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Show 424 THE TROY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY S.H. HENDERSHOT, Manager TROY LAUNDRY 2538-2540 WALL AVENUE FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING R.L. POLK & CO’S Polydore Henrietta (wid Henry F), r 468 30th. Pomery Hattie J (wid Alfred), r 435 28th. Pons Alexander, lab, b s s 12th 1 w of S P tracks. Pons John, farmer, r s s 12th 1 w of S P tracks. Pons John F, lab, b s s 12th 1 w of S P track Pons Philip, foreman, b s s 12th 1 w of S P tracks. Pontane Louis M, musician, r 329 26th. Poole Mrs Ida E, waiter Healy Cafe, b 761 24th. Poole Isabelle (wid Wm), r rear 232 W 22d. Poole Joseph E, mach S P Co, r rear 230 W 22d. Poole Marinda (wid Wm), r rear 232 W 22d. Poorman James G, switchman S P Co, r 317 32d. Poorman Thomas J, switchman S P Co, r 2659 Lafayette av Poorman Thomas K, messr S P Co, b 2659 Lafayette av. Poorte Alice, laund, b 2018 Madison av. Poorte Christine (wid John), r Wilson Wd. Poorte Grace, b 2018 Madison av. Poorte Herman, r 2018 Madison av. Poorte Hyrum, farmer, b Wilson Wd. Poorte John H, clk Grand Union Tea Co, b 2018 Madison av. Pope John C, student, b rear 758 25th. Pope John T, lawyer, r 462 24th. Pope Mrs S E Lyon, mlnr, 2351 Washington av, r 462 24th. Pope Violet, emp Superior S Laundry, b 758 26th. Poplar Heights, | Q Beck propr, boarding house, 437 24th. Porter Ada L, b 470 30th. Porter Arthur P, driver W F & Co Exp, b 2126 Washington. Porter Clarence E, clk Boyle Furn Co, r 3021 Ogden av. Porter Cleveland, clk, b 2126 Washington av. Porter Dean B, saddler J G Read & Bros Co, r 3344 Washington av. Porter Earl, clk Boyle Furn Co, b 470 30th. Porter Edgar L, messr Watson-Tanner Clo Co, b 4/0 Porter Edward L, driver, b 2001 Douglas av. Porter Ethel H, tchr Five Points School. 825 25th. Porter Fred C, messr Amer Exp Co, rms 7 50 25th. Porter George B, b 2744 Washington av. Porter Herbert J, farmer, r 2459 B av. Porter Irvine, student, b 2642 Monroe av. Porter Joann (wid James L), b 1100 24th. James Coal & Ice Co. Up-Town Office 2407 Grant Av. Bell Tel. 92, INd. Tel. 513 Yard 2236 Wall Av. Both Tels. 149 425 GEO. A. WHITMEYER & SON General Contractors and Builders REAR 2759 GRANT AV. Utah Stationery Co. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLIES WASHINGTON AVE., S.W. COR. 24th ST. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Porter John T, clk Cragun Bros, b 2126 Washington av. Porter J Gilbert, bkpr, b 470 30th. Porter Le Roy, driver Russell-James Co, b 2001 Douglas av. Porter Martha (wid Luther G), r 470 30th. Porter Mrs Maude Dee, sec Thos D Dee Memorial Hospital. Porter Maude I, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, b 2001 Douglas av. Porter M Rich, tchr Weber Academy, b 2642 Monroe av. Porter Pearl E, student, b 2001 Douglas av. Porter Rebecca (wid Samuel), r 2126 Washington av. Porter Richard B, div storekpr S P Co, r 800 Washington. Porter Robert H, clk U P R R. r 462 Rose ct. Porter Samuel C, clk R M S, r 2126 Washington av. Porter Wm L, propr Porter's Greenhouses and city sexton, r 2001 Douglas av. Porter Wm L jr, asst W L Porter, r 2028 Douglas av. PORTER'S GREENHOUSES, W L Porter Propr, Floral Designs a Specialty, 20th cor Jefferson av, Bell Tel 260-Z, Ind 293. Porterfield Wm B, sec-treas Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co, r 771 22d. Possett Dominick, lab S P Co, b View. POST OFFICE, L W Shurtliff Postmaster, 24th n w cor Grant av, Ind Tel 226, Station A 203 Washington av. Station No 1 North Ogden, Station No 2 2421 Wash¬ington av. POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE CO, W S O'Brien Mgr, 2484 Washington av, Both Tels 222. Postma Andrew W, shoemkr, 720 27th, b same. Postma Bert, carp P A Isakson, r 825 27th. POSTMA BUNSE W, Boot and Shoemaker, Repairing Neatly Done, Popular Rates, 2568 Washington av. r 724 27th. Postma Wm A, r 720 27th. Potolusky Bert, clk J F Smith & Co, b 2337 Adams av. POTTER CAFE & BUFFET, C S Potter Propr, Wines, Liquors, Cigars and First Class Cafe, 372-374 25th, Bell Tel 526, Ind 499. Potter Clifford S, Propr Potter Cafe & Buffet, r 511 26th. Potter Edmund R, student, b 511 26th. OGDEN PLANING MILLS CO. SASH, DOORS, TURNING, STAIR WORK 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK PHONE 666 IND. |