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Show 344 THE TROY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY S.H. HENDERSHOT, Manager TROY LAUNDRY 2538-2540 WALL AVENUE FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. CRAWFORD SHOES R.L. POLK & CO’S Macdonald Jennie B, student, b 3217 Washington av. Macdonald John Q, electr U L & R Co, b 3217 Washington. Macdonald John W, clk F R Watkins, b 2531 Lincoln av. Macdonald Stanford, messr S P Co, b 2531 Lincoln av. Macdonald Stanley, driver G A Nicholas, b 2547 Lincoln av. Macdonald Walter, clk, rms 2409 Lincoln av. Machett Gertrude, waiter A H Downs, rms 26 Idanha Hotel. Macia Tony, trucker S P Co, rms 142 22d. Mack Ada J, b 1462 Washington av. Mack Atrilla M, student, b 1521 Ogden av. Mack Charles F, switchman S P Co, r 613 Maryland. Mack Charles S, pkr Ogden Milling & E Co, b 1521 Ogden. Mack Charles W, carp, r 1521 Ogden av. Mack George, boilermkr S P Co, rms Lincoln Hotel. Mack Glen H, pkr Ogden Milling & E Co, r 1522 Washing¬ton av. Mack Helen M, student, b 2869 Utah av. MACK HENRY M, Sec and Treas Ogden Milling & Elev Co, r 2869 Washington av, Bell Tel 428-Z. MACK JAMES, Pres Ogden Milling & Elev Co, V-Pres Pingree Nat Bank, r 1462 Washington av, Bell Tel 1502-Y. Mack John, hlpr S P Co, r 2156 Pacific av. Mack John M, acting mgr Ogden M & Elev Co, b 2869 Washington av. Mack Katherine E, cashr Baron Co, b 2156 Pacific av. Mack Walter, switchman S P Co, rms 2657 Lincoln av. Mackey, see McKay. MacLennan John, clk White Elephant, rms 130 25th. Macpherson, see McPherson. MacRae James, clk White Elephant, rms 130 25th. Maddock Claude E, student Smithsonian Bus Coll, b 924 Washington av. Maddock Fred G, harnessmkr J G Read & Bros Co, r 916 Washington av. Maddock John, tailor T W Jones, r 924 Washington av. Maddock Pauline C, student, b 549 Cross. Maddock Rosa M, tchr Mound Fort School, b 924 Wash¬ington av. James Coal & Ice Co. Up-Town Office 2407 Grant Av. Yard 2236 Wall Av. Bell Tel. 92, INd. Tel. 513 Both Tels. 149 345 GEO. A. WHITMEYER & SON, GENERAL CONTRACTORS Mill Work a Specialty Office and Mill rear 2759 Grant Avenue Utah Stationery Co. Washington Ave., S. W. Cor. 24th St. FANCY GOODS, SOUVENIRS AND VIEWS, BLANK BOOKS AND CUTLERY OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Maddock Royal A, clk J G Read & Bros Co, b 924 Washing¬ton av. Maddock Thomas J, mtrman O R T Co, r 549 Cross. Madison Schol, 2418-2444 Madison av. Madsen, see also Matson and Mattson. Madsen Annie E (wid Hans), r 2242 Lincoln av. Madsen Archibald, student Weber Academy, b 270 35th. Madsen Dorothy, b 2242 Lincoln av. Madsen D Leo (Shreeve & Madsen), r 2546 Madison av. Madsen Enoch, miller, r 149 N Washington av. Madsen Joseph A, clk Blackman & Griffin Co, r 2351 Quincy. Madson Ida (wid Hans P), b 424 3d. Madson May, b 557 25th. MADSON OSCAR B, Chairman County Commissioners, Court House, Pres Marshall Merc Co, N Ogden, r 940 W 12th, Ind Tel 172. MADSON WILFORD F, Mgr R M Bell Tel Co, 2444 Washington av, Bell Tel 155, b 2242 Lincoln av, Bell Tel 1542. Mae Belle The, W C McClain propr, furn rooms, 283 24th. Maeta Charles, servant Utah School for the D and B. Maginnis, see also McGuiness. Maginnis Daisy M, tchr, b 2971 Washington av. Maginnis Dale, student, b 2971 Washington av. Maginnis Florence A, student, b 2971 Washington av. MAGINNIS S ABBOT, Lawyer, 422-424 Eccles Bldg, Ind Tel 669, r 2971 Washington av, Bell Tel 662, Ind 739. Maginnis Thomas J, levelman City Eng, b 2971 Washington. Maginnis Wm L, died Oct 26, '10, aged 52. Magnusson Adelheride J (wid Charles), r 822 12th. Magnusson Wm, lab Ogden Pressed B & T Co, r Harrisville. Maguire, see also McGuire. Maguire Charles A, collr, b 549 25th. Maguire Don, mgr Napoleon & Maghera G & C M & R Co, 427 25th, r 549 same. Maguire Mrs Tude R, prin Central School, r 619 25th. Maher Frank M, clk Union Portland Cement Co, r 729 25th. Maher James B, clk S P Co, b 729 25th. Maher John L, brkman S P Co, rms 154 27th. Maher Kathryn, student, b 729 25th. OGDEN PLANING MILLS CO. SASH, DOORS, TURNING, STAIR WORK 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK PHONE 666 IND. |