at First Presbyterian Church. Kenneth Bradley, Captain. United Spanish War Veterans, Dept of Utah—Headquarters Ogden. Annual Encampment in June. W B Hampton, Dept Com¬mander Geo A Seaman, Dept Adjutant. United Spanish War Veterans, Harry A Young Camp No 2— Meets 1st and 3d Thursdays. Carles Manzel, Commander; Lee A Hurst, S V Commander; Othel Baxter, J V Commnader; W B Hampton, Adjutant. United Spanish War Veterans, Ladies' Auxiliary—Meets Labor Hall 2d and 4th Saturdays. Mrs A E Batchelor, Pres; Mrs Janie Knight, S V; Mrs H L Hampton, Sec. Utah Car Service Association—U P Freight Depot. T F Collins, Chief Inspector. 39 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES-COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Veteran Firemen's Assn—Meets first Tuesday at City Hall. W H Wright, Pres; J R Horspool, Sec. Weber Club—Top floor Eccles Bldg. A R Heywood, Pres; W C Wright, Vice-Pres; C H Barton, Treas; I L Reynolds, Sec and Mgr. Weber County Sportsmen's Association—No regular place of meeting. John M Browning, Pres; G L Becker, Vive-Pres; A P Bigelow, Sec; Christian Flygare, Treas. Western Railway Weighing Assn & Inspection Buereau—S P Freight Depot. T F Collins, Chief Inspector. Women's Missionary Society (in connection with First M E Church)—Meets first Thursday. Mrs T G Spencer, Sec. Women's Missionary Society (in connection with First Presby¬terian Church)—Meets last Tuesdays at homes of members. Mrs J E Carver, Pres; Mrs Edith Gibson, Sec. P S C E (in connection with First Congregational Church)— Meets in church parlors Sundays at 6:30 p m. Chas Parker, Sec. P S C E (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)— Senior Department, Sunday evenings, 6:30; Miss Beatrice Hamill, Sec and Treas. Meets in church parlor. Young People's Union (in connection with First Baptist Church)—Meets at church every Sabbath evening, 7 o'clock. Miss M E Tabor, Pres. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Board of Education of Ogden City—City Hall. M S Browning, Pres; C E Coulter, Vice-Pres; John M Mills, Supt; Ivy Williams, Clerk; T D Ryan, Treas; Alice Bowen, Sec; Hyrum Pingree, AsaeT Farr, W H Williams, Members. PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND PRINCIPALS. Burch Creek—Adams av s w cor 40th. Mrs May Stewart, Principal. Central—Grant av s w cor 25th. Mrs T R Maguire, Principal. Dee—20th s w cor Farr's av. Henry Barker Jr, Principal. Farr West—Farr West. A F Wade, Principal. Five Points—Adams av n e cor 3d. H Josephine Seaman, Principal. Grant—2259 Grant av. Joel J Harris, Principal. Harrisville—Harrisville. W H Shurtliff, Principal. Lewis—s s 28th bet Washington and Adams avs. J W Wintle, Principal. Madison—2418-2444 Madison av. W L Underwood, Principal. Marriott—Marriott. Olga Thomason, Principal. Mound Fort—1200 Washington av. M June Peirce, Principal. North Ogden—N Ogden. J Q Blaylock, Principal. Ogden High—Monroe av s w cor 25th. J O Cross, Principal. Pingree Av—30th cor Pingree av. Ina E Craven, Principal. Plain City—Plain City. John Wheeler, Principal. Quincy—Quincy av s e cor 26th. Willa M Spurgeon, Principal. |