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Show 442 Envelopes and Circulars Addressed Mailing Lists Furnished R.L. POLK & CO. 613-616 Dooly Bldg., Salt Lake City J.M. FORRISTALL 413-414 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Collections R.L. POLK & CO’S Reynolds Hyrum E, farmer, b N Ogden. REYNOLD'S IRA L, Sec and Mgr Weber Club, Top Floor Eccles Bldg, Bell Tel 11, Ind 11-3R, r 2533 Adams av Bell Tel 352-K. Reynolds Joanna (wid Dwight V), b 105 27th. Reynolds John B, plumber A W Meek, rms 2422 Adams av. Reynolds Joseph W, farmer, b N Ogden. Reynolds Mormon N, janitor North Ogden School, r Ogden. Reynolds Nephi, cond O R T Co, r 1745 Riverside av. Reynolds Oten H, moved to Pueblo, Colo. Reynolds Parley N, farmer, b N Ogden. Reynolds Robert, chf clk S P Co, r 867 26th. Reynolds Robert V R, emp U S Forest Service, b 528 24th. Rhead Guy L, student, b Plain City. Rhead Wm E, blksmith, b Plain City. Rhead Wm G, farmer, r Plain City. Rhees, see also Rees and Reese. Rhees Ada E, student, b View. Rhees Charles H, r View. Rhees Chauncey W, farmer, r View. Rhees George H, student, b View. Rhees Gilbert L, student, b 2763 Volker av. Rhees Herbert, farmer, r View. Rhees Lorenzo, eng Utah Hot Springs Hotel, r same. Rhees Mary R, domestic, b View. Rhees Reuben T (Rhees & Maycock), apiarist and justice, View, r same. Rhees Rufus, farmer, r View. Rhees Verna M, student, b View. Rhees & Maycock (R T Rhees, E P Maycock), gen mdse, View. Rheinbold, see also Reinebold. Rheinbold Edward F, driver, b 822 26th. Rheinbold John, carp, r 822 26th. Rheinbold Maggie (wid Felix), b 2341 Jefferson av. Rheinbold Rose, b 822 26th. Rhine, see also Ryan. Rhine Jacob H, cond, r 2532 Fowler av. Rhine Myrtle E, mlnr Marion Banks, b 2532 Fowler av. For Speed, Safety and Comfort take the OREGON SHORT LINE R.R. 443 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LEAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BOTH PHONES 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Rhine Peter J, brkman U P R R, b 2532 Fowler av. Rhinehart, see Rinehart. Rhiner, see also Reiner. Rhiner Carl S, clk J F Smith & Co, r 2626 Grant av. Rhivers, see also Rivers. Rhivers Mary E (wid Ellis W), r 479 30th. Rhodes Alfred J, steamftr, r 125 28th. Rhodes Benjamin F, carp, r 3214 Washington av. Rhodes Joseph E, r 950 Washington av. Rhodes Joseph W, tmstr, r 3222 Lincoln av. Rhodes Mabel E, b 950 Washington av. Rhodes Mrs Sarah C, r 3214 Washington av. Rhodes Verna A, student, b 3214 Washington av. Rice Creek Irrigation Co, N Ogden. Rice George R, student Weber Academy. Rice Laura R, student, b 3208 Washington av. RICH EDWARD I, Physician and Surgeon, 203-204 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 609, Ind 600, r 2475 Jefferson av, Bell Tel 214-Y, Ind 99. Rich Ezra C (Rich & Osgood), r 2652 Washington av. Rich Gladys, student, b 2652 Washington av. RICH LORIN F, Physician and Surgeon, 2469 Washington av (over Paine & Hurst), Bell Tel 315, Ind 3835-D, Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 5 p m, Sundays and Evenings by Appointment, r 2522 Orchard av, Bell Tel 312, Ind 125. Rich Oertel, student, b 2475 Jefferson av. Rich R Frank, fireman O S L, r 273 31st. RICH & OSGOOD (Ezra C Rich, Charles F Osgood), Phy¬sicians and Surgeons, 2479 Washington av, Bell Tel 41. Richards Alfred C, signwriter, r 484 23d. Richards Bernard, emp S L Valley Canning Co, r 142 E 2d. Richards Charles, lab Calvert & Leek, b 2869 Adams av. Richards Charles C (Richards & Boyd), mgr Inter-Mtn Sheep Co, 305 Eccles Bldg, r 908 24th. Richards Charles C jr, moved to Downey, Ida. Richards Ernest C, opr W U Tel Co, r 2707 Grant av. Richards Fannie A (wid Stephen F), r 2118 Lincoln av. Richards Harold J, student, b 142 2d. Richards Harold P, moved to Downey, Ida. J.P. O’Neill Construction Co. CONTRACTORS Street Paving Sewers and Walks 423 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. Bell Tel. 621 Ind. Tel. 908 |