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Show 474 Envelopes and Circulars Addressed Mailing Lists Furnished R.L. POLK & CO. 613-616 Dooly Bldg., Salt Lake City J.M. FORRISTALL 413-414 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Collections R.L. POLK & CO’S Shields Minnie M, b 2641 Washington av. Shields Myrtle M, student, b 2641 Washington av Shields Pearl H, opr Ind Tel Co, b 583 25th. Shields Roger W, eng S P Co, r 2640 Washington av. Shiels John, hlpr S P Co, b 2366 Kingsford av. Shiels Margaret X, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 2366 Kingsford av. Shiels Martina H, b 2366 Kingsford av. Shiels Monica L, stenog Ogden Whol Drug Co, b 2366 Kings¬ford av. Shifflet Parker, clk Pingree & Keller Co, r 215 27th. Shimizu Chiyo, wiper S P Co. Shinier John, lab, b 200 W 28th. Shinney John, hlpr S P Co, r 2131 Reeve Co. Shipley Atelia, b Riverdale. Shipley Bella, emp John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 203 Tracy. Shipley Charles B, r 201 Tracy av. Shipley Earl W, appr S P Co, b 230 24th. Shipley Ellen L, emp Shupe-Williams Co, b 272 22d. Shipley Emeline, b 2340 Lincoln av. Shipley George B, foreman City Water Wks, r 2031 Wash¬ington av. Shipley George D, fireman Spencer Lbr Co, r rear 2338 Lin¬coln av. Shipley Ida L, b 272 22d. Shipley James, driver, r 567 7th. Shipley John, lab, r 205 Tracy av. Shipley John W, driver Ogden Furn & C Co, b 272 22d. Shipley Margaret J, clk Western Grain & B Co, b 203 Tracy. Shipley Mary Ann (wid Thomas), r rear 2338 Lincoln av. Shipley Matthew, ydman Spencer Lbr Co, r 2340 Lincoln av. Shipley May J, b 201 Tracy av. Shipley May L, emp Sh.upe-Williams Co, b 272 22d. Shipley Moroni, farmer, r Riverdale. Shipley Moroni, lab, r 3636 Washington av. Shipley Robert, r 203 Tracy. Shipley Robert L, caller S P Co, b 230 24th. Shipley Sarah (wid Robert), b 205 Tracy av. Shipley Thomas B, lab, r 272 22d. Shipley Wm, fruit raiser, r Riverdale. For Speed, Safety and Comfort take the OREGON SHORT LINE R.R. 475 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BOTH PHONES 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Shipley Wm A, emp S P Co, b 203 Tracy av. Shipley Wm B, bartndr The Ranch, r 230 24th. Shipp Carl B, student, b 304 33d. Shipp Mrs Margaret J, rms 2468 Washington av. Shipp May L (wid James E), music tchr. 304 33d, r same. Shipp Walter, b Reed Hotel. Shipp Wm, clk Broom Hotel. Shipp Wm M, electr Ogden Elec S Co, rms 2468 Washing¬ton av. Shirai T, clnr S P Co. Shiramizu Frank, servant Utah School for the D and B. Shirk John F, cond, r 2657 Lincoln av. Shirk Mrs Maggie, b rear 2234 Monroe av. Shobe Wm L, plumber A W Meek, rms 548 24th. Shoeman Harry J, switchman S P Co, r 173 Poplar av. Shore Arthur A. lab, r 3191 Grant av. Shores Ruth, clk, b 2972 Washington av. Short Cora M, b Farr West. Short Cynthia A, b Farr West. Short Edgar D, leader Orpheum Theatre Orchestra, Reed Hotel. Short Ira T, farmer, b Farr West. Short Mary M, b Farr West. Short Nancy, tchr Utah School for the D and B. Short Reuben L, farmer, r Farr West. Short Temple, farmer, Farr West. SHORTEN D GEORGE, Floor Mgr W H Wright & Sons Co, b 521 27th, Bell Tel 1232-K. Shorten Elsie E, student, b 521 27th. Shorten George (Geo A Whipple & Co), agt Standard Real Est L Co, r 521 27th. Shorten Mabel M A, cashr W H Wright & Sons Co, b 521 27th. Shorten Norman E, moved to Salt Lake City. Shorten Ralph E, b 521 27th. Shreeve Edgar T, fireman S P Co, b 2546 Madison av. Shreeve Ivena M, emp Blackinan & Griffin Co, b 2626 Bar¬low av. Shreeve Mrs Mary W, r 2626 Barlow av. Shreeve Myra, student, b 2548 Madison av. J.P. O’Neill Construction Co. CONTRACTORS Street Paving Sewers and Walks 423 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. Bell Tel. 621 Ind. Tel. 908 |