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Show Page 6 THE O. H. S. TIGER, MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1923 "THROW OUT YOUR CHESTS, FELLOWS" Fellow students throw out your chest and declare yourselves because you have the best track team in the state. Some people might call me a liar and tell me to sit down and dream on. They would no more than get me seated than I would get up and throw my chest out farther than ever. They might ask me why I per¬sisted in doing this. Well, that was just the opening I was waiting for. I am in my glory when I can turn my vocal powers loose. This is the way I would answer them: Gentlemen, you ask me why I look so proud; well, this is the reason. I am a student of the O. H. S. and up there we have the best lot of ath¬letes you ever laid eyes on.—Here again you will see doubt come upon their faces.—To begin with, gentle¬men, we have the greatest shot put¬ter that ever donned the togs in this state. His name is William Cox. commonly called "Tarzan" for short. If you happen to walk out behind the building you will see him tossing a great iron ball as if it were a mere baseball. The doubters come to find out that these said balls weigh con¬siderably more than baseballs. One weighs twenty-pounds and the other twelve pounds. Last year "Tarzan" threw the twelve-pounds shot 45 feet 10 y2 inches in the state meet, break¬ing the state shotput record that has stood for a number of years. After doing this great said stunt, he walked over and grabbed hold of a flat lead plate called a discus, and tossed that 110 feet and won the state meet in this feature. By winning these two events he was high point man of the state meet. This year in practice he is breaking both the shot-put and the discus record. After recounting these feats of "Tarzan' to the doubters you see the doubt begin to clear away from their faces, and they say, "Well, you don't expect one man to make you the greatest track team in the state, do you?" "Why certainly not," I answer. "Let's hear about them," they re¬tort. Well, there's Rudolph Lyon, com¬monly called "Milk" for short, he is following right in the foot steps of "Tarzan". "Milk" did not break any records last year, but is coming in for his share this year. His best bet seems to be in the javelin. He is tossing the stick around 145 feet this early in the year. The state re¬cord for this for this is only 158 feet made bv Carmon of West last year. If "Milk" doesn't come close to the record this year it will be a surprise. H is throwing the shot just a few feet behind "Tarzan" and should place second anyway in the state this year, in these two events. Then comes our old speed demon, Overton Zinn, known as "Zinna," Last year "Zinna" showed his heels to several of the good boys of the division of the state. He was re-sponsible for the relay team winning the division last year and placing second in the state meet. The Brig- ham team was loading in the finish of the relay when "Zinna" was touch¬ed and by one of the greatest runs ever witnssed at Brigham or any where else, he placed High School in the lead. He repeated the same stunt and brought the crowd to their feet witb the wonderful sprint at the finish. If he had had five more yards to run, he would have won. So big things are expected of "Zinna" this year. On our track team we have an ex- convict by the name of Elmore F. Smith called "Second Story Smith" for short. Second Story" proved himself the best hurdler in the divi-sion last year. He finished in front in the state meet. He was one of the main cogs in the relay team. He did not let his man beat him once in the relay, and that is saying a lot for "Second Story" because he had several hard men to run against last year. He is also a good shot putter. He is showing rare form in spring practice this year and seems to be training better than ever this year. We expect grea- thing of him this year, and we will get them too. Keith Ward is another coming star. He is known as "Soaring" be¬cause of his ability in pole vaulting. "Soaring" is also a good sprint man and should land a place on the relay team. In practice he is pole vaulting like a veteran and should go win a place in the meet. He is pushing "Zinna" and "Second Story Smith" hard for sprint honors. Then comes another ex-convict by the name of Max Corey, commonly called "Hump." "Hump" is a high jumper and hurdler. "Hump" got a third place in the division meet last year in the hurdles and should win honors this year. He is clearing the high jump bar by five feet, two inch¬es in practice. Clarence Whittier, "Whitt", is out for the 440 and should make the boys step lively. Charles Murphy is pushing the boys hard in the half mile and the mile. He should make good. Norman Shipley is more than like¬ly the next best candidate for the re¬lay team. He has been pushing the boys hard to win a place on that team. We expect great thing of "Norm." Lee Sailor, called "Sorrel Top" for short, is one of the best mile run¬ners in the school, and we wish him good luck. There are several more good boys of unknown qualities that are ex¬pected to show up well and push the veteran of last years team. They are "Bill" Petty, "Toots" Kennedy, Clair Petersen, Dorvel Petersen, and several more. When I had finished my narration to these doubters, I looked at their faces and there was not a trace of doubt on their face about the abili¬ties of our having the best track team in the state. This gave me greater encouragement so I popped a few more buttons off my coat when I threw out my chest. —Bob Brady. -O-H-S— OUTLOOK FOR INTERCOLLEGIATE SCHOOL Will Ogden High School's Rifle Team win the last big shoot of the year? What are the chances for the team winning "First" place in the National Intercollegiate School? Very good! If the boys keep up the good work they have accomplished on the first two stages of the shoot, there is no doubt but what they will come out with colors flying. Their scores so far have been exceptionally good. "Go to it, fellows!" It's up to you. You can win, that we know. Now let's see you do it! —O-H-S— Smitty—"What is an optimist?" Donald—"An optimist is a Union Bar Tender still paying his dues." Tight Wad—"If you lost me you would have to beg for your money." His Wife—"Well, it would be na¬tural." —O-H-S— The Sweet Shop 24th & Jefferson Candy, School Supplies Drugs and Sundries Sperry Products In Every Home Sperry Flour Since 1852 Orpheum Candy Co. CHANGES MADE IN THE R. O. T. C. Company "D", has recently been disbanded and the men put into the other three companies of the batta¬lion. Several changes were also made in the lists of the commissioned officers. They are as follows: Cadet Lt. Col Lippincott Battalion Commander Cadet Major Ring Second in command Cadet Capt. Jost....Personnel Adjutant Cadet Lt. Stigers-.Battalion Adjutant Cadet Lt. Swenson Battalion Supply Officer Cadet Lt. Brady Inspector of small arms Cadet Lt. Summerill Or. Officer —O-H-S— BAND WINS GUIDEON The band won the guideon for the first time in the history of the R. O. T. C. This feat was for the month of March. The percentages are as follows: Band—96% Co. C.—94.6% Co. A.—94.1% Co. B—93.9% —O-H-S— COMMERCIAL CLUB Owing to the fact that the Com¬mercial Club has been very busy pre¬paring an assembly which was given two weeks ago to advertise Pinafore and conducting the ticket sale for the school opera, the weekly meetings have not been held for two weeks. This week the club meetings will be resumed and regular club activities again taken up. Members of the Commercial Club are planning to visit Scoville Printing Company and the Standard Examiner Plant in the near future. —O-H-S— Why pay a doctor bill when you can go to the window and remove the pain? Kaplan’s “Dressers of Men” S.J. Kaplan Co. 2425 Washington Ave. he House of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes FORTY MEN FAIL IN DRILL DURING MONTH OF MARCH Following are the names of those who failed to carry a passing per¬centage in the drill for the month of March: Yeaman, W Taylor, L. B. Norton, S Lamb, L Konold, D Whitton, G Browning, R Goates, W Lake, L. W Carver, G King H Price, R Pierce, L Mas Stevens Summerill, R Froer, A McBride, W Raat, E Williams, H Wilson, E Olson, F Brown, R Crosby, R Harris, C Higley, W Ingebretzen, V. Johnson, A. Miller, H. Morrison, M. Mole, S. Muffett, K. Mc Lean L. Pace, F. Newey, E. Tracy, E. Van Campen, D. Furniss, G. Swager, F. Wilson, D. —O-H-S— WATCH FOR THE YEAR BOOK ! ! |