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Show Page 6 THE O. H. S. TIGER, FEBRUARY 28, 1923 DR. COU'S DREAM PICTURES SHOWN AT CENTRAL JR. Cadets View Pictures During Drill Period The members of the R. O. T. C. and several others were treated to a very wonderful program at Central jr. last week. Dr. Cou, a noted traveler and artist furnished the program. He has a series of slides, taken from all parts of the United States, which he flashes on the screen. At the same time he has the famous Ampico piano reproduce the most wonderful ballads and selections that have ever been written. These were carefully select¬ed, and were very appropriate for the pictures that were being shown. Dr. Cou spoke, along with his pic¬tures explaining the significance of the music and the true worth of the pictures. He tolcl of his travels through the beauty spots of America and compared the different parks of the United States. The Sequoia National Park in Cali¬fornia was a feature, with its wonderful and noted trees. Some of the largest and oldest trees in the world are in this park. Those students who have not been fortunate in seeing these pictures either at the school or in the Ogden Theatre should try "to see them. It is worth the time and very entertain-ing. —O.H-S— A LETTER FROM AN OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL BACKER The following letter was received by the Tiger staff from a graduate of the Ogden High school. We publish this letter to show the present students of the Ogden High what real love for your school is. Mrs. Ida L. Higgins, Superior of Chicago, writes the following letter: The Classicum, Ogden High School, Ogden, Utah. Attention Circulating Dept. Dear' Sirs: For several years I have kept pleasantly in touch with my "Alma Mater" through acquaintance with members of the Alumni. Time has greatly diminished the possibility of this pleasure, so I recall the Classicum, the medium thrbugh which I may still learn of the "Who's Who" of the past and the future of the Ogden High School. Will you accordingly enter my name as an annual subscriber? One outstanding fact I wish to present to your Staff, your School Fellows and your most estimable In¬structors, is this: The quality of my record in the four-year Commercial English Course, Class of 1902, was but mediocre, yet the training re¬ceived was so thorough and concen¬trated that I, a medicre product, was enabled to take my place in the com¬mercial avenues of this big city, as a responsible business woman earn¬ing a salary commensurate to that of the average college-bred man. Right here also, I want to tell you I was mighty proud of your R. O. T. C. boys who won the Hearst Cup; words cannot adequately ex¬press the thrill of reading how they proved their mettle in a countrywide competition; needless to mention I want to see them win the Cup this year. Can you conveniently ante-date my subscription to September, 1922?. If you will kindly indicate your inten¬tions by a bill in the return mail, I will be glad to make prompt remittance. Thanking you for your early attention, and with my earnest best wishes to your school and its faculty, I am Yours very sincerely, Mrs. Ida L. Higgins, Superior. What do you think of it, students? Some spirit isn't it. Some day we will all be proud of our 'Alma Mater.' Why not make it bigger and conse¬quently something to be more proud of? Get a Costume for that CLASSICALIA DR. MERRILL SPEAKS TO CADETS "Disease" Is Subject As you have no doubt noticed, the cadet battalion is' hearing a -series of lectures and speeches from prominent doctors of Ogden and Salt Lake. Their last speaker was Dr. Merrill of Ogden. His topic was about "diseases in general, the greatest en¬emy of man." Dr. Merrill pointed out to the boys that disease is the worst enemy man has. It is causing a great deal of work on the part of doctors and chemists throughout the world. He proved to them that unless a person is very careful he is liable to disease. It is one of the greatest problems that has ever come before the world and is still unsolved. Everyone should join in the fight to check disease. —O-H-S— WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED BY OGDEN SCHOOLS Another big surprise for the stu¬dents of the Ogden High School came last week when they were told that they were not wanted in school on Thursday, February 22. We are very glad that Washington was. The schools of Ogden are usually closed on Washington's birthday, but as we had a holiday' for the birthday of Lincoln, it was quite a shock to get a second holiday within a few days. It is to be hoped that the students of the Ogden High School, think more about the holiday than just the recreation part of it. We have the two greatest men that the world has ever produced to thank for our last two holidays. —O-H-S— WHAT ABOUT THE GIRLS' ANNUAL MASQUERADE? Here It Is Fellows Twice a year the girls shine out. Once for the benefiit of the boys, and once for their own edification. About a month ago, the annual ball came off. Was it a success? "Absotlutely," to quote Air. Wright. Well, on the thirty-first of March, the girls are going to have a party to which no males are to be allowed. Each class and organization will have a stunt. All the girls will appear in costume and prizes will be given for the most original, the funniest, and the pret¬tiest costumes. The "girl" members of the faculty will be present in force and a good time is assured to everyone. —O-H-S— FIRST OUTSIDE DRILL WELCOMED Cadet Battalion Seeks Dry Pavement The cadet battalion moved out in the open last week to recuperate after their long stay indoors. The drill out in the open crisp air was a treat to the fellows. The companies were fallen in their regular manner on Monroe avenue. Lieutenant Colonel Lippincott took command and led some physical drill for a few minutes. Then some snappy close-order drill was put across. "The cadet battalion will drill out¬side from now on," said Captain Ryder, unless there are days when the weather is too rough." —O-H-S— EXHIBITION COMPANIES UNDER STIFF TRAINING The cadets that are to furnish the main entertainment for the guests of the annual Cadet Hop, are working very hard on their exhibition drill. Sergeant Halloway is in command of the picked company which is to per¬form some close order drill, and Cap¬tain Mac Boyd is in command of his own company which is to go through some physical drill at the Hop. The work that these men are doing is voluntary. Show your interest and appreciation in coming out to see them! —O-H-S— The Clock Says: is the only time NOW you will ever possess The past is like a bursted bubble unless you have something to show for it in the way of money saved. The future is only an ugly dream, unless you have definite plans based on substantial* saving. Today is the tomorrow you looked forward to yester¬day. The only time you ever have is now. Get the now spirit and profit by making regular deposits in— OGDEN STATE BANK OGDEN, UTAH DR. RICH SPEAKS IN ASSEMBLY "Classicalia" Dr. Rich of the Board of Education spoke to us February 21, on the Classicalia. Since we are on proba¬tion, he urged that we all behave in an exemplary manner and insure the future of the Classicalia in the Ogden High School. Everybody, including the girls raised their hands and prom¬ised not to drink, smoke, or other¬wise act up. The Classicalia will prove how well we can live up to our promises and live down our reputation. -O-H-S— THE HOME PRODUCTS ASSEMBLY On Wednesday, February 14, Og¬den High School observed Home Product Week. Rippy and Frank Richards sang a clever song to the tune of "Marching Through Georgia." The ditty extolled home products. Led by Mr. Gus Wright, the whole student body sang it. An announcement that we were all glad to hear was made by Mr. Mc- Murrin, in his maiden address. Classi¬calia. Oh boy! that word did sound good. If all of Mr. McMurrin's speeches in the future are as delight¬ful, he will be much in demand. Mrs. Newcomb announced the es¬say contest and the movies at Cen¬tral. Practically everybody went to see "The Tale of Two Cities." We got out of two classes, anyway! Mr. Gus Wright spoke on "Utah Products." If we can live up to the few conditions that he imposed, in a few years, Utah will be the standard of quality and quantity production. Save Your Dimes for The Classicalia The Sweet Shop 24th & Jefferson Candy, School Supplies Drugs and Sundries WHAT HAPPENED IN ASSEMBLY THE OTHER DAY The "Sheik" to the Rescue Crack! crash! blam! The bleachers in the rear of the gym were "giving way to the weight of the some thousand girls who were perched comfortably ijpon it. A state record was broken in the movement of a body of people. The bleacher was emptied in two seconds flat, after the first signs of danger were heard. The "Sheik" rushed to the rescue. He was .coroner, head of the wrecking crew and peacemaker. The "Sheik" very calmly lined the terror-stricken girls in front of the dilapidated bleachers and quieted them down. After everyone in the house had strained his neck to see what was carrying on, the attention of the stu¬dents was centered back on the stage. "Meet Me Bare-Headed' NORMAN SIMS Kaplan’s “Dressers of Men” S. J. Kaplan Co. 2425 Washington Ave. The House of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes Sperry Products in every home Sperry Flour SINCE 1852 THE HEIGHT OF FUN SATURDAY EVENING |