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Show Page 4 THE O. H. S. TIGER, OCTOBER 18, 1922. THE O. H. S. TIGER Published semi-monthly by and for the students of the Ogden High School. Price Ten Cents Per Issue. THE STAFF Leon Keller Editor in Chief Jeanne Chez Associate Ed. Wm. Hutchings 1st Asst. Ed. Virginia Green 2nd Asst. Ed. Eleanor Agee Society Ed. Alyson Smith Athletic Ed. Theron Jost 1st Asst. Ath. Ed. Norma Hodgson Exchange Ed. Elizabeth Snedden..._Ist Asst. Ex. Ed. Philip Ring Reporter Mac Boyd Reporter Marcus Child Staff Artist Arleen Burke Staff Stenographer Ruth Lyon 1st Asst. Steno. Adeline Eels 2nd Asst. Steno. BUSINESS STAFF Milton Kreines Business Mgr. Fred Gentsch 1st Asst. Bus. Mgr. Tom Boyd 2nd Asst. Bus. Mgr. Mac Nab Boyd Circulation Mgr. Mrs. Florence Newcomb Faculty Advisor THE STAFF The Tiger Staff is incomplete, and a good chance is open to help your school in another way. Two staff photographers, and two reporters are needed. As the two staff reporters are Seniors, we would like two more reporters, one from the Junior and one from the Sophomore classes. It will be appreciated if the Junior and Sophomore class presidents will sug¬gest a good live wire from their re¬spective classes. A reporter should be willing to work and know every¬thing that is going on in the school. Mr. Barret will take care of the students who desire to be staff pho¬tographers. Staff photographer is one of the most important positions on the staff, because the Year Book depends largely upon the pictures that are taken during the school year. Everybody consider this carefully and see how important it is that we have a good staff of photographers. Let's have that Year Book, and let's have it GOOD!! —O-H-S— The Sweet Shop 24th & Jefferson Candy, School Supplies Lunches and Cold Drinks ‘Meet Me Bare-Headed’’ NORMAN SIMS SEE Our Jazz SUITS and OVERCOATS -You'll like them $20. & $25. Walk upstairs and save $10 on any Suit or Overcoat The Men's Upstairs Clothes Shop 2350 Wash Ave., Upstairs THE CAFETERIA The cafeteria is deserving of more patronage this year than ever before. The cafeteria is not run by the school now, but by Mrs. Sprague. Excel¬lent food is served and at prices that would put the down town res¬taurant owners out of business. The cafeteria was placed in the school for the benefit of the students. All mod¬ern high schools have their cafeterias. A certain high school in Portland, Oregon happens to be located just across the street from a large gram¬mar school. The cafeteria in the high school had to be enlarged several times before they could accomodate the anxious patrons. We should be thankful that we have a cafeteria to go to when the cold weather comes along, because during that time a hot lunch is most appreciated. What if we had no cafeteria and had to bring cold, dry lunches to school every day, then we would have some¬thing to kick about. But as we have never been forced to feel the lack of a cafeteria, we do not know how to appreciate the one we have. Remem¬ber there is a cafeteria in our school! —O-H-S— SCHOOL POPULARITY What will it take to make the Og¬den High Schol the most popular High Schol in the state? The first and surest thing is the students' attitude todard their school. Success in ath¬letics is undoubtedly the best way to become popular. With a prosperous athletic year in our hands we should grasp it and become the pennant school of the state. A winning foot¬ball team is already rounding into shape, and with the aid of those who do not take part in the actual game, we will bring home honors from every game we are scheduled to play. If a team has a peptomistic student body behind it, what is ever going to stop it from fighting from the first kick to the last shot of the gun? We can't see any barricade unless it's lack of op¬ponents. Cooperation always brings success. With this thought in mind and the student body working in har¬mony with the team, we shall lead all other High Schools in the state in athletics. With that understood, how can we be anything but the MOST POPULAR SCHOOL IN UTAH? —O-H-S— THE TIGER BOX Do you like jokes? Of course you do, and so does everyone else. You like to hear jokes and you like to read them. Good jokes make for friendship. They take the mono¬tony out of life. They refresh and stimulate. If you have a good laugh now and then you can work much better afterward. Every good school paper prints a number of jokes more or less re¬lated to school life. A school paper without jokes is almost a dead paper, just as much to be wondered at as is a man who never smiles or laughs. The student who say to the "Edi¬tors" of school papers, "Why don't you give us more jokes?", expresses a desire for fun that all students feel. You can help to make the Tiger the best ever this year if you put your jokes in the Tiger Box, which is on the bulletin board down in the main hall by the office. Anything in the literary line as well as jokes will be read and of course the best will be printed. Get behind us! Make deposits in the Tiger Box NOW!! —O-H-S— KEEP MOVING! "Keep out of the halls during re¬citation periods." "Do not loiter or stop in halls be¬tween periods as this causes unneces¬sary congestion." In spite of these and similar warn¬ings we still have with us the "milkling" who stops in the middle of a crowded corridor to get a new chew of gum, the enamoured pair who wander slowly along bumping into everybody, the poor "nut" who stops suddenly for no reason at all and piles the crowd in heaps, together with a few other unnamed specimens. There is also the 'goof' who slams his locker door or amuses himself by swinging on it during recitations. If you don't want to be classified as a 'goof' or a 'nut' or be mistaken for an unsalted Freshman take your cue from this old world and Keep Moving! MR. BERRETT INVENTS "K. O." GAS A chlorine gas similar to that used on the battlefields of France in the World war, was manufactured by the girls' chemical class. A knock¬out was featured as the girls found that the results were almost the same as the war gas produced. We wonder if Mr. Barret is figuring on sending this concoction to the gov¬ernment. We might let Davis in on it. —O-H-S— BOOST Boost your city, boost your friend, Boost the school that you attend; Boost the street on which you are dwelling, Boost the Tiger that we are selling; It cannot get along without you And success will quicker find it If we know that you're behind it. Boost for every forward movement Boost for every new improvement; Boost the Tiger for which we labor Boost the stranger and the neighbor; Cease to be a progress blocker, Cease to be a chronic knocker; If you'd make your school much bet¬ter, Boost the Year Book to the final letter TIGER BOX PAINTED We know that the students have been dealt a hard blow, because the Tiger contribution box has not been out for contributions. This has ne¬cessitated the holding of material and contributions until the next issue, on the part of the students. But we have a good explanation as to the whereabouts of the box. It has been in the art room trying to dry a coat of paint, which seemed to be of the "slow drying" variety. You have probably noticed that the color of the box has been changed from the color of the wood work in the school buliding to a noticeable orange, and that a Tiger has been painted on the front with black paint. This change was made for the bene¬fit of those pupils in the school who are near sighted or far sighted or color blind or whatever the ailment has been that has so effectively stopped the victims from contribut¬ing something. Several other repairs have been made upon the box so that it will withstand the pressure of numerous contributions. —O-H-S— Now I lay me down to rest, Before I take tomorrow's test; If I should die before I wake, Thank heaven, I'll have no test to Take. "See Us First" Watson-Tanner Clothing Co YOU KNOW BROWN'S In Cones DELICIA ICE CREAM On Pie In Cool'm Off Sperry Products In Every Home Sperry Flour Since 1852 Free Your name in Gold Free with Electric Namograph on Fountain Pens and Eversharp Pencils purchased from us or 25c charge on your own. Bramwell’s THE LARGEST SPORTING GOODS STORE IN THE WEST Everything for Every Sport for Every Season BROWNING BROS. LET'S GO UP TO BRIGHAM NEXT THURS. |