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Show 28 WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH 29 The Dean of Women assumes general responsibility for student welfare. It is the function of the Dean of Women to direct the interests of the women students in their educational, financial, and personal problems; to be concerned with the social activities of both men and women through her contact with organized student activity and living groups; to advise students to make wise choice of recreational and social relationships; and to aid in providing an environment that is favorable to their all-round development. The Dean of Women is concerned especially with the orientation of new students to college life and work, her purpose being to help them to discover and develop their potentialities in order that they may get the most out of their college experience. She has under her supervision the houses and dormitories where Weber College women room and board. The Health Service The Health Program provides protective and educative benefits to every student. The physical development of the student is sought through the health program, the function of which is to extend protective and educative benefits to every student enrolled in Weber College. Medical treatment and diagnosis are functions that are the responsibility of the home and the community. The specific functions are: (1) to give a medical examination that should be regarded as a screening rather than a diagnostic examination for every student upon his initial entrance to Weber College; (2) to give special attention to those in need of medical or dental care through a follow-up program which will, where necessary, guide students and parents to sources of medical and dental treatment; (3) to take care of accidents occuring at the school and to take care of sudden sickness; (4) to provide opportunity for conferences and consultations for the students with the physician; (5) to re-examine at reasonable intervals students with physical defects; (6) to provide a healthful environment for student life, and (7) to initiate protective measures against the spread of disease. Visual Education Weber College maintains equipment for Visual Education. The proper use of visual aids in classroom instruction is known to heighten interest, and to dispense information efficiently and effectively. Weber College, therefore, maintains a service for visual education. The College owns equipment for the projection of both sound or silent 16 mm. motion pictures, sound or silent 35mm. filmstrips, lantern slides, opaque objects, and microscopic slides. A great variety of film, slides, etc. is obtained by rental or purchase from industrial firms and distributors of educational motion pictures. Student Government Weber College is a laboratory that provides experience in democratic living. The student body government and the administration policy of Weber College have as one of their major purposes the development of civic responsibility, leadership, and the ability for self-government on the part of the student. It is definitely planned to make the institution a laboratory that provides actual experience in democratic living. Student government privileges provide opportunity for character education and training for citizenship. The Associated Students of Weber College include all registered students who have paid all fees prescribed by joint action of the State Board of Education and the Associated Students of Weber College. The privileges of membership in this organization consist of the right to vote in all elections under the control of the student body, the right to become a candidate for office within the rules and regulations governing those positions, and the right to such other privileges as may be determined by the Board of Control. The executive officers of the organization consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. The appointive officers consist of the staffs of the various authorized student body publications, manager of athletics, manager of dramatics, cheer leaders, and such other appointive officers as may be provided by the Board of Control. The association serves to promote the scholastic and social welfare of the college, to insure a spirit of harmony and cooperation, and to regulate student activities. It pro vides opportunity for democratic participation in a democratic student government. The Sophomore Class and the Freshman Class are the two class organizations within the student body. The Sophomore Class includes all men and women of sophomore standing organized to promote class interests, interpret and preserve Weber traditions, initiate freshmen, and to assume leadership in matters of social welfare. The Freshman Class includes all men and women of freshman standing organized to carry on activities of a competitive nature designed for novitiates of Weber. Each class elects officers to the position of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. During the spring quarter the sophomore and freshman class select a faculty adviser to help direct their class activities. The Associated Women Students is an organization which includes all women within the student body. The Associated Women Students is an organization within the general student body in which every co-ed automatically becomes a member when she enrolls in the college. It is the purpose of the Associated Women Students to develop among the women of Weber College such activities as will promote fellowship and democracy; to cooperate with the student body in all matters pertaining to the student life of the college; and to provide a medium through which the women students may express opinions on matters of interest to them, a medium through which the social standards of women will be made and kept high. The council consists of a president, vice-president, secretary- |