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Show 250 Envelopes and Circulars Addressed Mailing Lists Furnished R. L. POLK & CO. 613-616 Dooly Bldg., Salt Lake City J.M. FORRISTALL 413-414 Nat. Bank Bldg. Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Collections R.L. POLK & CO’S Hartog Rose N, buyer W H Wright & Sons Co, b 576 Can¬yon rd. Hartwell Izola, b 262 24th. Hartwell John E, fireman S P Co, b 2133 Sherburne av Harvey H Cecil, electr O R T Co, rms 371 22d. Harvey Robert E, student Smithsonian Bus Coll. Hary Simon, lab, b 2128 Sherburne av. Haskins John H, lab, rms 2525 Lincoln av. Haslet Plumer B, eng D & R G, r 2202 Lincoln av. Haslett Robert, plumber W S Donaldson & Sons, rms 160 1/2 25th. Hassell John A, shoemkr, 2904 Washington av, r same. HASSELL PARLEY P (Hassell & Naylor), r 430 30th. HASSELL & NAYLOR (P P Hassell, George Naylor), Practical Horseshoers, etc, 437 23d, Bell Tel 1329-Y. (See adv.) Hassell & Naylor HORSESHOERS and BLACKSMITHS Our Specialty: Practical and Up-to-Date Horseshoeing. All Work Guaranteed Bell Tel. 1329-Y 437 23rd St. Ogden, Utah Hasselmier Frank C, clk Ogden Pkg & Prov Co, r 2350 Lincoln av. Hassett James F, clk S P Co, r 2452 Madison av. Hassett John W, emp W F & Co Exp, rms 161 Poplar av. Hassing Clifford U, clk Wilcox Grocery Co, r 244 30th. Hassing Ford H, photog, 2457 Washington av, rms 408 26th. Hassing Mrs Sarah, r 244 30th. Hastings Anna M (wid Edwin P), r 2227 Grant av. Hastings Rev Charles W, moved to Salt Lake City. Hastings Don R, student, b 2227 Grant av. Hastings James, tmstr Jogalong Trans Co, r 136 31st. For Speed, Safety and Comfort take the OREGON SHORT LINE R.R. 251 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BOTH PHONES 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Hastings Samuel, tmstr Utah & Oregon Lbr Co, r 2909 Adams av. Hatch Fred E, brkman U P R R, rms The Montana. Hathaway Jean, student, b 2613 Washington av. Hathaway Selina (wid Michael J), rms 322 21st. Hatke Frank, clk J F Smith & Co, rms Orpheum Bldg. Hatke Henry, clk J F Smith & Co, rms Orpheum Bldg. Hatigse Hazel, stenog John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 1044 Washington av. Haun, see Hahn. Havens Clark T, foreman, r 2573 Monroe av. Hawk Thomas A, tmstr, r 508 12th. Hawkes, see also Hawks. Hawkes Heber B (N Hawkes & Son), r W Weber. Hawkes Nathan (N Hawkes & Son), r W Weber. Hawkes Nathan A, emp Fred J Kiesel Co, r 836 26th. Hawkes N & Son (Nathan and H B), gen mdse, W Weber. Hawkes Wm, driver A P Ellis, b 341 17th. Hawkins Benjamin F, tmstr, r 327 29th. Hawkins George, repr S P Co, r 202 Harrison av. Hawkins Harry T, caller S P Co, r 444 27th. Hawkins Henry J, driver, b 1020 Grant av. Hawkins James M, driver, r 1020 Grant av. Hawkins Mrs Margaret R, r 1022 Grant av. Hawkins Ross C, waiter Kennedy Coffee House Co, rms 574 31st. Hawkins Thomas, r 207 35th. Hawkins Wm N, clnr S P Co, r 3145 Wall av. Hawks Frank C, tchr High School, rms 2341 Adams av. Hawley Harry W, clk S P Co, r 2714 Grant av. Hawley James W, mgr New Century School of Shorthand and Emp Agency, 402 First Nat Bank Bldg, rms 184 22d. Hawley Lee, plumber W J Dallimore, b 2714 Grant av. Hawley T C, moved to Grand Junction, Colo. Haworth James, emp Ogden Union Ry & D Co, r 2213 Lin¬coln av. Haworth Joseph W, emp Ogden Union Ry & D Co, b 2638 Washington av. Haworth Mamie J, emp Shupe-Williams C Co, b 2638 Wash¬ington av. J.P. O’Neill Construction Co. CONTRACTORS Street Paving Sewers and Walks 423 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. Bell Tel. 621 Ind. Tel 908 |