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Show 408 THE TROY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY S.H. HENDERSHOT, Manager TROY LAUNDRY 2538-2540 WALL AVENUE FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. CRAWFORD SHOES R.L. POLK & CO’S Parker Thomas R, student Weber Academy. Parker Wm, b rear 321 27th. Parker Wm C, farmer, r Riverdale. Parker Wm C, trav agt Ogden Furn & C Co, r 255 33d. Parker Wm J, pres and mgr Wasatch Orchard Co, and Riv¬erdale Canning Co, r W 24th 1/4 mile w of city limits. Parker Wm L, carp, b 1774 Cahoon av. Parker Wm S, dispenser Hupfer Candy Co, b 2839 Jefferson Parks Fred E, driver, b 1182 24th. Parks Gilford B, blksmith S P Co, b 1182 24th. Parks H Franklin, live stock, rms 335 26th. Parks Lester H, driver, b 1182 24th. Parks Maggie M (wid Thomas), b rear 2330 Adams av. Parlovv George W, clk S P Co, r 2501 Adams av. Parmley Dean B, student, b 730 25th. Parmley J Scott, bkpr Utah Constn Co, r 1052 25th. Parmley Mary, student, b 730 25th. PARMLEY O ALVIN, Mgr Ogden Steam Laundry Co, 437 25th, r 730 25th, Bell Tel 1493. Parrett Pearl, tchr Sub High School, b 2539 Adams av. Parretti Charles, lab, r 2760 Pacific av. Parretti John, lab, b 2760 Pacific av. Parretti Theresa, b 2760 Pacific av. Parri Angelo, lab, r 178 Spencer. Parri John, lab, r 170 W 20th. Parri Richard, fireman, b 170 W 20th. Parrish Henry C, eng S P Co, r 270 35th. Parry, see also Peery and Perry. Parry Addie J, music tchr, 261 23d, r same. Parry Albert A, emp Fred J Kiesel Co, b 310 18th. Parry Amos, clk, b 1769 Washington av. Parry Block, Washington av n w cor 2d. Parry Caleb, farmer, r blk s of Marriott School. Parry Charles O, painter S P Co, r 316 18th. PARRY CHAUNCEY (Joseph Parry & Sons Co), Real Es¬tate, Loans, Insurance, etc, 2283 Washington av, Tel 359, r 1763 Washington av, Bell Tel 778-Z. Parry Elias, carp, b 1769 Washington av. Parry Harold H, student, b 2104 Jefferson av. Parry Harold J, farmer, b blk s of Marriott School. James Coal & Ice Co. Up-Town Office 2407 Grant Av. Bell Tel. 92, Ind. Tel. 513 Yard 2236 Wall Av. Both Tels. 149 409 GEO. A. WHITMEYER & SON, GENERAL CONTRACTORS Mill Work a Specialty Office and Mill rear 2759 Grant Avenue Utah Stationery Co. Washignton Ave., S.W. Cor. 24th St. FANCY GOODS, SOUVENIRS AND VIEWS, BLANK BOOKS AND CUTLERY OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY, 1911. Parry Harry, student, b 2104 Jefferson av. Parry John, hostler, r 548 27th. PARRY JOSEPH (Joseph Parry & Sons Co), r 1769 Wash¬ington av, Ind Tel 3767-M. Parry Joseph Inv Co, Joseph Parry pres, Chauncey Parry v-pres, Walter Parry sec, 2283 Washington av. PARRY JOSEPH & SONS CO (Joseph, Chauncey and Walter Parry, A H Martin), Fine Granite and Marble Monuments and Headstones, Memorial Work of All Kinds, 2253 Washington av, Bell Tel 721, Ind 354. (See adv under classified Monumental Works.) Parry Joseph T, eng, r 1755 Washington av. Parry Leo J, clk R M S, r 2202 Adams av. Parry Lillian, student, b 763 Washington av. Parry Lucille, b 1/2 blk s of Marriott School. Parry Meda M, student, b 2104 Jefferson av. Parry Parley M, cashr Utah L & Ry Co, r 2472 Monroe av. Parry Ray W, farmer, b 1/2 blk s of Marriott School. Parry Royal, farmer, b 1/2 s blk s of Marriott School. Parry Rudolph, b n s 12th 1/2 mile e of Marriott School. PARRY WALTER (Joseph Parry & Sons Co), r 514 27th, Bell Tel 1521-Y. Parry Wm H, clk J F Smith & Co, r 2104 Jefferson av. Parsons Freda, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, b 2426 Monroe. Parsons J Frank, clk, rms Broom Hotel. Parsons Lucy, emp Ogden St Laundry, b 347 20th. Parsons Mrs Marion J, r 3162 Grant av. Parsons Olaf A, clk The Toggery, b 2328 Lincoln av. Partenheimer John H, brickmkr, r 655 30th. Paskale Sotiris, lab, r 2128 Sherburne av. Paskett May C, opr Ind Tel Co, b 1795 Center av. Paskett Wm J, hlpr S P Co, b 1795 Center Past Arthur C, teller Ogden State Bank, r 2942 Grant av. Patch George C, foreman D & R G, r 485 30th. Patenall Bertram G, r 1544 Robinson av. Patrick Eugene W (Finch & Patrick), rms Healy Hotel, Patterson, see also Peterson and Petterson. Patterson Ada, student b Riverdale. PATTERSON ADAM, V-Pres Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, r 2547Jefferson av. |