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Show 152 THE TROY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY S.H. HENDERSHOT, Manager TROY LAUNDRY 2538-2540 WALL AVENUE FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. PARAGON TROUSERS R.L. POLK & CO’S Crisman Fred, switchman S P Co, rms 2424 Grant av. Critchlow Benjamin C, r 3370 Washington av. CRITCHLOW BENJAMIN P, Mgr Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co, 2284 Washington av, r 3350 same Bell Tel 1339. Critchlow David C, farmer, b View. Critchlow Fred B, salesman C W & M Co, b 3350 Washing¬ton av. Critchlow George, student, b 3350 Washington av. Critchlow Inez, b 3350 Washington av. Critchlow Jane, b View. Critchlow Joseph F, brkman U P R R, r 233 31st. Critchlow Louisa, b View. Critchlow Marcus L, student, b 352 29th. Critchlow Martha, stenog C W & M Co, b 3350 Washing¬ton av. Critchlow Wm, farmer, r View. CRITCHLOW WM J, 2d V-Pres and Treas Pacific Realty Assn, r 352 29th, Bell Tel 562-X. Critchlow Wm J jr, student, b 352 29th. Crites Aiken C, brkman U P R R, r 2731 Monroe av. Crites Mrs Annie C, janitor R M Bell Tel Co, r 363 24th. Crites Bert B, clk Hemenway & Moser Co, b 363 24th. Crites Florence, student, b 363 24th. Crites Grace, student, b 2731 Monroe av. Crites Margaret M, tchr Mound Fort School, b 2731 Monroe. Crites Roy C, brkman U P R R, b 465 26th. Crittenden Edward D, fireman Amal Sugar Co, b 240 26th. Crittenden Oscar, cond O R T Co, r 2560 Cole's ct. Crocker Mrs Aurelia M, moved to Los Angeles, Cal. Crocker Glen, carp, r 3588 Adams av. Croft Alfred R, student, b 729 30th. Croft George A, student, b 729 30th. Croft Mary I (wid George A), r 729 30th. Crompton, see also Compton. Crompton Florence, tchr Grant School, b 2209 Grant av. Crompton Joseph, clk Fred J Kiesel Co, r 2209 Grant av. Crompton Joseph G, bailiff Court House, r 3165 Adams av. Crompton Mrs Tillie, b 2209 Grant av. Crosbie James A, slsmn Cragun Bros, r 3255 Grant av. James Coal & Ice Co. Up-Town Office 2407 Grant Av. Yard 2236 Wall Av. Bell Tel. 92, Ind. Tel. 513 Both Tels. 149 153 GEO. A. WHITMEYER & SON, GENERAL CONTRACTORS Mill Work a Specialty Office and Mill rear 2759 Grant Avenue Utah Stationery Co. WASHINGTON AVE., S. W. COR. 24th ST. COMPLETE LINE OF MORMON PUBLICATIONS OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Crosbie James F, driver, r 321 Healey av. CROSBIE ROBERT L, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Works, Repairing of All Kinds, 2248 Washington av, r 445 E 17th. Crosbie Wm A, r 3179 Grant av. Crosier, see Crozier. Cross Annie S (wid Charles W), r 451 E 17th. Cross Areta A, student, b 451 E 17th. Cross Charles W, slsmn C W Cross Co, b 451 E 17th. CROSS C W CO, W N Burt Mgr, Mnfrs of Harness, Sad¬dles, etc, 2250-2252 Washington av, Bell Tel 787-Y. Cross Fred W, mach, r 2839 Hudson av. Cross George E, harness, 418 24th, r 369 25th. Cross Graham, clk O S L, r 2118 Stuart's la. Cross Jerome O, prin High School, r 563 25th. Cross Nephi L, brkman, r 818 26th. Cross Ruby, b 818 26th. Cross Wm R, clk S P Co, r 2026 Liberty av. Cross W Building, 2244-2250 Washington av. Crossley Evart R, fireman D & R G, r 226 AV 22d. Crossley John, motorman, r 3065 Porter av. Crossley Mary B (wid James), r 3069 Porter av. Crossman George E, carrier Standard, b 2659 Quincy av. Crossman Wm W, insp City Eng, r 265 Quincy av. Crouch, see also Couch. Crouch Floyd L, clk S P Co, r 512 W 24th. Crouch Susan (wid Charles E), r 282 23d. Crout Louis B, r 2557 Lincoln av. Crow Arthur D, cond O S L, r 365 28th. Crow Della M, b 1569 Washington av. Crow Leo L, student, b 1569 Washington av. Crow Russell T, farmer, r 1569 Washington av. Crowell L Wm, forester, rms 371 22d. Crowley Belle (wid James), r 256 W Patterson av. Crowley James C, clnr S P Co, b 256 W Patterson av. Crowley Mary J, b 256 W Patterson av. Crowley Nora L, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, b 256 W Pat¬terson av. Crowther David, farmer, r Harrisville. Crowther Delbert L, farmer, r Slaterville. OGDEN PLANING MILLS CO. SASH, DOORS, TURNING, STAIR WORK 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK PHONE 666 IND. |