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Show 392 THE TROY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY S.H. HENDERSHOT, Manager TROY LAUNDRY 2538-2540 WALL AVENUE FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. DUNLAP HATS R.L. POLK & CO’S OGDEN MUSIC CO, S F Kimball Pres and Mgr, M L Higley Sec and Treas, Music and Musical Mdse 2370 Washington av, Bell Tel 853, Ind 205. (See adv.) Ogden Music Co. LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN NORTHERN UTAH 2370 Washington Avenue, OGDEN, UTAH Successors to Consolidated Music Co., Clayton Music Co Chamberlain-Thomas Music Co., Thomas-Horn Music Co. “Everything in Music” PIANOS: Steinway, Sohmer, Estey, Kimball, McPhail, Kohler & Campbell and Others. Steinway Pianos and Cecilian Players, Estey & Kimball Organs Eidson Phonographs and Records. Victor Talking Machines and Supplies. S. F. KIMBALL, Pres’t and Manager M.L. HIGLEY, Sec’y and Treasurer OGDEN NEPHI O, Mgr N O Ogden Co and Ogden Over¬all & Shirt Co, r 359 27th, Ind Tel 3676-A. OGDEN N O CO, Nephi O Ogden Mgr, Clothing, Shoes. and Haberdashery, Abt Clothing and Nettleton Shoes Our Leaders, 236 25th, Bell Tel 203-Y, Ind 248. (See left top lines.) The House of Quality N.O. Ogden Company Outfitters to People of Particular Taste 236 25th Street Ind. Phone 248 Bell Phone 203-Y OGDEN OVERALL & SHIRT CO, Mfrs of and Wholesale Dealer sin Overalls and Shirts, Prices on Application, 1701 Washington av, Bell Tel 608. James Coal & Ice Co. Up-town Office 2407 Grant Av. Yard 2236 Wall Av Bell Tel. 92, INd. Tel. 513 Both Tels. 149 393 GEO. A. WHITMEYER & SON REAR 2759 GRANT AV. General Contractors and Builders Utah Stationery Co. SCHOOL SUPPLIES WASHINGTON AVE., S.W . COR. 24th ST. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Ogden Packing & Provision Co, Lars Hansen pres, Charles Ziemer v—pres, S S Jensen See, w end 24th st viaduct. OGDEN PAINT, OIL & GLASS CO, W H Harris Pres and Mgr, 2440 Washington av, Both Tels 9. (See front edges of leaves.) Ogden Paint, Oil and Glass Co. JOBBERS OF PAINTS, OILS & WINDOW GLASS AMERICAN AND FRENCH PLATE ILLUMINATING AND LUBRICATING OILS PAINTERS SUPPLIES 2440 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah OGDEN PLANING MILLS CO, S W Streeper Pres, John B Koch Mgr, 2160-2170 Washington av, INd Tel 666. (See right bottom lines and p 394.) OGDEN PLUBMING & HEATING CO, Brig Ballantyne Mgr, Sanitary Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating, 421-423 23d. Both Tels 1329. (See adv under classified Plumbers.) OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT CO, C A Day Pres and Gen Mgr, H C Day V-Pres, H C Baker 2d V-Pres, R E Bristol Sec, Treas and Sales Mgr, Suite 6-7 Utah Nat Bank Bldg, Bell Tel 554, Ind 189 (See back cover and p 394.) OGDEN PLANING MILLS CO. 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. SASH, DOORS, TURNING, STAIR WORK ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK PHONE 666 IND. |