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Show 640 J.F. EVERETT & CO. Proprs. Ogden Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Equipped for Funeral Trade 2219 Washington Ave. Bell Tel. 876, Ind. Tel. 500 ‘THE COAL” 2001 POUNDS IN EACH TON SHURTLIFF & CO. PHONES 18 FOREIGN PATRONS ADVERTISING AGENTS. Giles Advertising Agency, top floor Boyd Park Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See left bot lines and p 602.) ARTISTS. Giles Advertising Agency, top floor Boyd Park Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See left bot lines and p 602.) BANK, BAR, OFFICE AND STORE FIXTURES. Weatherbee W L Co, 158-160 W 1st South, Salt Lake City. (See p 587.) CASH REGISTERS. National Cash Register Co, 249 S State, Salt Lake City. (See left top lines.) CLUBS. Commercial Club, Joseph E Caine Sec and Mgr, Exchange pl cor Cactus, Salt Lake City. COLLECTION AGENCIES. Merchants Protective Association, 12 Rooms 5th floor Continental Nat Bank Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See p 594.) COMMERCIAL PRINTERS. Tribune-Reporter Printing Co, 66 W 2d South, Salt Lake City. (See opp p 584.) COMMERCIAL REPORTS. Curl Credit Clearing House, 412 D F Walker Bldg, Salt Lake City. CREDIT RATINGS. Curl Credit Clearing House, 412 D F Walker Bldg, Salt Lake City. Merchants Protective Association, 12 Rooms 5th floor Continental Nat Bank Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See p 594.) CUT MNFRS. De Bouzek Engraving Co, 25-29 W South Temple, Salt Lake City. (See p 602.) Giles Advertising Agency, top floor Boyd Park Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See left bot lines and p 602.) DENTAL SUPPLIES. Durbin J Surgical & Dental Supply Co, 25 W 3d South, Salt Lake City. (See left side lines.) ELECTROTYPERS. De Bouzek Engraving Co, 25-29 W South Temple, Salt Lake City. (See p 602.) Giles Advertising Agency, top floor Boyd Park Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See left bot lines and p 602.) ENGRAVERS—BY ALL METHODS. De Bouzek Engraving Co, 25-29 W South Temple, Salt Lake City. (See p 602.) Giles Advertising Agency, top floor Boyd Park Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See left bot lines and p 602.) HALF TONES. De Bouzek Engraving Co, 25-29 W South Temple, Salt Lake City. (See p 602.) Giles Advertising Agency, top floor Boyd Park Bldg, Salt Lake City (See left bot lines and p 602.) HONEST DEBT COLLECTORS. Merchants Protective Association, 12 Room 5th floor Continental Nat Bank Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See P 594.) JOGALONG TRANSFER CO. Pianos, Safes and all kinds of Heavy Drayage 328 ½ 25th St. Phones 283 641 No job too small, none too large for us to figure on. THE WHEELWRIGHT CONSTRUCTION CO. RAILROAD CONTRACTORS OGDEN B.H. GODDARD ALL KINDS SURETY BONDS 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y HOS FOREIGN PATRONS 1911. ZIN HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. Durbin J Surgical & Dental Supply Co, 25 W 3d South, Salt Lake City. (See left side lines.) LEGAL BLANKS. Tribune-Reporter Printing Co, 66 W 2d South, Salt Lake City. (See opp p 584.) LINOTYPERS. Tribune-Reporter Printing Co, 66 W 2d South, Salt Lake City. (See opp p 584.) MANUFACTURERS AGENTS. Groshell Oscar, 249 S State, Salt Lake City. (See left top lines.) MERCANTILE AGENCIES. Bradstreet Co, 310 Newhouse Bldg, Salt Lake City. Dun R G & Co, 602-605 Tribune Bldg, Salt Lake City. Merchants Protective Association, 12 Rooms 5th floor Continental Nat Bank Bldg. Salt Lake City. (See p 594.) OFFICE AND STORE FIXTURES. Wetherbee W L Co, 158-160 W 1st South, Salt Lake City. (See p 587.) POOL & BILLIARD TABLE SUPPLIES. Wetherbee W L Co, 158-160 W 1st South, Salt Lake City. (See p 587.) PRINTERS—BOOK AND JOB. Tribune-Reporter Printing Co, 66 W 2d South, Salt Lake City. (See opp p 584.) RAILROADS. Colorado Midland Ry, J H Davis Trav Frt & Pass Agt, 10 E 3d South, Salt Lake City. (See opp inside back cover.) Salt Lake Route (S P L A & S L R R), J H Manderfield A G P A, 169 S Main, Salt Lake City. (See back fly leaf.) RUBBER AND STEEL STAMPS. Salt Lake Stamp Co, 65 W 3d South, Salt Lake City. SALT MANUFACTURERS. Inland Crystal Salt Co, 500 Vermont Bldg, Salt Lake City. SEALS AND STENCILS. Salt Lake Stamp Co, 65 W 3d South, Salt Lake City. SHOW CASE MNFRS. Wetherbee W L Co, 158-160 W 1st South, Salt Lake City. (See p 587.) SHOW PRINTERS. Tribune-Reporter Printing Co, 66 W 2d South, Salt Lake City. (See opp p 584.) STEREOTYPERS. De Bouzek Engraving Co, 25-29 W South Temple, Salt Lake Citv. (See p 602.) STOCK TAGS AND MARKERS. Salt Lake Stamp Co, 65 W 3d South, Salt Lake City. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES. Durbin J Surgical & Dental Supply Co, 25 W 3d South, Salt Lake City. (See left side lines.) ZINC ETCHINGS. Giles Advertising Agency, top floor Boyd Park Bldg, Salt Lake City. (See left bot lines and p 602.) Pullman Bar The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Mexican Chili Parlor in Connection W.J. WOLFINGR, Proprietor 270 25thSt. Opposite Lyceum Ind. Phone 674 |