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Show O. H. S. AGAIN WINS NINTH CORPS AREA SHOOT CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN SOON The TIGER HAND IN SNAPS FOR THE YEAR BOOK VOLUME III. OGDEN, UTAH, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1923 NUMBER 11 Classicalia Huge Success SMITH GAINS FIRST PLACE IN SCORING RACE Smitty Noses Out Eliason by 3 Points Smitty, one of the best all-round athletes that the Ogden High School has ever produced, gained the title of "Champ Scorer" in the 1923 basket ball division race. Smitty lead Elia-son of Box Elder by three points 1 with a total of 127 to Eliason's 124. Smith is a member of the class of '23. and will graduate this spring. He wears more stripes on his sweater than any other man in the school. In other words, he deserves his title. Smitty played the leading position of the basket ball team and led for the greater part of the season the best hiidi school foot ball team in the state. No one has a more consistent" free throw" than Smitty. He very seldom failed at these points of the games. Although Eliason of Box Elder j,ran Smith a close race for- the honor [of head scorer, he never made things Hook hopeless for Smitty. —O-H-S— OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL CLOSES BASKET BALL SEASON Victory Over Bear River 40-20 E Ogden closed its basket bail sea¬son of 1922 by defeating the Bear River quintet 40 to 20 in a one sided game played at Tremonton. ' The Ogden Tigers captured their final s'ame and took third place in the division race. Ogden took the lead the second the first whistle was blown and kept it until the final whistle. Smitty gained the title of "Champ Scorer" in the division by totaling six field goals and grabbing off six out of eleven free throws giving him at grand total of 127 points for the season. Rudy caged seven field goals, and found no difficulty in doing it. The Bear River crew boasted Adams, Harris and Watkins in this fracus. The score: Ogden—40 G. T. F. P. Smith, rf 6 11 6 18 Martin, If 2 0 0 4 Lyons, c 7 0 0 14 Blackham, lg 0 0 0 0 Cox, rg 2 0 0 4 Totals 17 11 6 40 Bear River—20 G. T. F. P. Harris, rf 2 0 0 4 Adams, If 3 10 2 8 Anderson, c 2 0 0 4 Vatkins, rg 10 0 2 Lillywhite, lg 10 0 2 Grover, lg 0 0 0 0 Totals 9 19 2 20 —O-H-S— SENIOR NOTICE All seniors, both male and female, vill kindly hand in to either Virginia Greene or Miriam Cain their lames and their first and second hoice for partners to the Junior Prom. This is very' important and j ivill help the "pairing" committee a i mm rent deal in getting the. seniors I uitably paired for the Prom. GAMA KAPPA HOLDS ROOST PARTY David Holther and Charlotte Ferry Recipients of Pea¬nut Shower in Orpheum Gallery Members of the Gamma Kappa enjoyed themselves at a roost party ^ Saturday in the exclusive section of the Orpheum Theater. The proverbial peanuts were present, but a new use was found for them; they were thrown instead of eaten. After the show, which was enjoyed j by everyone, (because nobody paid any attention to the performance), f The party was completed at the home ; of Olive Reynolds, where games and [ refreshments were enjoyed. The members present were: Charlotte Ferry, Florence Hammers, Ruth Lyons, Edith Pack, Olive Reynolds, Helen Parker, Alice Pack, Kathleen Quinn, David Holther, Eugene Wines, Roland Browning, William Hutchings, Howard Thackwell, Donald Stark, Jake Reynolds, and Milton Kreines. —O-H-S— WEBER TROUNCES DAVIS. IN FINAL TILT Takes First Place in Division Score 33 to 15 The Weber High School basket ball sharks grabbed off a flash con¬test from the Davis High School hoopsters in their final game of the season. The game was played on the local floor, and ended in a 33 to 15 victory for the purple and white Wild Cats, (as they call themselves). This contest cinched the leading place in the division for the Weberites, giving them the privilege to re¬present the Ogden division in the state tournament. Stew Halliday, Weber's famous guard, was out of the game, which tended to handicap them materially. Hickman filled the vacancy left by Halliday, to perfection. The Davis plays were of no use with Hickman on the job. Weber played her best ball in the final period. The first quarter of the contest with Weber on the long end of an 8 to 6 score. The score stood 19 to 10 at the half and 24 to 11 at the end of the third period. Weber traveled for Salt Lake City to participate in the State events last Wednesday. The score: Weber G. T. F. P. Couch, rf 4 0 0 8 Budge, If 5 13 7 17 Anderson, c 4 0 0 8 Hickman, rg'. 0 0 0 0 Price, lg 0 0 0 0 Parry rf 0 0 0 0 Totals 13 13 7 33 Davis G. T. F. P. Underwood, rf 16 13 Hatch, rf 0 4 4 4 Holland, If 0 0 0 0 Webster, c 2 0 0 4 Moss, c 0 0 0 0 Lindford, rg 2 0 0 4 Page, If 0 0 0 0 Harvey, rg 0 0 0 0 | Totals 5 10 5 15 Referee, Maw. Umpire, Maughan. "SMITTY" PLACED ON STANDARD-EXAMINER "MYTHICAL" FIVE Only One Ogden Represen¬tative "Smitty" landed a place on the fa¬mous Standard-Examiner Mythical T Five, giving Ogden one representa- ^ tive; Weber, two; Box Elder, two. j Smith was awarded a guard posi- a tion with Anderson of Weber. Boothe of Box Elder was given the pivot position while Eliason of the same j village was chosen for one of the j forward positions. Couch of Weber took the other forward position. The Famous Five Eliason, Left Forward Box Elder Couch, Right Forward Weber Boothe, Center Box Elder Anderson, Left Guard Weber Smith, Right Guard... Ogden Lyons and Cox of Ogden were ' given honorable mention along with I Burt and Facer of Box Elder, Watkins and K. Anderson of Bear River, Lindford and Underwood, Davis High, and Halliday and Price of Weber. —O-H-S— PROM COMMITTEES ANNOUNCED Friday, April 27 is the date! The big dance of the year conies off then. The committees have been partly made up and they are put under one name, Prom Committee. Miram Cain and Virginia Greene have charge of the pairing, and Bonita Scowcroft, Virginia Scowcroft, Helen Stevens, and Dorothy Scowcroft comprise the remainder of the committee. Others may be appointed later, but at pres¬ent arrangements are going ahead under this committee. —O-H-S— B. Z. B. ASSEMBLY An interesting assembly was held Wednesday the seventh, under the auspices of the B. Z. B. Club. Thomas Craven, president, was in charge. Something we have been longing to hear we finally heard, and from Mr. Merrill too. He told us that we behavfed nicely at the Classicalia and assured us that we would have one next year. The band, of which we have good reason to be proud, opened the as¬sembly with a peppy march. Henry King, a student, performed admirably on ,the violin. His mother accompanied him. He held our at¬tention throughout, which speaks well for his ability. The speaker of the day was the Reverend Carver. He spoke on "Youth." His subject was a wide one, and he interspersed it with in¬teresting references to Indian youth. After his speech the band played some real Jazz. We encored them and, when they stopped playing, we left the assembly with a decidedly pleasant taste in our mouths. —O-H-S— OGDEN HIGH GALLERY ARTISTS DEFEAT TEXAS SHOOTERS The accurate shooting of the Og¬den High gallery rifle marksmen in a ten man team competition with Sam Houston Texas High School, _ won for them their second competition. The team has just completed their shoot for the Hears Trophy. A good score was sent in. CLASSICALIA ATTRACTS 1700 PEOPLE Approximately $800 Made Over seventeen hundred fifty peo- . pie paid admission to the Ogden High School Classicalia this year. . Such a crowd could never have been accommodated at the high school. . The White City served the purpose, . although it was not decorated as the committee wanted. , _ There were as many outside vis¬itors as there were students. Many . parents were there to see how we would act. A great number of peo¬ple came that did not know what the Classicalia was. Next year ought to see at least three thousand people enthusiastic over the Classicalia. THE CLASSICALIA PRIZE WINNERS Prizes were given for the best cos¬tumed couple, the winners of the prize waltz, the best decorated booth, and the booth taking in the most coney. Sherma Hendershot, dressed as Queen Elizabeth, with Maxon Mellinger, dresses as a full dressed Eng¬lishman, won the prize for the best cOTtumed couple. Ralph Kenny and Afton Petty won the prize waltz. The Chinese soda-water booth, decorated by the T. N. T. club won first prize for decorations and for making the most money. The hot dog booth, also being run by the T. N. T. club won second prize. —O-H-S— CLASSICALIA MAKES A HIT WITH HUNDREDS The Ogden High School Classicalia made a hit with hundreds of people this year. With over seventeen hun¬dred people in the hall, and every one having a grand and glorious time we can safely say that it was a great success. The students proved themselves young ladies and gentlemen. As long as the pbulic is invited, it can be ex¬pected that someone is going to over¬step the rules of the affair. But tak¬ing everything into consideration, the Classicalia was quite all right. The Queen festival was the feature of the evening. Miss Stookey is to be complimented on the wonderful way in which she worked out the en¬trance and unveiling of the Queen. The royal costumes were more elab¬orate than any that have been seen at any previous Classicalia. The grand march was somewhat of a failure. The public was too anxious to dance. The prize waltz drew a great deal of attention and was carried out very smoothly. Although there were not many booths, there were some cleverly dec¬orated club and class representations. The commercial club booth was an attractive one. The Seniors and Jun¬iors picked on an eruptive make-up, while the Girls' Association put all they had into color. The T. N. T. Booths were wonderfully designed and decorated, taking first and second prizes. Mr. Stewart is very clever at this work. The evening ended with a deep sigh of contentment from everyone, and the hope of another Classicalia next year. GET YOUR FACE IN THE CLASSICUM |