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Show 336 J.F. EVERETT & CO. Proprs. Ogden Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Equippped for Funeral Trade 2219 Washington Ave. Phones: Bell 876, Ind. 500 Up-to-date Rigs 2001 POUNDS IN EACH TON OF “THE COAL” Shurtliff & Co. Phones 18 Yard, 2041 Washington Ave. R.L. POLK & CO’S McCormick J Leo, emp Jones College of Music. The Virginia. McCormick Martin, rms 2456 Grant av. McCowan, see also Cowan and McGowan. McCowan George, driver John Scowcroft & Sons Co, rms 2613 Washington av. McCowan Joseph, tmstr, r 2538 Monroe av. McCoy, see also Coy. McCoy Theodore, r 549 22d. McCracken Floyd P, clk, b 814 28th. McCracken Henry J, clnr, r 814 28th. McCRACKEN JAMES B (Agee & McCracken), Lawyer 415-416 First Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 514, Ind 80. r 3549 Washington av, Bell Tel 552-K. McCracken James L, cpt lyr Boyle Furn Co, r 354 28th. McCracken Loverna L, b 3549 Washington av. McCrea Thomas, clk, rms Chapman House. McCready Bessie A, sec to prin High School, b 476 23d. McCready Fannie, student, b 476 23d. McCready John, dry gds, 161 25th, r 476 23d. McCready Marie, clk John McCready, b 476 23d. McCullough Henry, lab Ogden Pressed B & T Co. r Harrisville. McCune, see also McKeon. McCune Clarence S, student, b 2635 Madison av. McCune George W, slsmn John Scowcroft & Sons Co, r 549 26th. McCune Henry F, r 2635 Madison av. McCune Ross H, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co. b 2635 Madison av. McCUNE ROYAL A, Physician and Surgeon, 51-52 Lewis Blk, Bell Tel 727, Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, r 528 24th, Bell Tel 805-Y, Ind 3707-A. McDaniel Fred A, student, b 3061 Porter av. McDaniel Mrs Helen A, r 3061 Porter av. McDaniels James H. farmer, b 1790 Gibson av. McDERMOTT JOHN, Propr Healy Hotel, 100 25th, Bell Tel 44. Ind 1117. McDermott Owen, lab Amal Sugar Co, r rear 2337 Adams McDonald, see also Macdonald. JOGALONG TRANSFER CO. MOVING VANS, STORAGE AND FURNITURE PACKING 328 ½ 25th St. Phones 283 337 LUMBER Wheelwright Bros. Office: 2476 Washington Ave. Both Phones 147 YARD Corner 26th St. and Quincy Ave. Bell Phone 263-Z B.H. GODDARD 412 Eccles Bldg. INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Bell Tel. 534-Y OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. McDonald Albert R, bartndr D A Dwight, rms 260 24th. McDonald Angus S, boilermkr S P Co, b 2865 Pacific av. McDonald Edward, agt, r e end of 2d. McDonald Flora (wid Angus), r 2865 Pacific av. McDonald John, emp Geo A Lowe Co, r 131 31st. McDonald John J, boilermkr S P Co, b 2865 Pacific av. McDonald John M, carp, b 2026 Quincy av. McDONALD J WALTER, Pres Standard Bottling Co, r 2409 Lincoln av. McDonald Lulu, student Utah School for the D and B. McDonald Nellie C (wid Charles L), b 203 W 30th. McDonald Thomas, driver John Farr Coal Co, r 2715 Grant. McDonald Wm, fireman S P Co, b 165 26th. McElheran John, hlpr S P Co, r 635 25th. McElheran Ruth L, student, b 635 25th. McElheran Willis A, fireman O S L, b 635 25th. McElroy Daniel, fireman, rms 157 23d. McElroy Edward P, moved to Butte, Mont. McElroy George, hardware, Plain City, r same. McElroy George jr, carp, b Plain City. McElroy Isabelle (wid Wm), r Plain City. McElroy Robert, fireman, rms 157 23d. McElroy Wm M, electr, b Plain City. McEntire, see also Mclntire and Mclntyre. McEntire Adrain W, b Harrisville. McEntire Athalia, b Farr West. McEntire Frederick W, student, b Farr West. McEntire Henry T, farmer, r Farr West. McEntire I Wells, emp Tohn Scowcroft & Sons Co, r Harris¬ville. McEntire James A, student Weber Academy. McEntire John T, fruit grower, r Harrisville. McEntire Sadie E, student, b Farr West. McEntire Wm N, farmer, r Farr West. McFarland Adelia (wid Charles B), r W Weber. McFarland Albert R, farmer, r W Weber. McFarland Angus J, student, rms 370 28th. McFarland Anna (wid Hyrum), r 745 29th. McFarland Archibald, farmer, r W Weber. McFarland Blair, mach Utah Constn Co, r 211 27th. W.J. Wolfinger SOLE AGENT FOR Shawhan The Peer and Pioneer American Whiskey 268-270 25th St. Ind. Tel. 674 |