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Show 592 J.F. EVERETT & CO. Proprs. Ogden Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Equipped for Funeral Trade 2219 Washington Ave. Phones: Bells 876, Ind. 500 Up-to-date Rigs SHURTLIFF & CO. KOAL KOKE KINDLING PHONES 18 CEM R.L. POLK & CO’S CIG *CEMENT COPINGS. McGregor J J, 2909 Washington av. CEMENT MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS. Ogden Portland Cement Co, 6-7 Utah Nat Bank Bldg. Union Portland Cement Co, 2548 Washington av. Wahsatch-Portland Cement Co, 2421 Washington av. CEMETERIES. See page 33. *CHILI PARLORS. Mexican Chili Parlor, 268 25th. *CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS Wykes M M & Co, 2335 Washing¬ton av. CHINA DECORATORS. Wallace Lucille, 2564 Washington av. *CHINA AND GLASSWARE. Lewis J S & Co, 2449 Washington av. Olson E A, 2259 Washington av. CHINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS. Continental Supply Co, 2456 Wall av. Quong Chung Yuen. 251 25th. Wah Sing Lung, 265 25th. Wing On Hong Co, 253 25th. CHIROPODISTS. La Freniere A T, 2573 Fowler av. CHIROPRACTORS. Barbarick & Maughan, 407 Eccles Bldg. *CIDER MANUFACTURERS. Standard Bottling Co, rear 2155 Madison av. CIGARS. Manufacturers. Columbia Club Cigar Co, 451 25th. Wessler Cigar Co, 339 23d. Wholesale. Beitman Bros, 377 22d. Columbia Club Cigar Co, 451 25th. Henmenway & Moser Co, 2405 and 2483 Washington av. Kiesel Fred J Co, 335 24th. Tribe G H & Co, 355 24th. Wessler Cigar Co, 339 23d. Retail. Badcon Pharmacy, 2421 Washington. Bank Cigar Store, 2309 Washington. Bismark Bar, 128 25th. Boyle D L, 110 25th. Carr T H, 300 25th. Clark J W, 274 25th. Close & Jenkins, 208 25th. Cole & Butts, 328 1/2 25th. Culley Drug Co, 2479 Washington av. Den Cigar Co, 370 25th. Depot Drug Store, 108 25th. Driver Wm & Son Drug Co, 2453 Washington av. Ecklund E J, 424 25th. Elephant The, 308 25th. Elite Cafe, 2415 Washington av. F & A Bar & Cigar Store, 2325 Wash¬ington av. Falstaff Cafe, 2425 Washington av. Feeney T S & Co, 2425 Washing¬ton av. Goddard H E, 2309 Washington av. Harrop & Goddard, 366 25th. Hemenway & Moser Co, 2405 and 2483 Washington av. Ishiguri Yosa, 273 24th. Iwasaki B J, 230 25th. Korb Harry, 2474 Grant av. McCarty Dennis, 286 25th. Mayflower Cigar Store, 348 25th. Morrissey & Brophy, 187 25th. Munsey E A, 348 25th. Nabeskima & Hina, 269 24th. Pabst The, 2470 Wall av. Poulsen P M & Co, 2404 Washing¬ton av. Pullman Bar, 270 25th. St Louis Saloon, 286 25th. Sanders Wilburn, 320 25th. Taylor & Woodland, 371 24th. Taylor's Cigar Store. 2436 Grant Taylor's Place, 209 25th. Utahna Drug Co, Washington ave cor 25th. JOGALONG TRANSFER CO. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE MOVING VANS 328 ½ 25th St. Phones 283 593 LUMBER Wheelwright Bros. YARD: Corner 25th St. and Quincy Ave. Bell Phone 253-Z Office: 2476 Washington Ave. Both Phones 147 B.H. GODDARD Fire, Life, Accident and Health, Plate Glass Burglary, Tornado Insurance 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y CIG OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1911 COA Wells B B, 2460 Grant av. White Elephant, 320 25th. White Ship Bar, 269 24th. Wolfinger W J, 268 25th. *CIRCULARS ADDRESSED. Polk R L & Co, 613-616 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake City. *CITY DIRECTORY AND MAP PUBLISHERS. Polk R L & Co, 613-616 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake City. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SUR¬VEYORS. Bostaph W M, City Hall. Craven H J, Court House. Parker A F, C E, 380 25th. *CLAY PRODUCTS. Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co, Pacific av cor W 29th. *CLEANERS AND PRESSERS. Anderson Peter Tailoring Co, 2478 Grant av. Elite Cleaning Co, 1879 Washington. Metropolitan Tailoring Co, 157 25th. New York Pressing Club, 470 24th. Plake H E Tailoring Co, 336 25th. Wappler C L, 320 24th. *CLOAKS AND SUITS. Mercantile Installment Co, 366 24th. Paine & Hurst, 2467-2469 Washing- ton av. Rasmussen O D, 2357 Washington. Wright W H & Sons Co, Washing¬ton av n w cor 24th. *CLOTHES CLEANERS. Plake H E Tailoring Co, 336 25th. CLOTHING—WHOLESALE. Kuhn A & Bro, 2363 Washington av. CLOTHING DEALERS. Baron Co, 2345 Washington av. B B Store, 172 25th. Benowitz Bros, 172 25th. Browne S H Co, 2437 Washington av, and 358 25th. Cohen Benjamin, 252 25th. Cramer Wm, 162 25th. Golden Rule Merc Co, 2275 Wash¬ington av. Kuhn A & Bro, 2363 Washington av. Levy Morris, 2279 Washington av. Maloof Sarah, 129 25th. Mercantile Installment Co, 366 24th. Model Clothing Co, 314 25th. Nye Bros, 155 25th. Nye Fred M Co, 2413 Washington. Ogden N O Co, 236 25th. Palace Clothing Store, 280 25th. Perskey Louis, 226 25th. Rasmussen O D, 2357 Washington. Rosenbluth & Oppman, 352 25th. Rosenthal David, 210 25th. Rosenthal & Albert, 280 25th. Roycroft Store, 358 25th. Toggery The, 2437 Washington av. Uncle Sam's Loan Office, 278 25th. Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, 372- 376 24th. Wolf Benjamin, 140 25th. Wright W H & Sons Co, 2355 Wash¬ington av. *CLUB ROOMS. Elephant The, 308 25th. White Elephant, 320 25th. CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. See pages 37-39. COAL—WHOLESALE. James Coal & Ice Co, 2407 Grant av. Union Fuel Co, 202 Eccles Bldg. U S Fuel, Powder & Supply Co, 419 First Nat Bank Bldg. Wyoming Coal Co, 202 Eccles Bldg. COAL AND WOOD DEALERS. Bamberger Ogden Coal Co, 3121 Washington av. Cole & Butts, 328 1/2 25th. Consumers Coal Co, Lincoln av n w cor 20th. Farr Asael Coal Co, 156 24th. Farr John Coal Co, 2069 Washing¬ton av. MEXICAN CHILI PARLORS IND. TEL. 674 Chili, Chicken Tamales-Sandwiches of all Kinds-Drinks Served with Meals 268-270 25th St. W.J. WOLFINGER, Propr. |