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Show THE O. H. S. TIGER, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1923. Page 5 MY TRIP ABROAD (Cont.) By Sam Freedman. On July 30th the San Francisco I and Salt JLake boys, secured leave of I absence for a day. We revisited several places and drove around the I city, visiting several famous theatres, I the Gaiety, and His Majesty's Theater.. We also had some real ice I cream sodas at a war-time establish- I ment. This was something greatly I appreciated by us, as it was hard to I get in London. Ice cream and soda is as unknown, or for that matter as unpopular as "Pussyfoot Johnson," of whom we heard much there. This place had but a few days before been discovered by several of the fellows, and the proprietor, must'have thought it war-time again, with the "bloody bloomin' Yanks" in London, by the way his business was picking up. In the evening of this eventful day, we had a great dinner at the Trocadero, a place which seemed to be popular with the higher and gayer class in London. Many of the patrons were undressed to the limit, tnat is, as far as the present day morals and min¬isters will permit, in the styles of the Rue de la Paix in Paris. After the dinner which' finally had to end, we attended the Globe Theatre, where we saw "French Leave," a light com¬edy in three acts, by Reginald Berke¬ley, which was greatly enjoyed. We returned to camp rather late that night and decided it was the end of a perfect day. At last came the great day! I he opening of the Jamboree, the great event which brought us to London, was here. The jamboree was a great exhibition or show, in which all countries competed, the events being of every line of Boy Scout work. Athletics, drills, pageantry, fire-fight¬ing. Shows and exhibitions of ani¬mals of all kinds formed the chief features of the big show, which was certainly more wonderful than the greatest circus, that ever circled un¬der canvas. Many of our animals which some of the boys from Florida had brought along, died onthe jour¬ney over, so that all that was left of our exhibition of snakes, and birds, was a wise old owl. These conests may well compare with the Olympic Games which are held in Antwerp every four years, as the object of the Jamboree was international competi¬tion, in athletics as well as other events. The primary purpose of the Jam¬boree, was the raising of $1,250,000 to place the Boy Scout movement on a permanent and sound financial basis, and the entire proceeds are now be¬ing devoted to this fund. The Jamboree, was opened formally by the Duke of Connaught, on Satur¬day afternoon, July thirty-first, and aroused great public interest in Lon¬don, and this interest was maintained throughout the week of celebration. Olympia, a vast amphitheater seat¬ing over six thousand people was ex¬pected to accomodate the crowd of spectators, but even this vast audi¬torium was insufficient, and many who went there on the opening night were disappointed to be told that there was not even standing room left. The program included stunts by the contingents from every land and the performances were varied but uniformly interesting; the exhibitions which were given were convincing proof of the skill of the scouts and were a credit to them. One of the most if not the most exciting and in¬teresting spectacle was the Indian Pageant, staged by members of our delegation. This show which lasted more than an hour was the only per¬formance so large and eleborate as to fill the entire arena, ordinarily oc¬cupied by two and three events at the same time. This pageant which il¬lustrated the life and skill of the American Indians and the western pioneers and the daring of the cow¬boys, was of unusual interest, nt only to the audience but to the scouts from other lands. On Thursday, August fifth, we were guests at a dinner and dance at the Washington Inn under the auspices of a committee of Americans, head¬ed by Mr. Clarence H. Howard of St. Louis. Before the dinner a per¬formance of the Indian Dance was given on the lawn in front of the Inn. Lady Astor, Member of Parliament from Plymouth dropped in after din¬ner and made a speech. A beautiful bag was presented to Mrs. S. A. Dem¬ing Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and organizer of the entertainment. On Saturday afternoon, we were taken to Westminister Abbey, where we sat in Poet's Corner, that part of the Abbey in which lies England's greatest poets. For three hours we sat here listening to a lecture from a man whose name I have forgotten as well as the subject on which he lectured. After this three hours rest, we paraded for five miles along a route which took us through that part of London called Westminister, and then through Hyde Park, in which is located Buckingham Palace, the royal residence. In Hyde Park are some very wonderful monuments, two of these being, the Albert Memorial, and the Queen Victoria Monument. At the end of our long march, we were taken by omnibus to Olympia where the Jamboree closed on the evening of August 7th, with a grand pageant "The History of Scouting" in which all contingents from every land participated. The Chief Scout, Sir Robert S. S. Baden-Powell, pre¬sented a souvenir flag to each over¬seas and foreign delegation, commem¬orative of their visit and congratu¬lated them on their good behavior and work. He received a wonderful ovation and was acclaimed Chief Scout of the World,, amid a volley of cheers. Thus ended the first great Jamboree after a week of success that exceeded all expectations. We returned to our camp at Richmond about mid-night and found the en¬tire camp flooded and scouts leaving by the hundreds to find a dry place to sleep. Fortunately for us, we had cots to sleep on which had been sent to us from France, so that we re¬mained where we were. ' We broke camp on Monday morn¬ing and entrained at six twenty-five for Dover. We embarked on a spe¬cial cross-channel steamer at Dover and arrived in Boulogne at noon, after a bouncy trip on the most rest¬less waves in the world. At Boul¬ogne we became the guests of the French government. We again en¬trained and prepared for our long ride to Paris. Rations consisting of French bread and cheese were issued and we all agreed it was a decided change over the marmalade and tea of England. While waiting for the en¬gineer of our train to finish his rath¬er lengthy repast, we did some win-dow shopping. That is, we bought some sour grapes and other fruits from a few of the vendors who flock¬ed to greet us at our debarkation. All these transactions were made through the windows of the train. Some of the fellows took advantage of the oppor¬tunity to change "good" American money for some French money of Boulogne. This was a source of much laughter when we arrived in Paris, for as we found out later the money was worthless and could only be exchanged at a bank. The reason for this is, that each town or village prints its own francs, in paper money, coined money being very scarce in France, and consequently this money can be exchanged only in a town wherein it is made, the only money that is taken all over France, being that of the capital, Paris. We found the French system of centimes and francs much easier than the English system of hae,pnies, six-pence, shill¬ings, florins, crowns, and pounds. We arrived in Paris, late in the afternoon, and were taken by omnibus and street car to various military acad¬emies in the Latin quarter of the city. Two companies were left at each academy because it was vaca¬tion time and the schools were de¬serted. Company eight was lodged at the "Lycee Michelet," far more comfortable than Richmond. That evening we reluctantly al¬lowed ourselves to be taken to a Parisian Theater, and as we were very tired, we slept through the en¬tire performance, which between winks seemed pretty good. That night we slept in high, soft, downy beds and had the best sleep since we left our homes a thousands of miles away, across the rolling Atlantic. —O-H-S— SOCIETY Now that the Classicalia is over, we find it hard to realize that we must await another year for the next really good time; for after all the Classicalia has long been heralded as the foremost social event of the school year, and the 1923 Classicalia has surpassed and broken all pre¬vious records. The White City was turned into a magic playground; there was the brightest and snappiest of booths; all we could eat and drink; confetti, balloons, ticklers, and surpentines; clever costumes, wonderful music, a good jolly crowd and the Madi Gras spirit! Our mystery queen was the feature of the evening. From the time she entered the hall, attended y her maids and slave girls, all eyes were focused on her. The Queen vas unveiled at nine fifteen sharp. Until this time no one knew that she was Madge Ashton. The maids were; Dorothy Gibson, Lucille Olsen, Edna Mae Booker, Helen Carver, Katherine Kay and Louise Zeller. The slave girls were, Marindy Greenwell, Eleanor Newey, Marion Shaw, and Kathryn Huss. Those who danced for the queen were, Fern Fuller, Florence Morris, Bertha Eccles and Bernice Harris. From remarks passed after the event, it is judged that all had a thor¬oughly good time and we are left now to wait and plan for the next successful Classicalia. —O-H-S— GAMMA KAPPA TO ENTERTAIN Saturday evening the male mem¬bers of the Gamma Kappa, are plan¬ning to take the girls to the theater. After the show the party will be the guests at the home of Miss Alice Reynolds, where refreshments will be served. —O-H-S— GLEE CLUB PREPARING FOR OPERETTA "Pinafore" an operetta to be given by the Boy's and Girl's Glee Clubs of the Ogden High School, is re¬ceiving a great deal of attention. The principal characters have been selected and the choruses are doing excellant work under the supervision of Mark Robinson and Lester Hinchcliffe. Franklin Richards and Irene Merrill are the only members of the school who have the principal parts, all other leads are played by local talent. —O-H-S— JUNIOR PROM The Junior Prom, given as a fare¬well to the Seniors is to be held April 27, at the Berthana. President Allyson Smith of the Junior class has not yet announced his committees. The Junior Prom will be one of the last big social parties of the year and it will prove a delightful climax to our social season. —O-H-S— Jack—Do you know the difference between a cootie and a bed bug? Carl—No. Jack—The one has seen over-sea service and the other is a home guard. For fresh Candies and fountain specialties come to The Little Sweet Shop John Bockos Mgr. 406 25 St. Goldsmiths Famous 97 League Baseball Also their complete guaranteed line of Baseball goods. C. E. Armstrong 306 25th st. KING SOLOMUN King Solomun wuz a man who lived many years ago in a country that he wuz the hole push ov. He wuz a offul wize guy, an 1 day 2 wimmin kum 2 him, each 1 holeding the laigs ov a baibe an nearly puling the kid in 2, an each clameing it, an' King Sol wasn't feeling jus rite an sed, "Why cudden't the brat been borned twinz an stopt this mixup," an then he called fer hiz sored 2 splitt this innacent litle kid in 2 so's each ov the wimmin cud have y2, when the reel ma ov the baibe buts in & sez, "Stopp, solomun,—sta thi hand an let the old hagg hav the kid, for if i can't hav a hole kid i don't wany anny, and King Solumun toled her 2 tak the baibe an go hum & wash its face, for he wuz hep it wuz herz & he toled the other daim 2 go chais herself. King Solomun wuz father ov the masens and bilt Solomuns temple. He had 700 wifes & more then 300 laidy frens, and that is why there is so menny masens in the wurld. Pa sez that King Solomun wuz a warm member & i think he wuz hot stuff meself. But he wuzn't haff as wize as the folks that bies their footwear at THE FAMILY SHOE STORE, 353 Twenty-fourth Street, Ogden, Utah. —Advertisement. —O-H-S— WEBER CONFECTIONERY The home of Home-Made CANDIES Made Fresh Daily 2542 Washington Ave. HASN'T BENZINE SINCE "Have you seen Arthur?" "Arthur Who?" "Our thermometer. Kerosene him yesterday, hasn't benzine since. Gasolined aaginst a lamp-post and took a naptha." AT THE GAME Mike R: "What's that man sit¬ting on the ball for?" Mack B: "Sh! little girl. He's hatching a touchdown!" Stewed One: "Honey, I'd like to see you apart for a moment." Lady Clerk: "Say Kid, whatdeyah think I am, a puzzle for the little ones?" Yes We Have It! Everything for Office and School. Spring Sale on Leather Goods. BRAMWELL'S The Ford Studio Photographers of Gharacter & Gharm 480 TWENTYFOURTH STREET OGDEN, UTAH |