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Show 98 VOLKER-SCOWCROFT LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET THE TOGGERY Roycroft Clothes Stetson Hats Special Boys’ Department S.H. BROWNE CO. UNDER ARLINGTON R.L. POLK & CO’S Bray John, lab, r 2549 Grant av. Bray Joseph, lab; rms Ogden House. Brayton Mrs George, r 435 Canyon rd. Brayton Mrs Georgiana, r 435 Canyon rd. Brayton Wm J, pipeftr, r 2155 Grant av. Breech Mrs Ada M, r 2663 Madison av. Breech Mary E, tchr Lewis School, b 2663 Madison av. Breen Patrick F, carp, r 2321 Lincoln av. Bremer Fred J, hlpr S P Co, r 464 Warren's la. Brett Albert J, lab, b 1051 Capitol av. Brett James H, clk C W & M Co, r 1051 Capitol av. Brett John A, mach J G Read & Bros Co, b 1051 Capitol av. BREWER ALEXANDER L, Pres Edgar Jones Co, Pres and Mgr A L Brewer Dairy Supply Co, and Plain City Canning Co, Treas and Mgr .Hooper, North Ogden, Riverdale, Uintah and Willard Canning Cos, 334 24th, Both Tels 338, r 2131 Jefferson av, Bell Tel 81. Brewer Anthony J, mach S P Co, rms 2525 Lincoln av. BREWER A L DAIRY SUPPLY CO, A L Brewer Pres and Mgr, W F Rudiger Sec, Treas and Asst Mgr. Dairy and Creamery Supplies, 334 24th, Both Tels 338. Brewer Beatrice C, student, b 2131 Jefferson av. Brewer Edith L, clk Last & Thomas, b 2715 Wall av. Brewer Edward, fireman U P R R, rms 2525 Lincoln av. Brewer Mabel, tchr Ogden Bus Coll, r 2350 Jefferson av. Brewster Fred, mach S P Co, r 2158 Pacific av. Brewster Geneva, b 2158 Pacific av. Brewster May, b 2344 Grant av. Brian, see also O'Brien. Brian Daniel G, trav agt, r 1817 Hudson av. BRICK SAMUEL L, Oculist and Aurist, 32-33-34 Lewis Blk, Bell Tel 985, Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 p m, r 460 24th, Bell Tel 251-K. Brickley Bert, tel opr, b 2106 Washington av. Brickley John, tel opr, rms 2639 Jefferson av. Brickley Joseph G, opr W U Tel Co, b 2639 Jefferson av. Bridenbecker Harry, clk Utahna Drug Co, b 115 26th. Bridenbecker Minnie, tchr Plain City School, r Logan. Bridgford Charles C, bartndr Falstaff Cafe, r 742 25th. Briem Kate, b 1908 Odell av. Denver & Rio Grande Railroad SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD 99 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. HEATON-KIRKENDALL UNDERTAKING CO. 2552 WASHINGTON AVE. BOTH PHONES 150 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Briem Maximillian, maltster, r 1908 Odell av. Briggs Hannah, emp S L Valley Canning Co, b 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs James, farmer, r 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs John H, clnr S P Co, r 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs Pearl E, emp S L Valley Canning Co, b 51 Harris¬ville rd. Briggs Vera, emp S L Valley Canning Co, b 51 Harrisville rd. Brighton Harry D, barber Couch & Friese, r 259 29th. Brill John G, motrman O R T Co, r 1742 Washington av. Brine Sidney J, painter, r 2019 Adams av. Briscoe Joseph O, lab, r 2238 Endion av. Briscoe Wm H, eng D & R G R R, rms 371 22d. Bristol Henry, fireman S P Co, b 2526 Lincoln av. BRISTOL RALPH E, Sec, Treas and Sales Mgr Ogden Portland Cement Co, 6-7 Utah Nat Bank Bldg, r 709 22d, Ind Tel 146, Bell 904. Britcher George, mach S P Co, b View. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE CO, J M Forris- tall Agt, 414 First Nat Bank Bldg. Britt Myron, emp J C Slade, b 1051 Capitol av. Britton Willis J, cook, r 125 W 29th. Broadbent E Arden, student, b 22d nr Buchanan av. Boardbent E Joseph, mason, r 22d nr Buchanan av. Broadbent Leland F, lab, b 22d nr Buchanan av. Broadbent Lillie L, student, b 22d nr Buchanan av. Broadbent O Leonard, mach, b 22d nr Buchanan av. Brockbank Joseph, farmer and justice, r Riverdale. Brohm Fred K, switchman S P Co, r 1056 Oak av. Brokaw Guy L M,motorman, rms 437 22d. Brooke Thomas, r 229 W 30th. Brooke Wm, carp Utah Constr Co, b 229 W 30th. Brooker Edward W, fruitgrower, r 478 W 20th. Brooker Isabelle (wid Leonard), r 468 Warren's la. Brooker Sadie M, b 468 Warren's la. Brooks Albert C, fireman, r 2121 Grant av. Brooks Arthur E, brkman S P Co, b 2254 1/2 Washington av. Brooks Belle, r 10 Electric av. Brooks Birkett B (R S Brooks & Son), r 2309 Adams av. Lambert Paper Co. PAPER OF ALL KINDS Printers’ Supplies ETc. 280 23rd St. THE PAPER HOUSE Both Tels. 151 |